menu plan monday ~ september 23, 2013

My cat Zak had surgery to remove two injured toes last Wednesday. He came home Thursday and has spent the rest of the week sleeping in a box in the craft/scrapbook room. He still can’t quite figure out what that big blue thing is on his leg. It causes him all kinds of trouble when he tries to stand up.

Zak...recovering from foot surgery

He has tried every conceivable configuration of his body in the box to find a comfortable spot.

Zak...recovering from foot surgery

He seems to be doing fine, though sleeping a lot. He goes back to the vet this week for a check up.

Zak, after foot surger

I’ve been incapacitated the past few days with having to elevate my leg. This week, I hope I can get up and do more. I love the fall season. Cooler days mean I can begin to add soups back into the menu. The Chicken Taco Chili on Saturday’s menu is really delicious. I hope you’ll give it a try. It can be made in the crock pot as done in the original recipe, or made stove top, as I do.

Cheesy Potato/Sausage Soup

Ham and Beans
Sliced Tomatoes

Cheese Tortellini with Mushroom Sauce
Garlic Bread
Garden Salad

Crock Pot Brown Sugar Chicken ~ Didn’t get to this last week, so am adding it to this week’s menu.
Peas and Carrots
Garden Salad

Turkey and/or Ham Sandwiches
Homemade Buns
Garden Salad
White Bean Dip with Homemade Pita Chips

Lunch ~ Chicken Taco Chili
Supper ~ Homemade Pizza

Baked Spaghetti and Meatballs made with my own spaghetti sauce.
Garden Salad
Jiffy Corn Casserole
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ september 16, 2013

The twins were here Saturday and they found a pumpkin in the garden. Pa let them pick it, of course. 🙂 They drew faces all over it. Snow White said she taught Rose Red how to make a face. “Oval, oval. Triangle. Line, line. Tooth, tooth.” That about covers it.

picked a pumpkin from Pa's patch

When the twins aren’t here, our pets entertain us. They add a lot of fun to our lives. Cedar likes to roll over on her back when she’s feeling relaxed. We should be so trusting.

one relaxed kitty

I’ve been working in the scrapbook room the past week. The invites for the Christmas Open House are almost done. The menu for this week is pretty simple, so I can keep working without taking time out for cooking.

Ham or Turkey Deli Sandwiches
Homemade Buns
Garden Salad with Basil Dressing

BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Homemade Buns
Sliced Tomatoes

Wednesday ~ DH gets to cook.
Grilled Pork Steaks
Grilled Brauts
Roasted Veggies
Garden Salad

Crock Pot Brown Sugar Chicken
Peas and Carrots
Sliced Garden Tomatoes

Fridge Food

Homemade Pizza

Alton Brown’s Pot Roast
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Green Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Sliced Garden Tomatoes

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ september 9, 2013

This weekend, I had the help of our middle daughter and my sister in reorganizing the scrapbook room. It needed it badly. Things have piled up and the cabinets no longer store the things I need where I need them. So we took everything off the counters and everything out of the cabinets on the west end of the room. Whew! What a job!

Before…literally what it looked like…

scrapbook room before

scrapbook room before

And after…still some things to put away, but much, much better!

scrapbook room after

scrapbook room after

I wish I had taken before and after pictures of the cabinets. They are practically empty now. I still have a lot of stuff to sort through, but nothing is coming back in that I don’t need.

I’ve also been working on Christmas ornaments the past few days. Some will be used at place settings at the library dinner we plan for December, and some will go to friends.

scrapbook room after

Christmas ornament

There is a lot to do between now and the Open House on December 1. We’re gearing up!

The menu for the week:

Pork Tenderloin I’m adapting this recipe for the Crock Pot.
Baked Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Crock Pot Rotisserie-Style Chicken
Garden Salad

Homemade Buns
Seedless Grapes

Fridge Food

Homemade Pizza

Ham or Turkey Sandwiches
Homemade Buns
Fruit Salad

Roast Chicken
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad
Baby Baked Potatoes

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ september 2, 2013

The garden is beginning to make the move to autumn. The Sunday bouquet was made of Jerusalem Artichoke, hydrangeas, and ‘Becky’ daisies.

