
This kitten was trying to eat from the outdoor cat dish on the back porch a week ago. When DH approached her, she tried to run away. But DH and DD managed to capture her. She was dehydrated and very skinny. She’d obviously not been eating or drinking much for a while. DD named her Amy.

guess what we found...

This week, while I made dresses for the girls, Amy was curious about what was going on.

Amy, our new kitty

A week after finding her, she is much healthier. A very happy kitten. She purrs constantly and loves to snuggle with anyone who wants to hold her. She has gained weight and uses the litter box consistently. She’s proving to be a very nice indoor kitty.

Amy, the kitten


dresses for the twins

While the twins were visiting this week, I made a couple of dresses for them. My dear friend Laurie gave me a stack of little girl fabric and some patterns that she could no longer use, as her granddaughter, all of seven years of age, declared herself too grown up for those prints. 🙂 I showed the fabric to the twins and each picked out the fabric she liked the best.

soon to be dresses for the twins

The girlies like long “princess” dresses, so I cut them longer than I might have otherwise. Nice for twirling.

twirling twin

Comfy for curling up on the couch with your Cheerio snack.

Cheerio snacks

Our two-fer.

modeling new dresses

We had a wonderful time with them and their family this week. Now they’re headed home and the house is quiet. We’ll miss the patter of those little feet, as well as the chatter of those little faces.


a few more garden pics

We have several different kinds of tall grasses in the garden. This one, called ‘Morning Light’ is beautiful in a breeze.

north of the fenced garden

A bit hard to see the variegation of the grass in this picture, but the tall grass in the background is zebra grass. This is a favorite when we have plant sales.


The tall pampas grass occasionally reseeds itself in a nearby flowerbed. We’ll dig it out and offer it at a future plant sale.

summer garden

summer garden

This ‘Royal Standard’ hosta at the front steps has become quite large. It has beautiful clear white flowers.

Hosta 'Royal Standard'

The hydrangeas at the front of the house are covered in shades of pink, lavender and purple.


Can’t have too much Russian Sage. This airy blue-lavender plant is a beautiful addition to the flower beds.

Russian Sage

Here are a few of the daylilies in the garden right now.

‘Little Grapette’

'Little Grapette'



‘Frans Hals’

'Frans Hals'

‘Heaven’s Trophy’

'Heaven's Trophy'

‘Carmine Monarch’

'Carmine Monarch'

‘Ice Carnival’ with a bitty ladybug.

bitty bug

Every walk through the garden is a special treat. If you’re in the area, feel free to stop by and enjoy the yard!

summer garden

You can visit other gardens by clicking the links on the Fertilizer Friday post on Glenda’s blog.


walking through the garden

We took a walk / ride through the garden this morning. It looks beautiful.

summer garden

Orange is my least favorite color, but there are some totally beautiful orange daylilies. Like ‘South Seas.’

'South Seas'

The girls walked through a lot of the east front yard, but decided they had gone far enough on their own steam. So they headed to the garage with Pa and picked up the wagon.

when walking is too far, Pa will pull you in the wagon

We saw a tiny Summer Azure butterfly. It’s wingspan is only 3/4 of an inch.

Summer Azure butterfly

We saw lots of daylilies on our garden walk. Like ‘Fooled Me.’

Daylily 'Fooled Me'

And this polymerous ‘Hyperion.’ A polymerous daylily has more than the usual three sepals and three petals. This one had five each.

polymerous 'Hyperion'

A beautiful day for looking at beautiful flowers.

front yard garden

touring the garden with Pa

The hosta ‘Sunny Disposition’ is lovely with its bright yellow leaves and its pretty lavender flowers. It holds up to a lot of sun.

Hosta 'Sunny Disposition'

For little girls, though, a short rest out of the sun is always a good idea.

precious cargo

“Look, Pa! A mommy bee!”

purple coneflowers

We passed the fenced garden on the way to the back yard.

fenced garden

In the back yard, the girls climbed the mulberry tree.

twins in a tree

climbing the mulberry

climbing the mulberry tree

And picked raspberries. We have just enough bushes to snack from.

pickin' raspberries


eating raspberries

Time to swing with a little help from Pa.


The tiger lilies have opened.

tiger lilies

Many of the hostas are blooming right now.

Hosta 'Squash Casserole'

After enjoying the garden, it’s time to go in. We pass a pot of coleus at the back door. If anyone local has other kinds than these, I’d love to have a start. Am willing to trade!


