Tag Archives: garden 2009

rain, rain, go away…

It continues to rain. Yesterday we had 3″. It rained again last night and poured this afternoon as we had dinner. The thunder is rumbling as I type. I took this picture from the front porch yesterday afternoon. The ground was too wet for traipsing through the garden. The tiger lilies are from DH’s family […]

not enough time in the garden

Between piano lessons this morning, the mower not starting this afternoon, and softball this evening, I missed a lot of garden time today. How sad is that?? I did get some pictures this evening, just as the sun was going down. Thanks to my nice camera and the great lens DH gave me for my […]

gotta love it

The garden is in full bloom. Daylilies everywhere. ‘Monterrey Jack’ Coreopsis, daisies and purple cone flowers are adding to the riot of color. The elderberries are blooming, too. The new bed in the middle is waiting for the daylilies we plan to buy when we go nursery hopping to celebrate our 32nd anniversary. I need […]

just before it rained…again…

I managed to mow the front yard, in spite of the heat and the humidity. And now we’re getting a little thundershower. They pop up this time of day in the summer. Wet, but quick. And they cool the air a bit, so I’m not complaining. I *was* hoping to mow the back yard later, […]

wednesday’s walk in the garden

The daylilies are blooming all over the yard. It’s a real pleasure to stroll through the garden to see what has opened each day. And there are a lot more to bloom as you can see in this picture. The daylilies along the front of the bed haven’t blossomed yet. While daylilies and other blooms […]

love the garden right now

The flower beds in the front yard are beginning to fill with color again. The daylilies are coming into their own. The birdbath in the front yard is almost swallowed up by the flowers. The hydrangeas by the front porch are pink to lavender. Just around the corner of the house, the hydrangeas in front […]

corners of our garden

It’s easy to take pictures of individual flowers and I love to do that. The detail is beautiful and it’s fun to take closeups for even more detail. But sometimes I like to see the whole picture. I love to visit other blogs, to see what other people are doing in their own gardens. For […]

wednesday in the garden

DH and I spent quite a bit of time in the garden yesterday. It was hot, but he likes to use the hot days as prep for his ride across Indiana in July. “Heat acclimation” he calls it. So I drove the tractor, pulling the wagon, and he shoveled mulch. We mulched quite a bit. […]

bloomin’ tuesday

A lot of rain fell last night. There is still water standing in the center of the driveway. DH took this picture this morning from the roof of the house. The rainfall filled the birdbaths. The cats like to drink from the birdbath at the kitchen door. Perhaps they like bird-flavored water? 🙂 Zilli looks […]

sunday in the garden

While I’m still not up to par, I am feeling better. Coughing too much to go to church this morning, but well enough to walk the yard with DH this afternoon. Actually, he walked. I rode the mower. Less coughing that way. Hydrangeas are easy to propagate and we should make more of the ones […]