menu plan monday ~ september 10, 2012

We had a busy weekend with my niece and her family here, then babysitting of the grands. Sunday afternoon, we spent some time on the east porch playing with marbles and bubbles and numbers. Fun. 🙂

filling the star

blowing bubbles

fun with numbers

This week, back to normal? We’ll see! Here’s the menu.

Fridge Food…lots of leftovers…

Crock Pot Rotisserie-style Chicken
Sauteed Zucchini and Summer Squash
Garden Tomatoes

Fridge Food

Chicken Quesadillas with Spinach
Avocado Sour cream

Home Baked Tortilla Chips
Lettuce and Garden Tomatoes

Homemade Buns
Cole Slaw

Beef Stew in the Crock Pot

Vegetable Lasagna
Garlic Bread
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


pear butter

With all the pears we’ve been gifted with, I decided to make some pear butter. It took six quarts of pear sauce to make 12 cups of pear butter.

making pear butter

I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I took them with my iPhone. It doesn’t do the greatest job. But it does take a pic when I can’t find my camera!

I washed the pears first.

making pear butter

Some of the fruit was damaged. I cut around all that, trimmed the ends and that all went out to the compost pile, which will make the box turtles very happy. We see them dining there now and then.

making pear butter

No need to peel or core with my handy dandy Victorio Food Strainer and Sauce Maker. Hint for when you do need to core pears: use a melon baller. Easily scoops the core out of halved pears.

making pear butter

making pear butter

I poured all the pear sauce into my big pot, and added 1/2 cup of lemon juice, a couple of star anise, 12 whole cloves, some grated cinnamon, and some freshly grated nutmeg. Next time, I’ll skip the lemon juice and add Fruit Fresh to the sauce instead. Didn’t have it on hand when I made the pear butter. I had too much sauce to put into my crock pot until it had cooked down a bit. It simmered on the stove top for about four hours. This shows the sauce down about an inch.

making pear butter

At that point, I transferred it to the crock pot. Filled it to the very top and turned the crock to high. In the crock pot, it doesn’t have to be watched as closely as it does on the stove top. No burning in the crock.

making pear butter

After it had simmered for three hours, it was down about half an inch. The crock pot takes longer, but is easier that the stove top, in my opinion. I like the fact that it just takes an occasional stir. No need to watch it so closely. During the evening, as I gave it a stir now and then, I pulled out the star anise and the whole cloves as they came to the surface.

making pear butter

The sauce went into the crock pot at 3:00 p.m., and was turned to high. Around 10:00 p.m., it was turned to low and left to perk away all night. No lid at any point during the process. The next morning, it was done. Thick, rich, and delicious. As you can see, the longer it cooks, the darker it gets. At this point, I asked DH to sample it and he thought it needed a little sweetening, though I thought it was fine without it. I did add 1 cup of sugar and stirred that in to suit his sweet tooth. A second taste test pronounced it just right.

making pear butter

I poured the pear butter into 8-oz. jelly jars and processed it in the hot water bath for ten minutes.

making pear butter

Twelve jars of yummy pear butter, saved for the coming months.

making pear butter

I’ll be making more this weekend. We still have a mountain of pears to work through. Tonight, I plan to process some for drying. And we’ll be canning more as they ripen.

making pear butter


menu plan monday ~ august 27, 2012

It was a busy first week of school. I assumed I’d have some free time, but that worked out for only one day. Did get a lot of canning done, though, with the help of my son. We processed Concord grapes into 40+ pints of jelly and 32 quarts of canned juice.

processing grapes

And he and his wife helped can pears. We’re just getting started on that. The pears are picked but many have to ripen a bit more before being canned. Thanks to our friend the tree trimmer for bringing the bounty over!

a tree's worth of pears

Before I give this week’s menu, I want to share how much we enjoyed this recipe last week for chicken quesadillas. It was the first time I made them. Simple to make and everyone really liked them. The avocado sour cream was delicious. Heard some very happy noises while the fam’ ate lunch. I’ve included the avocado sour cream in this week’s menu, too.

