menu plan monday ~ april 11, 2011

The redbuds and the apple trees are blooming. Spring is in full swing. Today we’re getting a nice rain. None of the severe storms that others far north of us had last night. Yesterday’s hot temps are cooler and more comfortable today.


The first black swallowtail was spotted by DH.

Black Swallowtail

The dwarf iris ‘Baby Blessed’ is blooming.

dwarf iris 'Baby Blessed'

Last week, we visited our son’s family…

the red dot is an eye...or an i...

…so the menu this week starts with pizza, just to keep things easy while DD gets back into the swing of school.

Homemade Pizza with Portobello Mushrooms

Baked Salmon
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Hamburgers / Homemade Buns
Celery / Carrot sticks with Ranch Dressing Dip
Red Grapes

Baked Lemon Pasta
Garlic Bread
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Chicken Stir Fry

Fridge Food

Spaghetti / Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


visiting family

Last week, DH, DD and I traveled east to visit our older son and his family. We had a wonderful time! We spent some time enjoying the beautiful weather.

picking flowers

taking a walk around the tree

The twins picked up with us just as though we were always around.

up high!

dandelion puffs

They love Pa’s homemade rolls.

thanks for the rolls, Pa!

And Ma had lots of help making pizzas.

then the cheese

letters with Pa

They were happily entertained with Ma’s Nook…it wasn’t long before they could turn it on and find “Big Dog, Little Dog” all by themselves.

watching story books on grandma's nook

Pa pulled weeds. The twins took them to the compost pile.

weeds to the compost pile

Here’s the cutest basket of laundry I ever saw…

hi, there!

We celebrated Sissy’s birthday while we were there.

happy birthday!

And enjoyed blueberry snacks…

blueberry fingers

Ma made the big rolls and Ma’s helper made the little rolls. She was SO proud of herself!

I helped make the rolls!

Much fun was had by all.


~~Grandma…AKA “Ma”

menu plan monday ~ March 28 – April 3, 2011

DH took a few pictures around the yard Sunday morning. Sun, snow, and flowers. By Monday noon, the snow was gone. Sun and flowers? Still here. 🙂

snow capped daffodils


The menu for the week is as follows:

Tacoritos (Didn’t get to this last week.)
Baked Corn Tortilla Chips

tacoritos and bake tortilla chips

Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry

Oven Baked BBQ Ribs
Cauliflower Salad
Steamed Green Beans

Fridge Food

Ham Sandwiches
Veggies / Ranch Dip
Seedless Grapes

Fridge Food

Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
Seedless Grapes

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday. What’s on your plate for the week?


snowdrops? um…no, that would be just plain snow

Last Wednesday was warm and breezy and lovely. Today, not so much. Temps hovered around 34* all day. And it snowed, along with some sleet. DH took some pictures for me. I stayed inside where it is warm.

daffs waiting for spring to come back

The columbine looks no worse for the wear after having snow and sleet pelt on it today. It’ll be blooming soon!

snow and sleet

Bad weather didn’t bother the ‘Minnow’ daffs, either.

'Minnow' daffodil

Brave little flower…

brave little flower

Green grass, bide your time. Next week will be better.

back yard

I love the way the redbud trees bloom in clusters along even the larger limbs. The cold temps won’t bother them. They’ll wait for warmer days and pop out when the conditions are just right.

redbud buds

Redbud and the Star Magnolia in the front yard…

east front yard

Pretty pink quince blossoms.


Before too long, spring will be back on track. Can’t wait! ~~Rhonda 🙂

happy little bumble bee

Last Saturday, while we were in the garden, I spied this bumble bee checking out each of the ‘Tete-a-Tete’ daffodils.

bumble bee

bumble bee

bumble bee

Looks happy, doesn’t she?

bumble bee

bumble bee

If you live in Illinois, and enjoy taking pictures of honey bees and bumble bees, check out the Bee Spotter site. You can add to a scientific study of bees in Illinois by submitting your pictures and information to the site.


beautiful breezy day

A lovely day to be outside!

DH cleaned up around some of the daffodils and daylilies today. This tiny little daffodil is called ‘Minnow.’

daffodil 'Minnow'


daffodil 'Minnow'

The garden is full of daffodils right now, with more coming on. The warm weather the first part of the week really brought them out. Now we’re headed into a few days of colder weather, but the daffs won’t mind.







Tete-a-Tete daffodils

Quince blossoms

quince blossoms

The bloodroot in the woods is blooming. such a beautiful flower!


And the grape hyacinths are coming up. I love these little blue flowers.

grape hyacinth

Our bleeding hearts are just beginning to unfurl.

bleeding hearts

You can smell the heavenly scent of the star magnolia across the garden.

star magnolia

This is the magnolia ‘Jane.’ A beautiful shade of rosy pink.

magnolia 'Jane'

Virginia bluebells nestled against a pin oak in the front yard.


The apricot blossoms began blooming last week. We had a good crop of fruit last summer, so we’re not holding our breath this time around. We shall see, though. They may surprise us.

apricot blossoms

From the woods, looking toward the house, you can see the massive Southern Oak that sits behind the kitchen. It’s starting to flower. Come summer, it will be hard to see the house from this vantage point because the leaves of the oak will hide it.