We’ll be in the garden again later. Right now, DH is watching a Tour de France preview show, the twins are playing with the laundry basket full of toy horses, and I’m keeping my leg up for a while. Everyone else went to Six Flags for the day, so it’s pretty quiet here. 🙂


gorgeous in the garden

Last Thursday, we had a beautiful day. Started around 70 degrees and didn’t rise above 82. I went out in the morning to get some garden pictures. Had a great time, enjoying the weather and the garden.

Hosta ‘Squash Casserole’ under the Japanese maple.

Hosta 'Squash Casserole'

This hosta, ‘Ventricosa,’ came from my paternal grandmother’s garden. Family members, if you’d like a start, let me know. We’re happy to share. I also have some of Grandma’s lily of the valley that grew under the shrubs along the porch, and some of the surprise lilies she had planted along the veggie garden. If you’d like a start of any of those, just say so. We’ll dig some for you.

Hosta 'Ventricosa'

Saw some little garden critters out there. Not sure what this one was…I snapped it accidentally while taking a picture of the catnip.

catnip and some kind of bug

The wood bees love the catnip, too.

bee and catnip

This little Cabbage White butterfly was more interested in the ‘Six Hills Giant’ catnip. Though, I’m wondering if this catnip was mislabeled by the nursery…it isn’t a very tall plant.

Cabbage White butterfly

Found a little Spotted Lady Beetle on the daylily ‘American Revolution.’

Spotted Lady Beetle

Queen of the Prairie ‘Rubra’ is blooming. It took a few years to become established, but has made a nice patch by the garage door.

Queen of the Prairie

This gooseneck loosestrife is a great bouquet flower. It adds an interesting form, but also remains fresh looking for at least two weeks.

gooseneck loosestrife

The “ditch lilies” (actually growing in the ditch) are drawing close to the end of their bloom time.

ditch lilies

We have raspberries!

red red raspberries

Hosta ‘Northern Exposure’

Hosta 'Northern Exposure'

Daylilies ‘Big Smile’

Daylily 'Big Smile'

The last of the Asiatic lilies were blooming. I need to add more of these to the garden, to extend their bloom time and to fill the bloom space between the peonies/irises and the daylilies.

last of the Asiatic lilies

I love the blue airiness of the Russian Sage.

Russian Sage

The daylilies are at peak bloom. If you’re local, come on over and walk around the garden. We love to share it.


front yard

summer garden

Love the daylily season!

Check out Bloomin’ Tuesdays at Jean’s blog to see more gardens and lovely flowers.


menu plan monday ~ june 27, 2011

We’re having a great time with our older son’s family who are here visiting for the week.

The twins played in the mud puddles Sunday afternoon.

mud puddle fun times two

DH reintroduced the girls to his mom, their great-grandma.

Hi, Great Grandma

And we’re getting and giving plenty of lovin’.

Pa and his girlies

Lots of fridge food (leftovers), so most of the time everyone does his/her own thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Here are the supper menus for the week.

Chef Salad

Fridge Food

Vegetable Lasagna
Garlic Bread
Garden Salad

Lunch ~ Sandwiches / Veggies and Ranch Dressing / Grapes

Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans
Garden Salad
Corn on the Cob

Taco Salad
Tortilla Chips

Fridge Food

Turkey in the Crock Pot
Garden Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


dishwashers and pizza makers

Our older son, his wife, and their family arrived at midnight Friday for a week’s visit. We are so happy to have them home! The parents and Sissy went to bed and the twins stayed up with Pa and Ma. They were too excited to go straight to bed! So they washed dishes for grandma.

it's fun to wash dishes at grandma's house!

After washing dishes, their jams were so wet we had to change them again before putting them to bed.

Grandma's dishwashers

Poor tired Pa. While the girls washed all the plastic we could find, grandpa took a catnap.

What Pa does while the twins wash dishes at 1:15 am.

Come to find out…this morning our son came downstairs to find the twins washing dishes again. But unassisted this time. Pa was on a 34 mile bike ride (celebrating our anniversary of 34 years of marriage) and Ma was still asleep! The girls got up by themselves, came down and resumed their job. 😀

Today, the twins helped me make pizza for lunch. First, you pat out the dough…

patting the dough...

…then spread the sauce.

spreading the sauce...

