Tag Archives: butterfly

purple and green putz house with a summer garden

This summer house features a handcrafted wooden picket fence, a floral arbor with a tiny butterfly, and a budding vine growing on the house. The putz is 4 3/8″ wide by 6″ deep. It is 5 1/2″ tall, as measured from the bottom of the base to the top of the chimney. The base is […]

butterfly #8

The eighth butterfly emerged this morning. Another female. That makes six females and 2 males, so far. She didn’t seem to mind at all when I stuck my camera in her face. Beautiful. ~~Rhonda

the garden in autumn

The air has taken on that “autumn feel.” Sort of golden, and a little dusty and sweet somehow. Lots of pretty things yet to see when we walk the yard. The hydrangeas were beautiful this year. Most are fading to a soft rosy pink and a pretty green color. I want to pick some for […]

bye bye, butterfly

The first butterfly emerged two days ago. Another one yesterday. And another one this morning! We waited until DH came home after work to release the first one. He had to carefully take the screen off the top of the tank as two caterpillars have decided to attach to it to pupate. Silly bugs. The […]

first butterfly!

We now have eleven chrysalises in our butterfly tank and the first butterfly emerged today. I’m posting this photo in a large size so you can see the amazing beauty and detail of the wing scales. Isn’t God’s gift of creation amazing? Buttercup is fascinated! We put some butterfly bush blossoms and a couple of […]

looks more like fall all the time

While I mowed the yard today, I was struck by how “fall” everything felt. The low temps, the smell in the air, the crisping leaves, the autumn flowers… Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ The cabbage white butterflies were hard to get a picture of. They can’t sit still for long. The Buckeye butterflies seem to prefer the […]

baby caterpillars

We found butterfly eggs on the parsley in the garden and brought in a few sprigs of parsley to hatch the eggs. Today we have six little caterpillars on the parsley. In a few days I’ll post the set up of the fish tank we use for raising caterpillars. ~~Rhonda