Southern Oak

Oh, and did I mention? The lettuce is shoosting up in the garden. Can’t wait for it to get big enough to pick!

lettuce in the garden

I have other pictures from the garden, but I’m stopping here for now. More on another day. Meanwhile, head over to Tootsie Time and check out what’s blooming in other gardens.


menu plan monday ~ march 21, 2011

We spent a little time in the garden on Saturday and I was happy to get my first sighting of a bumble bee for the season. She was happily going from daffodil to daffodil, collecting pollen.

bumble bee

The apricot trees began to bloom on Saturday. A sure sign of spring. I will make another post of the pictures I took. Right now, we’ll take a look at the week’s menu, which follows.

Sausage/Mushroom Pizza

Baby Baked Potatoes

Grilled Pork Steaks (didn’t get to this last week)
Beef Steaks (making extra for Thursday’s meal)
Veggie Packets

Leftover Grilled Meat
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips

Fridge Food

Baked Ziti
Garlic Bread
Green Salad
Steamed Broccoli

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday. This week, Laura is featuring a giveaway of the book 7-Day Menu Planner for Dummies. For a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on Laura’s post. It is open to everyone, even those who are not regular contributors to Menu Plan Monday.

Happy bee! Happy spring!

bumble bee


pizza dough recipe

Making pizza dough is so easy that we have long since given up store-bought, delivery and take-out pizza. Store bought pizza seems so very salty to us, too, so we are glad to give it up for home made. Give this a try. It’s easy and delicious! The recipe can easily be doubled if you’re making two large pizzas.

oh, yum


1 c. warm water (Warm tap water is fine. If it’s too hot to put your *clean* finger in, it’s too hot to put your live yeast in.)
1 tsp. yeast
2 T. sugar
1 tsp. salt
2 T. olive oil
3 c. flour (We use bread flour, but all-purpose flour is fine, if that’s what you have on hand.)

Preheat the oven to 400*.

This is too easy. Put all the dough ingredients into a mixer bowl. Use the dough hook and mix on low until the flour is incorporated. Continue to mix on low for six minutes until dough is smooth and elastic. Remove the dough hook. Leave the dough in the bowl. Cover with a cloth and allow to rise for an hour or so. Sometimes we make the dough at lunch time, then use it at supper time. It does just fine on the counter.

If you don’t have a mixer with a dough hook, mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon until the flour is incorporated. Knead by hand until smooth and elastic. About six to eight minutes. Place in an oiled bowl, cover and allow to rise.

pizza dough

Oil a large cookie sheet or a large round pizza pan. Spread the dough to the edges. If it springs back, let it rest five minutes and spread again.

Cover the dough with tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce…whatever you have on hand. I use plain tomato sauce or crushed tomatoes.

tomato sauce base

Sprinkle on your favorite spices…basil, oregano, marjoram, parsley, garlic powder,…whatever. We use basil and oregano.

spice it up

Top with your favorites. We like sausage (cook and crumble before adding to the pizza) and mushroom. And we like our mushrooms chunky.

chunky mushrooms

I cook the sausage, then add the diced mushrooms and sauté them with the sausage until they just begin to brown.

sausage and mushroom pizza sans cheese

Grate your own cheese if you have a food processor. SO easy and the cheese is much tastier and won’t have the additives that store-bought shredded cheese has in it. I use a mixture of mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese. Use whatever you like on your pizza. Lots of opportunity for creativity here!

I’ve made pizza three times in the past few weeks, meaning to take pictures, and each time I forgot to take a picture of the pizza with the cheese before baking. So you’ll have to use your imagination now. I’ll wait while you conjure that image…….OK, moving on…

Bake the pizza, in a 400* preheated oven, for 18 minutes. Lift the corner and check the bottom of the crust. If it hasn’t browned, bake a few more minutes until the bottom of the crust is a lovely brown.

sooo good!

Enjoy! Leftovers can be reheated and enjoyed for lunch the next day. Ask me how I know.

~~Rhonda 🙂

thanking God for spring

Even though today was gray and chilly, these pictures from Saturday are encouraging. Spring is here, regardless of the temperatures today.

happy daffs

daffodils under the redbud tree

The dark purple crocus are blooming.





Peony shoots are up!

peony shoots

More crocus…


And Spring Beauties…

spring beauties

And dogwood promises…

dogwood buds

And snowdrops…


The first ‘Von Sion’ daffodil is almost open…

first 'Von Sion' daffodil...almost open

Tiny Tete-a-Tete daffodils are only a few inches tall.


They all speak to the glory of God.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Romans 1:20

Check out the links at Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day to see what’s coming up in other gardens.


menu plan monday ~ march 14, 2011

The forecast says “possible snow” but my daffodils say “definitely spring.”

evening light

Here’s the menu. I plan to take some pictures while making pizza tonight and then I’ll post the recipe we use for the crust. It makes delicious pizza. And so easy! Much better than store-bought, let me tell you! There are several other recipes for this week that I’d like to post, including the spaghetti sauce and the peach cobbler. We’ll see how the week pans out.

Pizza with Sausage and Mushrooms

Spaghetti / Sauce
Garlic Bread
Green Salad

Pork Steaks and Chicken on the Grill (making extra for another meal)
Veggie Packets
Sweet and Sour Cucumber Slices

Leftover Grilled Meat
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Green Salad

Praline Chicken (Crock Pot)
Spinach Salad

Fridge Food

Chicken and Noodles (special request from DD#2 who plans to be home)
Green Salad
Peach Cobbler
Ice Cream

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
