Tag Archives: twins

our grands

New pictures of the twins… Big sister gives a typing lesson… The twins are coming to see us soon! ~~Grandma 🙂

what’s not to love?

Just a couple of pics of the grands. She took her first step yesterday. Pigtails! ~~Grandma

our grandbabies and their daddy

The only problem with our grands is that they live too far away. Cute, aren’t they?? ~~Rhonda 🙂

four generations twice

While DS29 and his family were here, we took a few pictures (well, OK, we took a LOT of pictures). I am especially glad we got these four generation pictures of both sides of the paternal family. Our older son, myself, my parents, and the twins. Our older son, my DH, DH’s mother, and the […]

the grands

We had to say goodbye to DS and his family today, including the babies. 🙁 Unless I can swing a trip to their house before then, we won’t see them until October. ~~Rhonda

apricot, anyone?

Grandpa picked apricots for Great-grandma and decided to let Tab try one. Wanna try an apricot? Ewwwwww!! What did grandpa give me? ::cough, cough, gag!:: That was yucky! It’s a good thing Grandpa loves me.

baby fun

Entertaining Grandpa after her bath… Great-grandma was very happy to meet great-grandbabies number eight and number nine. Not quite crawling yet. The softsquatch was made by their Aunt Julie. She made one for each and they *love* them! While DH and I helped pot plants for a mission sale, the girls helped by babysitting. They […]

there be babies here

DS and his family are here to visit for a week. We’ve been able to visit them twice since the babies were born, so are glad to have them under our roof for a week. We expected them around 8AM but they were able to leave earlier than planned so arrived around 6:00. I’d been […]

world’s cutest grandchildren?

Mine, of course. 😀

March 2008 / one a day

March 1 / Saturday / The first March picture is one I took at our DDs’ house, where we stayed overnight on our way to visit DS#1 and his family. DD#2 and DD#3 snuggled up in the recliner and played games while DH made pancakes before we left for DS’s house. March 2 / Sunday […]