painting, painting, painting

We’ve been painting all day, not to mention all week, trying to get the guest room, the laundry room, and the hall done because the oak floors are being put down tomorrow.

While the focus may have been on achieving the perfect paint color, it’s equally important to ensure that the walls are in pristine condition to complement the new flooring. Any blemishes or imperfections must be addressed promptly through meticulous drywall repair. Only then can the seamless transition between freshly painted walls and gleaming oak floors truly enhance the overall aesthetic of the space, creating a harmonious and inviting atmosphere for guests and residents alike.

This shot looks from the music room into the hall of the addition, which was added to the house in 1962. At the end of the hall is the guest room. The door to the left leads into the laundry room and through that room is the bathroom.

a few more things to do

The first coat of paint in the hall, the darker yellow on the left, was too bright. Brighter than it looks in the picture. This morning I bought a lighter creamier yellow and love it (the one on the right). So the hall got a new coat of paint.

second yellow

We are using three shades of blue. Dark (closet ceiling), medium (closet wall), light (hall ceiling.


Looking from the laundry room, into the yellow hall, with the closet door open.

yellow hall

In the laundry room, dark blue on the ceiling, light blue above the chair rail, and medium blue below the chair rail. The window to the left is next to the doorway to the bathroom.

laundry room

The oak flooring is stacked in the guest room. It is supposed to be installed tomorrow.

stack of hardwood

DH works on paint trim in the guest room.

finishing touches

Dark blue ceiling, light blue walls, and medium blue chair for the guest room.

guest room

Eager to see how the floor installation goes tomorrow…


One Trackback

  1. By Christmas Notebook » fabric for the guest room on November 19, 2008 at 4:27 pm

    […] and I ran to the big city yesterday to look for fabric for the guest room. The walls and ceiling are blue and the hall walls are yellow with a blue ceiling. I’ll post the pics larger than usual, so you can see the prints […]

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