Sunday bouquet

We had a nice weekend and enjoyed the extra day to relax. Our son and his family came for lunch today. DH grilled, I made peach/blueberry cobbler, and DH made peach ice cream. It was fun to sit down together, to have time to chat and to enjoy the grands. DH took a picture of the spread. It was a delicious meal!

Labor Day dinner

BBQ Pork Steaks
Rosemary Ranch Chicken
Corn Casserole
Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Fennel
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Broccoli
Garden Tomatoes / Sliced Cucumbers
Peach / Blueberry Cobbler
Homemade Peach Ice Cream

Fridge Food

Homemade Buns
Red Grapes

Crock Pot Turkey
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Tomatoes

Chinese Take Out

Alton Brown’s Pot Roast
Homemade Buns
Fruit Salad
Celery / Carrot Sticks

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
Garden Salad
Homemade Rolls
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


happy birthday, mom

My mother was born August 31, 1933. Today would have been her 80th birthday.

Back row: my maternal grandparents, Harold and Nellie, and Dale.
Front row: Jane, Pete, Tim, and my mother Georgia.

Harold and Nellie family photo

High school picture

Georgia Maguire

Mom and Dad’s wedding day

Alan and Georgia's wedding

Our family in 1957
Alan and Georgia with Genny, Paula, Mary, Margaret and Rhonda

Alan and Georgia with Genny, Paula, Mary, Margaret, and Rhonda

Mom and Dad ~ Christmas at our house several years ago.

Mom and Dad Christmas

Mom loved the outdoors, especially woods and quiet natural areas. So do I. She enjoyed alone time, as I do. She loved old houses, their stories, and the sense of history they exude. Me, too. She was artistic and creative, loved crafting and making things with her hands. The longer she is gone, the more I realize we were alike in many ways.

I didn’t take time to find other pictures today. I’d have to dig through the scrapbook cupboards to find them, then scan them. Sounds like a good project for January/February. A good way to spend some of that alone time I enjoy so much. Just like Mom.

Happy birthday, Mom! Love, ~~Rhonda

eager to start

I have a hard time believing it is Christmas prep time at our house. The summer passed so quickly! September is almost here and we will be readying the rooms for Christmas trees soon. Looking at pictures from previous years is putting me in the Christmas frame of mind!

ornament garlands

"family tree" in the living room

bubble light tree

The prep is always fun. This year may be a bit of a push, with the first Sunday of December being the weekend right after Thanksgiving instead of a week later, as it usually is.

tree #2 done!

But with all those helping hands and a plan in place, we should be fine!

Merry Christmas

I’m really looking forward to the magic the littles bring to the holiday celebrations. They get so excited, watching the trees go up, one by one.

garden tree in downstairs bath.

The Christmas concert with Nathan George and friends will be either Dec. 5 or Dec 12. Nathan isn’t sure which date will work best. Save them both for now. 🙂

Christmas concert

It’s nice to have the house ready before the first of December. It gives us time to savor every aspect of the season.


Christmas…we’re ready to start!

mouse house


menu plan monday ~ august 26, 2013

This past week, we welcomed our oldest daughter home from New York where she worked at a summer camp. It was great to see her again. Seemed she had been gone a long time. Her cat Cedar was very happy to see her again, too! When she went outside to run an errand, Cedar sat by the door waiting for her to come back.

waiting for her human to come back

She brought me some Christmas goodies. Glass ornaments for my “glass” tree. Among them a glass cat which I did not have. She brought me a large glass snowflake…maybe 8″ in diameter. And also these wonderful vintage bubble lights that work! The picture on the box is so great, we’ll be displaying that along with the lights this Christmas.

vintage bubble lights

I like the red and green wire on these lights.

vintage bubble lights

And now this week’s menu…

Fridge Food – We have good leftovers…need to use them.

