Category Archives: our garden

a new garden

Our previous home had a large yard, with almost four acres to play with. We let a one-acre wooded area grow up in the back. Over the course of 25 years, we planted a lot of trees, shrubs and flowers in the rest of the yard. A favorite activity was “walking the yard” to see […]

spring has finally arrived

Spring is running about three weeks later than usual here. But things are looking up. It finally got warm enough that I ventured out into the garden to see what’s blooming. First the daffodils. So cheery! And they can take a freeze and keep on blooming. These are ‘Easter Bonnet.’ Mini daff called ‘Tete-a-Tete.’ The […]

total solar eclipse…amazing!

Did you see the solar eclipse on Monday? It was amazing! We had two minutes and sixteen seconds of totality in our back yard. A good reason to have a party! We had about 44 people here. Everyone who came brought something to share for dinner. We had quite a spread! We watched first contact […]

the same turtle…four times

We are blessed with a large yard. It’s about 3.5 acres. Most of the front yard has flower beds while the backyard has a few old oaks and some open grass. In the backyard, there’s an ancient mulberry tree with an old well under its branches. Near the well, a tiny spring bubbles up and […]

a peek at my week

Today has been a quiet day. The girls are gone for the afternoon…one to work and one to an appointment. DH is at work, of course. So it’s just me and the cats. Here are a few pictures of Winston from the past week. In the kitchen sunshine. He is quite fluffy and has very […]

daylily season

We have been blessed with several days of beautiful weather, enjoying highs of 80 or less. Saturday was perfection with blue skies, a breeze and low temps. I actually got chilly sitting on the front porch at 11:00 a.m. Unheard of for this time of year. Today is the last of that, though. An expected […]


Spring is my favorite season. Here are a few pictures from our yard. The first set is from a few weeks ago. The bloodroot was blooming alongside the grape hyacinth. The Lenten Rose was beautiful. Daffodils were blooming all over the garden. Poet’s daffodils are some of our end-of-the-season daffs. Snow White kept coming in […]

weekend garden

On Saturday, DH and I took a turn around the yard. There is a lot of spring out there! Lots of daffodils. DH picked a big bouquet of the larger daffodils for church on Sunday and he also picked a small bouquet of the tiny Tete-a-Tete daffodils. Little patches of spring moss are popping up. […]

a visit from family and a visit to the garden

Yesterday, my Dad, my sister and my brother-in-law came for the afternoon. They live about two hours due north of us. DH and my BIL went on a 22 mile bicycle ride. My Dad, my sister and I had a nice afternoon just visiting, catching up on news, and enjoying each other’s company. I’m so […]

a busy day turned into a lazy day

Hello, friends! I hope you are having a good weekend. Today turned out to be warm and humid, but it was beautiful this morning. We had planned to have a dinner party this evening, but the guest of honor is ill and had to postpone. We are praying he and his family recover and are […]