chocolate chip pumpkin cheesecake and a birthday

Our daughter-in-law celebrated a birthday this week and asked for a chocolate chip pumpkin cheesecake for her birthday cake. I used the Hershey’s recipe.

happy birthday!

The recipe calls for a chocolate crust, but I used a graham cracker crust instead. DDIL thought the chocolate crust might have overpowered the pumpkin flavor. I think she’s right. The graham cracker crust was delicious.

chocolate chip pumpkin cheesecake

Not much of that cheesecake left. The birthday girl gets the last piece!


menu plan monday ~ october 17, 2011

I tried a new biscotti recipe this week. This Cinnamon Biscotti with Pistachios was a big hit at the ladies’ luncheon I hosted today.

Cinnamon Biscotti with Pistachios

The recipe calls for cinnamon baking chips. I’ve never seen those, so used 3/4 c. milk chocolate Ghirardelli chips and 1/4 c. Nestle semi-sweet mini chocolate chips. And instead of cloves, I used freshly ground nutmeg. Delicious!

Diner’s Choice: Leftovers or Chef Salad
Seedless Grapes

Rosemary Ranch Chicken
Salt and Vinegar Broiled Fingerling Potatoes
Steamed Carrots and Sugar Snap Peas
Green Salad
Pumpkin / Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

Luncheon for the Church Ladies at our house
Tomato/Basil Soup with Shrimp
Ham and Bean Soup
Crackers / Pickles / Olives
Tomato and Mozzarella Bites
Homemade Croutons and Pita Crisps
Iced Tea / Coffee / Biscotti

luncheon guests

We served the soup from crock pots on the counter and the soup “fixin’s” were set on the table.

soup fixin's

If you guessed leftovers for supper, you are right.

Beef/Broccoli Stir Fry

Baked Chicken
Baby Baked Potatoes
Green Salad
Stir Fried Asparagus

Fridge Food

Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


easy Christmas tags

I made a stack of Christmas tags this afternoon, using a large tag punch and some old Christmas cards.

making gift tags

Choose cards that are light colored so they are easy to read. Cards with a slick finish are shiny and pretty, but don’t work well with ink pens and some felt markers.

making gift tags

Cards may need trimming to fit in the punch in a way that makes them oriented properly when punched.

making gift tags

The tags could easily be dressed up with glitter, ink, ribbon, etc., to make them even better.

making gift tags

Another good way to recycle old Christmas cards. I’m glad I saved mine!


recanning apple butter

Our church family makes apple butter each fall. The canned apple butter is sold to raise money for mission projects.

making apple butter

DH brought home four quart jars, like this one.

apple butter

I decided to recan it in 8-oz. jelly jars. A better size for us. The only issue with recanning is to be sure the apple butter is heated to 212*F before filling the jars. So we poured the apple butter into a large pot. The larger the better, as the apple butter will sputter and splash when it boils. NOT fun to have it sputter and splash on your bare arm. Ask me how I know…

apple butter

The emptied jars were placed upside-down in a container so the last bits of sticky goodness could drain out and be added to the cooking pot.

apple butter

When canning, set up the entire process before you begin. Once started, you need to keep moving.

recanning apple butter

Then it was time to stir, stir, stir as the apple butter heated to the necessary 212*F.

recanning apple butter

With one load in the canner, I waited till it was almost done before filling the jars for the next load.

recanning apple butter

I processed the jars in a hot water bath for 15 minutes. Now we have some nice sized jars for ourselves and some for gifts at Christmas.

recanning apple butter

Doesn’t it look delicious? I can tell you…it is!

apple butter


menu plan monday ~ october 10, 2011

Two more Christmas trees went up this weekend. The Nativity Tree and the Three Kings Tree. Both are in the library. As we decorate, the kittens are having a good time with the bits and pieces.

Christmas decorating is fun!

We’re counting down…thirteen more days and the grands will be here! The three girls are coming back with Pa, and their parents will be driving the moving truck a few days later.

the grands

Just look at those sweet faces! Cannot wait! Our menus may change somewhat while the kidlets are here. In the meantime, here’s our menu for this week.