Chicken Ragu
Green Salad
Steamed Green Beans


Cheesy Penne with Broccoli
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad

Chicken and Noodles

Chicken Quesadillas
Avocado Sour Cream
Corn and Bean Salsa
Home Baked Tortilla Chips

Spicy Shredded Pork
Homemade Buns
Romaine Salad
Spiced Applesauce

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ august 19, 2013

We’re enjoying the Spiced Peach Jam that we made on Saturday. My only caveat is that the link suggests turning the hot jam over and sealing the jars without a hot water bath. I don’t recommend that. We put the 8-oz jars into a hot water bath for 10 minutes. Safely sealed. Delicious jam. Especially when spread across homemade bread.

spiced peach jam

The cats enjoyed the Sunday flowers, as usual. Buttercup even ate a few of the leaves from the flowers.


Amy didn’t eat the flowers, but she sniffed at them for a long time.


I decided to go with a pink theme for the Sunday bouquet. The Black-Eyed Susans look good, but the surprise lilies won me over. They are nearing the end of their bloom time, and I wanted to use them while I could.


Here’s the menu for the week. With school starting, I’ll need to keep the schedule in mind, as timing may be an issue, depending on what’s going on.

Turkey Sandwiches

Beans and Ham
Green Salad

Bacon-Provolone Chicken Sandwich
Oven Fried Potato Wedges
Red Grapes

Tortilla Chips
Lettuce / Tomatoes / Sour Cream

Homemade Pizza

Alton Brown’s Pot Roast
Homemade Buns
Cowboy Beans
Cold-Fashioned Potato Salad

Baked Ziti
Garlic Bread
Steamed Broccoli
Corn on the Cob

Get those kidlets off to school with a good breakfast! Plan ahead and make it easy on yourself. Here’s a link with a lot of breakfast ideas from the Food Network.

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


peaches, peaches, and peaches

We canned peaches Saturday and made spiced peach jam. Then we made peach ice cream. Dee-licious!

I did the slicing.

canning peaches

canning peaches

DH manned the stove.

canning peaches

We made 28 quarts of sliced peaches in light syrup and 28 8-oz. jars and 2 pint jars of spiced peach jam.

canning peaches

Then we made ice cream. A yummy end to a peachy day.

peach ice cream

It was fun to work together, even if it did take more than six hours to finish. We make a good team, DH and I.


menu plan monday ~ august 12, 2013

With many thanks to a dear friend, we have canning in our future. He brought peaches with promises of more, if we want them. Yes! Peach jam, peach pie, peach cobbler, canned peaches…what’s not to want? Buttercup set up guard. I think she liked the smell of the fresh fruit.

guarding the peaches

The house cats have been entertaining. Amy has taken to sleeping in this box of office supplies.


sleeping on office supplies

Cedar loves the kitchen stool for nap time, but she’s getting a bit long for it.

nap time

The grands got their school exams this week. Poor Miss Laurie had to give them their shots. Snow White took it in stride. Rose Red was less happy about it. But they did fine and now are ready for the first day of school. They liked the fact that Miss Laurie wrote their heights and weights on the exam table cover.

school exams

Pa was happy to get home from a week as camp director. Camp is great, but home is better. He brought camp t-shirts for the girls and they immediately had him on the floor doing some “art.”

Let's do art, Pa!

The bouquet for church last Sunday was made of surprise lilies, hydrangeas and butterfly bush. We have surprise lilies all over the yard. Such a delicate looking flower for this usually hot part of the summer.

Sunday bouquet

Here’s the menu for the week. The peach cobbler was delicious. I added some frozen blueberries to the fresh peaches. Very good!

BBQ Chicken and Pork Steaks
Sauteed Garden Squash with Garlic
Garden Salad
Fresh Peach Cobbler

Homemade Pizza

Crock Pot Turkey Tetrazzini
Garden Salad
Mozzarella Garlic Bread

Ham and Beans
Garden Salad

Tortilla Chips
Lettuce and Sliced Tomatoes

Fridge Food

Pork Chops and Potato Casserole
Corn on the Cob
Green Beans with Mushroom Sauce
Garden Salad

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
