Tag Archives: garden

spring with a chance of snow

Today was beautiful. Sunny with flowers. I even mowed the back yard for the first time this season. But…Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy with snow in the evening. St. Louis is predicting 3″ with more to the west and north. Thankfully we are in the opposite direction. Perhaps it will miss us. Here are […]

made it outside for a little while

Another beautiful day, though I wore a light jacket. The driveway is lined with daffodils and the redbud trees are busting out all over the yard. There are more than 20 of them in bloom. Looking north from the veggie garden toward the front yard. We (OK…DH) planted 13 broccoli plants, 2 Brussels sprout plants, […]

saturday yard work

We spent a lot of time outside on Saturday. One of the big jobs was burning the brush pile. With 3.5 acres to groom, we can accumulate a lot of debris over a season. Some goes to the mulch pile, but branches go to the brush pile. I wish I’d taken a picture of it […]


The big picture in the back yard still looks a little bleak. But if you look down and look close… The daffodils are pushing aside the leaf litter and will be blooming soon. Can’t hold back spring now. ~~Rhonda

new green onions

After seeing this onion recycling tutorial online, we decided to give it a try. When DD made tomato soup, she saved the root end of the onions and we planted them in a little pot. They have started to grow. I’ll have plenty for a salad, sandwich or garnish when they are larger. DH doesn’t […]

the garden in autumn

The air has taken on that “autumn feel.” Sort of golden, and a little dusty and sweet somehow. Lots of pretty things yet to see when we walk the yard. The hydrangeas were beautiful this year. Most are fading to a soft rosy pink and a pretty green color. I want to pick some for […]

autumn picture gallery

Cathy, this one’s for you. Savor autumn. ~~Rhonda 🙂 A walk through the little woods behind our house… Goldenrod. Elderberry bush sans elderberries…isn’t the pinky red a beautiful color? The sassafras are beautiful every year. I love to take pictures at the end of the day. The soft light is so pretty on everything. The […]

autumn evening

A few pictures from our garden this evening…

looks more like fall all the time

While I mowed the yard today, I was struck by how “fall” everything felt. The low temps, the smell in the air, the crisping leaves, the autumn flowers… Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ The cabbage white butterflies were hard to get a picture of. They can’t sit still for long. The Buckeye butterflies seem to prefer the […]

a few garden pics

Yesterday, DH and I worked in the garden a bit. We pulled grass and weeds from the lettuce beds and prepared them for a fall crop. I took a few pictures around the yard. The garlic chives are beginning to bloom. The flower stalks are pretty in a large group, making a striking picture. I […]