November 12, 2009 – 8:50 pm
You can find Buttercup under the bubble light tree every afternoon, where she enjoys a long nap before DD gets home from school. She doesn’t bother the ornaments…just makes a little nest and snuggles in. And if DD is late, Buttercup prowls the front hall, crying until she gets home.
September 13, 2009 – 4:21 pm
Buttercup loves to sit on the stool in the kitchen. This morning she found it in a spot of sun and took a little snooze. ~~Rhonda
February 25, 2009 – 9:39 pm
Buttercup, waiting patiently for spring. Me…not so patient.
February 5, 2009 – 4:41 pm
Buttercup’s favorite winter napping spot is on the heating vent in the kitchen. She was totally asleep when I took the picture. ~~Rhonda
December 14, 2008 – 12:14 am
A quick kitty post, then I’m off to bed… Niko enjoys a head scratch. Some days he seeks more attention than others. He likes to be around us all the time, watching what we’re doing, but he isn’t real cuddly most of the time. Note the cat fountain in the background (never thought I’d own […]
November 18, 2008 – 6:38 am
Last year, my sister Paula gave me two large deer, as well as two tall slim artificial trees. The trees will be used on the front porch. The deer have found a home in front of the fireplace. Niko and Buttercup were both very interested and immediately checked them out. Genny and I decided the […]
October 17, 2008 – 7:11 pm
Here’s the coat closet after DH took the old floor and subfloor out. But before the new flooring was installed. This was a half bath when we bought the house. A tiny bath in an awkward spot. We made it into a coat closet and it worked much better that way. After the new flooring […]
October 9, 2008 – 9:44 pm
Yesterday and today, we left the doors open for Niko and let him come and go as he pleased. While I worked in the scrapbook room last night, Niko stayed nearby. He seems to like to be around people. He was interested in the printer when I ran off the bulletin inserts. The printer always […]
October 1, 2008 – 10:47 am
Last night, while DD was getting ready for bed, Buttercup waited for her by sitting on the railing at the top of the stairs. And this morning, when I came down for breakfast, there she was guarding the newel post. She’s been sitting there a lot lately. I’m not sure why she decided all of […]
September 5, 2008 – 4:12 pm
It’s been two years since we adopted Buttercup, Zilli, and Zak. They are fun additions to the family. I came across these pictures today while looking for something else. Zilli and Buttercup still play together almost every morning, early, chasing each other around the house at break-neck speed. And here they are on the ladder […]