Tag Archives: twins

a year old!

The twins went home on Monday, but before they left, we had an early birthday celebration. Panda didn’t seem to care for that first bite of almond flavored frosting, but she got into it. Tabby, not so much. Now they are a year old! 🙂 ~~Grandma

our babies are going home tomorrow

The twins have been angels this week. A dream to take care of. They’ll be heading home tomorrow, which is sad for us, but happy for them and their mommy and daddy. ~~Grandma

walking the yard with aunty

The twins took the wagon for a spin again this afternoon. It’s a beautiful afternoon. The asters are covered with butterflies, bees and beetles. The sugar maples are pretty this year. The twins love to be outside. And it was great to get out of the kitchen for a change! 🙂 ~~Rhonda

going to see great-grandma

DD took the girls for a ride in the wagon. They went to the nursing home to see Great-grandma. The twins *loved* riding in the wagon. We’ll have to go out again this afternoon. It’s a beautiful day and I’d like to get some fall pictures. I’ve spent the past four days in the kitchen. […]

turn your back for 30 seconds…

She’s a fast one! I did a few dishes, turned around to check on the girls, and there was Panda Bear, helping herself to a powdered formula snack. ~~Grandma :-}

fresh and clean

Bath, bottle, bed…in that order. And aren’t they sweet? ~~Rhonda 🙂

grandpa’s pancakes preferred by toddlers 2 to 0

This morning, the twins tried Grandpa’s famous pancakes for the first time. Yes! Complete approval and instant favorite! I hear them stirring from their morning nap…will be time to get them up soon. They are being so good. They have a pretty regular schedule. Get up, eat, play, nap, get up, eat, play, nap, get […]

baby bath

I bathed the babies while their Mommy worked on other things. Baby Einstein Poofy? Who’s Poofy? ~~Grandma 🙂

happy babies

The girls are sleeping right now. DH is at the store getting groceries. I am taking the opportunity to catch up on a few computer items. I posted the week’s article to the Christmas Notebook and uploaded more pictures. I’ll be doing a lot of uploading this week, I’m sure. The girls were glad to […]

visiting the grands

While we are here for our son’s wedding, we get to spend a lot of time with our granddaughters. It has been almost four months since we saw them last. They have grown and changed a lot since then. She must have one of her ten year old aunt’s genes…we had lots of baby books […]