chicken quesadillas

Ranch Chicken Tacos
Avocado Sour Cream

Baked BBQ Pork Steaks
Baby Baked Potatoes
Sugar Snap Peas and Cherry Tomatoes

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Rosemary Bread
Garden Salad

Mexican Mostacolli and Cheese / I plan to mix all the ingredients instead of layering them, and will use half the amount of cheese. And I’ll add a tablespoon of homemade taco seasoning mix.
Garden Salad
Garlic Bread

Chicken and Cornmeal Dumplings

Saturday ~ Apple Butter Day
Family Dinner with Dad in memory of Mom on her birthday.
I’m providing the birthday cake. I’ll make it a pumpkin cake because my mother loved it (and loved anything to do with her favorite season autumn!).

Vegetable Lasagna
French Bread
Garden Salad

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


in the garden after the drought

After a long two months of drought, we have been getting rain off and on. And we are so grateful for it. Some of the garden plants are looking better, though many have leaves that are half crisped to brown. These dogwood trees look so sad.



I don’t know what this bodes for next spring. I wonder if any of the shrubs and trees that set their blossoms after a spring bloom will have blossoms next year or not. The terminal buds of the lilacs are dried up. No lilacs next year? The star magnolia lost 99% of its leaves this summer. No blossoms in the spring? We’ll have to wait and see.

Leaf burn is evident on many of the hostas. Some worse than others. This ‘Regal Splendor’ did better than many.


‘Invincible’ has earned its name this year. It looks great and flowered well. Some of our ‘Royal Standard’ hostas didn’t bloom at all. I can’t remember that ever happening before.

Hosta 'Invincible'

‘Thunderbolt’ did great, as well, but the ‘Love Pat’ to its left suffered some leaf burn.

Hosta 'Thunderbolt'

‘Gold Standard’ did well, too. Looks as good as ever.

Hosta 'Gold Standard'

Garlic chives are tough. They have only been hampered in timing. Their bloom is coming on a bit more than a week later than usual.

garlic chives

It looks like my lavender plant is going to survive.


Who can complain about crepe myrtle? Gorgeous color in the yard this time of year.

Crepe Myrtle

The beautiful purple ironweed is blooming in the woods. When I see this, I know autumn is on its way!


Also along the edges of the woods, the elderberries are ripe. We picked a lot of them for elderberry jelly, but left some for the birds to enjoy.


The Southern Pin Oak behind the house provides a lot of shade for our yard. We watered it during the drought. Not taking any chances with it. You can see, though, that the hostas around the base of the tree are stunted. Half the size they usually are.

Southern Pin Oak

It is making a lot of pretty little acorns.

Southern Pin Oak acorns

In spite of the drought, some of the daylilies have rebloomed. Daylilies that looked crispy to the ground are putting up new green leaves, too.

‘Chicago Petticoats’

Hemerocallis 'Chicago Petticoats'

‘Mae Brown’

Hemerocallis 'Mae Brown'

I think this year I spent less time in the garden than any other year. It was just too hot and too dry for too long. I am eager to see what next spring brings. Will we have the usual spring blooms? Are some of our plants just dormant or are they gone? Will we have to replace some of our hostas? How about the dogwoods? We shall see!

Check out Jean’s “Bloomin’ Tuesday” post for her garden pictures and links to other gardens. An easy way to stroll through a garden tour or two or three. 🙂


pumpkin cream cheese muffins

For breakfast on the first day of school, I used this recipe for Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bread to make muffins. Spicy, moist and delicious. Thumbs up from everyone!

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins
Makes 20 regular sized muffins.

Mix together:
1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (I used freshly grated.)

Whisk together:
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup canola oil
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

Pour the flour mixture over the wet ingredients and stir until blended.

Optional: Stir in
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (I left out the nuts.)

Cream Cheese Filling:

Stir together: (will be runny)
1 package (8 ounce) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Line regular sized muffin tins with cupcake liners.

I used my small scoop to put batter in the liners.

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

Two scoops for the bottom, then poured some cream cheese mixture on top…

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

Then another scoop of batter…

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

At this point, I should have swirled the cream cheese filling into the batter, but I didn’t. The filling will be better incorporated if you take a knife and give the batter a short twirl.

Bake at 325* for 25 minutes.

