Tag Archives: family

the grands

We had to say goodbye to DS and his family today, including the babies. 🙁 Unless I can swing a trip to their house before then, we won’t see them until October. ~~Rhonda

apricot, anyone?

Grandpa picked apricots for Great-grandma and decided to let Tab try one. Wanna try an apricot? Ewwwwww!! What did grandpa give me? ::cough, cough, gag!:: That was yucky! It’s a good thing Grandpa loves me.

baby fun

Entertaining Grandpa after her bath… Great-grandma was very happy to meet great-grandbabies number eight and number nine. Not quite crawling yet. The softsquatch was made by their Aunt Julie. She made one for each and they *love* them! While DH and I helped pot plants for a mission sale, the girls helped by babysitting. They […]

there be babies here

DS and his family are here to visit for a week. We’ve been able to visit them twice since the babies were born, so are glad to have them under our roof for a week. We expected them around 8AM but they were able to leave earlier than planned so arrived around 6:00. I’d been […]

sisters’ weekend

I, my four sisters and our two sisters-in-law try to get together for a weekend every year or two. This is the weekend. 🙂 While we gathered in the motel room, waiting for everyone to arrive, Paula caught up on the local news. Of course, as it usually happens when we have a family get-together, […]


I always thought flutter-by was a better name than butterfly for these beautiful fluttering insects. Yesterday we went to the Butterfly House in Chesterfield, Missouri. As soon as we walked in, a large butterfly landed on DH’s shoulder. The Butterfly House is in a large atrium, with butterflies everywhere! At the far end of the […]

Easter fun

DH always takes requests when making pancakes. This is a bunny and Easter eggs… Just a bunny… I think the dyes are as pretty as the colored eggs. Easter eggs today…deviled eggs tomorrow. Did I mention I like Snickers eggs? My favorite. ~~Rhonda 🙂

March 2008 / one a day

March 1 / Saturday / The first March picture is one I took at our DDs’ house, where we stayed overnight on our way to visit DS#1 and his family. DD#2 and DD#3 snuggled up in the recliner and played games while DH made pancakes before we left for DS’s house. March 2 / Sunday […]

a day off

DH’s day off work is Wednesday. Of course, he goes in to do paperwork for four or five hours, but that doesn’t count, right? This Wednesday was the first one this year that was nice enough to work outside. The first thing we did was plant the irises that we had leftover from digging up […]

a few more pics from our trip

The cemetery was an interesting place to stroll. Quiet and peaceful and full of history. When we decided it was time to go, DD talked us into another half hour. She had a great time. Signs of spring were every where. This tree was so ready to burst into leaf. It won’t need much encouragement. […]