Category Archives: Uncategorized

blue and buff yellow winter putz house

This house is made from a pattern I drew last week. I love the way it turned out. Right down to the gorgeous aqua blue color. When I chose the card to use as the base, I assumed I would use the red and gold colors on the card as they are the most prevelent. […]

original size autumn putz church in gray and yellow

The gray Thanksgiving / Autumn church is listed in my Etsy shop. It has a deep yellow roof and steeple. The Putz features a handcrafted autumn tree, four handcrafted pumpkins, a surrounding autumn hedge and a vine growing over the church roof. The base is made from an upcycled greeting card which features a beautiful […]

tutorial / make leafed trees using armatures, part 1

I make leafed trees for summer and autumn putz houses. To make an armature tree, you will need these supplies: Armatures come in several sizes. I use the 3″ to 5″ sizes most often, and I purchase them on Amazon. A bag contains 28 armatures. In the picture, the two at the top are from […]

organizing flower supplies

I used the past two days to sort and organize my stock of little flowers. I had previously sorted them by color. There were eight sections. I found that it was good to have them sorted, but the individual colors were too jumbled to use efficiently. After I started the project, I thought to take […]

get ready to celebrate the fourth of july

Here is a sweet little Putz house to celebrate Independence Day! It is listed in my Etsy shop. All proceeds from my shop support the work of Kenya Mercy Ministries dot org. KMM works with children and their families who live in the largest urban slum in Africa. Thank you for your part in helping […]

has spring found you?

We have been enjoying daffodils and other spring flowers for a month or so. Today DH picked a sprig of lilac for me. A tiny bouquet that smells so good! We’ve lived in our new home for 2 1/2 years. The yard has a long way to go before we can enjoy the number of […]

tutorial / putz house construction…on the inside

I have cut this pattern from poster board, affixed the window panes, and am ready to construct it. This is pattern 090319. I always add a base to each putz house pattern I draw. The base is attached to the main body of the house. The walls are glued to the flaps on the base […]

i’m baaaa…aaack…i think.

It has been three years since I have posted to this blog. At that time, I had thought about changing to a different format. I had some help from one of my kids (all my “kids” are grown and gone from home), but I had a lot of trouble trying to change over. So, I […]

putz house sidewalks

There are many ways to make sidewalks for Putz houses. I’ll post some of my favorites here. I use foam-filled nail files as sanding sticks. When they are too worn and smooth to sand any longer, I use them to make steps and sidewalks. A single largish piece can be used to make a landing […]

tutorial: heart-punched fence

The fence shown below was made with a heart-shaped, hand-held punch. This tutorial will make two 1/2″-tall fence sections. If taller fences are wanted, only one side of the poster board strip should be punched, then the strip can be cut to the height desired. Supplies needed to make the fence: 10″-12″ long piece of […]