They smell delicious while baking.

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

When cooled, you can add a glaze, though we didn’t bother.

Glaze / Mix together:
1 cup powdered sugar
2 to 2 1/2 Tablespoons half & half
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Optional / Top with:
1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts for garnish

Moist and spicy. Like pumpkin pie in a cake.

pumpkin cream cheese muffins

And they’re off! One to her first year of high school and one beginning her pursuit of a Masters in Business.

off to school

::sigh:: Where have the years gone?? ~~Rhonda

menu plan monday ~ august 20, 2012

After a week of church camp and a trip to Seattle, my husband and daughter are home again. They had a good time visiting our son and his wife.

doing the tourist thing

They did a lot of touristy things, including visiting the Space Needle.

Space Needle

But I’m glad they’re home. DD starts high school tomorrow and we’ll try to find our school groove. It will be nice, in some ways, to be back in a routine. Here’s the menu for this week.

Homemade Buns
Refrigerator Pickles
Garden Tomatoes

Chicken in the Crock Pot
Mashed Potatoes
Corn on the Cob in the Microwave
Sauteed Zucchini and Summer Squash

Chef Salad

Spinach and Gruyere Quiche
Garden Salad

Mongolian Beef

Grilled Chicken
Pork Steaks
Grilled Veggie Packs
Garden Tomatoes

Chicken and Spinach Quesadillas
Avocado Sour Cream Dip
Bacon Cornbread

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ august 6, 2012

We had out-of-state company visiting Friday and Saturday and enjoyed catching up on family news with them. After they left, DH and I canned the last of the peaches. I need to wash all the jars today, take off the rings, write the year on the lids, and put the jars in boxes for transportation to the basement for storage.

35 more quarts of peaches

I also have about ten cups of cherries pitted and ready for making cherry jam. I hope to finish that today, too.

cherries are in!

The menu for the week is as follows:

Baked Chicken
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Ham Sandwiches on Homemade Buns
Sliced Garden Tomatoes

Taco Salad

Breakfast for Supper
Eggs, Ham and Toast with Homemade Peach Jam

Chicken in the Crock Pot
Stir Fry Veggies

Fridge Food

Veggie Lasagna
Rosemary Bread
Garden Salad
Summer Peach Custard Tart

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


canned the last of the peaches

We finished canning the peaches today. Thanks to our friendly peach supplier, we were able to can 169 quarts of sliced peaches this year. Not all in one day, thankfully! The first 124 will be divided between us and our son’s family, as he and our DDIL helped with the canning.

35 more quarts of peaches

Little slices of summer, canned and ready to enjoy during the next year.

Next week, it will be time to can some elderberry jelly.



menu plan monday ~ july 30, 2012

The twins stopped by this afternoon. We had a fun hour or so before Daddy came back to take them home again. The first question they always ask is, “Where’s Pa?” Pa was at work, so we took a phone picture to send to him.

"posing" for a picture to send to Pa

Don’t you think those faces would make Pa come running home? I know he would if he could.

August 1 means the start of my online Christmas Notebook class, so I will be working on that this week, as well as trying to find the counter and floor in the scrapbook room to prepare for all the Christmas projects I want to try.

Putz houses

With that in mind, I’m planning a pretty easy menu for this week.

Fridge Food

Crock Pot Rotisserie-Style Chicken
Garden Salad

Hamburgers on Homemade Buns
Garden Salad
Corn on the Cob

Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry

Tortellini with creamy mushroom and bacon sauce
Toasted Garlic Bread
Garden Salad

Fridge Food

Roasted Chicken
Baked Baby Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


happy, happy birthday, great-ma!

Today is DH’s mother’s 95th birthday! Happy, happy birthday! Our older son and his family went along to help celebrate. And everyone enjoyed brownies and ice cream!

Great-Ma' 95th birthday

The twins couldn’t wait to see the candle lit.

Great-Ma' 95th birthday

We are very blessed to have Beulah / Mom / Grandma / Great-Ma with us. A sweet and lovely lady, loved by all who know her. We thank God for the years of goodness and watchful care He has given her.

Great-Ma' 95th birthday

~~Rhonda 🙂