Pepperoni goes on this end…

this end gets pepperoni...

…and spinach over all.

making pizza with Ma

Some mushrooms down the middle and some feta on the end of one pizza, sprinkle on the cheese, bake it, then eat it!

it's DEE-licious!

I made the pizza...I ate the pizza.

After lunch, our younger son and his wife and their friend and her daughter came to visit. The girls shopped the yard for daylilies and hostas. The kidlets played on the playground. Lots of fun, even though it rained a bit.

"shopping the yard" for daylilies

fun on the playground

Off the bed. Tomorrow is a new day of fun with the family.
~~Grandma, otherwise known as “Ma”

garden tour

This morning, we enjoyed sharing the garden with a group of Master Gardeners. It’s always a joy to have other gardeners visit. They appreciate the garden, the plants, and the effort.

garden tour

Many thanks go out to my sister Margaret and her husband John, who came Monday evening and worked through Tuesday and early Wednesday to help us prepare for the tour. They pulled weeds, spread mulch, and went home with a carload of plants to put in their own garden. A very small token of our gratitude!

The garden is a sea of color. If you are local, please feel free to stop by and enjoy it!

front yard garden

‘Mardi Gras Parade’

'Mardi Gras Parade'

‘Jedi Tequila Sunrise’

'Jedi Tequila Sunrise'

‘Palace Guard’

Daylily 'Palace Guard'

‘Ivory Edges’

'Ivory Edges'

front yard

The daylilies are certainly holding center stage right now, but the rest of the garden is full of color, too.

front porch

Ox-eye (False Sunflower) Heliopsis helianthoides



We’ve had plenty of rain this spring and early summer, so the hostas are happy.


Honesty and hosta

hosta bed

hosta bed

We have a few Asiatic lilies and they were beautiful this year. I want to get more of these.


pink lilies

Thanks again, Margaret and John, and Genny, who came last week to help in the garden. I hope you’re having some fun in your own gardens! ~~Rhonda

menu plan monday ~ june 20, 2011

Today is my sister Genny’s birthday. Happy birthday, Genny! Genny is a giver and she gives to me all the time. She comes down to help with any kind of project I want to do. She works full time and saves vacation days so she can come in November and help me decorate for Christmas. If you know anything about me, you know that is a huge job. We couldn’t do it without Genny’s help! So happy birthday, Genny! You make a huge difference in the lives of so many people and I’m one of them.

making a pattern

We have a garden tour planned for Wednesday. A group of Master Gardeners are coming to enjoy the garden. The daylilies are blooming beautifully. We’re hoping for a rain-free day for the tour!

front yard

Our older son and his family are arriving Friday to stay for a week. We can’t wait to see them! You can look forward to lots of pictures of our grands. 🙂

The menu for the week is as follows.

Crockpot Chicken over Rice
Garden Salad
Steamed Green Beans

Lunch ~ Chef Salad

Supper ~ Pizza

Homemade Hamburger Buns
Garden Salad
Red Grapes

Caesar Salad

Taco Chips
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad

Lunch ~ Fridge Food / Sandwiches
Veggies / Dip
Red Grapes

Supper ~ Grilled Chicken
Oven Fried Potato Wedges
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Fruit Salad

Lunch ~ Spaghetti
Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Garden Salad
Steamed Green Beans

Supper ~ Fridge Food

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


happy father’s day!

DH is not only a wonderful husband, but a great father, as well. Our children know they can *always* depend on him, no matter what.

self portrait

And he’s a great “Pa,” too.

letters with Pa

up high!

This time of year, if he has any free time (not so much lately!), you’ll find DH on his bike or in the garden. Seems I have a lot of pictures in this pose…

DH pulling out lemon balm

hosta bed under the mulberry tree

mulching the hostas

Here he’s trying out one of his Father’s Day gifts…a new reel mower. We still need the riding mower for the big mowing job, but this is going to be a great way to take care of those small spaces that the big mower doesn’t handle well.

new reel mower

Father’s Day was a good one. DH enjoyed his favorite main dish, Marinated Pork Tenderloin, for dinner and a choice of apple pie and peach pie in the afternoon. Yes, I said “and.”

apple pie for Father's Day peach pie for Father's Day

After a full Father’s Day, DH also enjoyed a little couch time, watching some cycling time trials out of Switzerland.

watched some cycling

Thanks, Honey, for all you do for us. We love you!