Homemade Pizza

Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff
Homemade Egg Noodles tossed with Fresh Parsley
Steamed Carrots and Peas
Green Salad

Lunch with John and Margaret / Roast Beef Sandwiches
Veggies and Ranch Dip
Red Grapes
Fruit Smoothies

Supper / Chinese Takeout with Paul and Julie
Mississippi Mud Cake

Lemon Garlic Shrimp Scampi
Savory Polenta
Stir Fried Veggies with Spinach

Tilapia with Caper-Parsley Sauce and Baked Fingerling Potatoes
Steamed Asparagus

BBQ Chicken in the Crock Pot
Homemade Hamburger Buns
Fresh Fruit

Homemade Pizza

Apple Brownies

Lasagna Florentine
Garlic Bread
Green Beans sauteed with Garlic
Steamed Carrots

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


kittens and Christmas trees…not sure this is going to work

We put the nativity tree up in the library this weekend. We have had a lot of cats over the years and none have ever bothered any of the many trees we have. Things are changing. Several times this weekend, we had to chase Cedar and Amy out of the tree! They seem to think it is a great place to take catnaps. If this keeps up, they are going to be basement kitties for a few months. Trees are going up and the cats have to adjust or take a hike downstairs. I’ll keep you posted.

Amy did have fun with a string of beads this afternoon. While DDIL put the beads on the tree, Amy tried to investigate.

a cat and a string of beads

She couldn’t figure it out, but thought it was fun.

a cat and a string of beads

a cat and a string of beads

Spinning beads were irresistible.

a cat and a string of beads

She carefully checked out the lights, but left them alone.

a cat and a string of beads

She didn’t play with the beads very long. Eventually, she just sat and watched. Now that the tree is decorated, perhaps the kitties will leave it alone. I’m hoping!

a cat and a string of beads


country drive

I love the changing countryside in autumn. DH and I took a ride the other day. Getting out is difficult for me, with the pain in my knees and other problems, but it’s worth the effort to get out of the house occasionally.

fall fields

Even thistles look pretty with a little back lighting.

thistle seed

Roadside scofflaws.

target practice

We drove by a couple of country cemeteries, as I’ve been working on some genealogy projects. Several generations of DH’s family are buried in this one.

country cemetery


country cemetery

A very out of the way, peaceful and quiet area.



Reminds me that some of our college “dates” were walks through the cemetery. Seems like a long time ago…but I guess the tradition continues.


menu plan monday ~ october 3, 2011

With the onset of October, I start the annual cookie/candy production for our Christmas open house. Sunday afternoon, I made Date Balls (thanks again, Mellanie, for this great recipe!). These are one of my favorite holiday treats. And they freeze beautifully, even with the powdered sugar on them.

Date Balls

This week, I’ll make another batch of Date Balls and some shortbread treats made into my own specialty I call Elfin Bites.

We have another tree up. The silver and blue tree in the guest room was decorated with the help of DD and DDIL. And, no, it’s not too early when you have to be done by December 1, and have 22 trees to put up! We do a little at a time and it all comes together. BTW, this picture was taken with my phone as the tree turned…so please excuse the blur…

tree #2 done!

A little tinsel and that tree will be complete. In the meantime, here’s the menu for this week.

Black Bean, Corn, & Chicken Chili in the Crock Pot
Buttermilk Cornbread

Hamburgers / Homemade Buns
Veggies / Dip

Turkey / Ham Sandwiches
Coleslaw with Walnuts and Raisins

White Bean and Vegetable Soup
Crackers / Veggies / Ranch Dip

Cream Cheese Pound Cake

Pizza Penne Bake
Garlic Bread
Green Salad

BBQ Pork Steaks in the Oven
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Sweet and Sour Cucumber Slices
Cheesy Texas Toast

Fridge Food

Pesto Pasta with Chicken
French Bread
Caesar Salad with Homemade Croutons

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


autumn color

Yesterday I was able to spend a little time outside. The weather was beautiful. Autumn is changing the look of the garden. Things are winding down, the trees are beginning to turn, the grasses are yellowing. We saw quite a few Monarchs drifting through on their way south. Amazing that they can make a trip as long as 3000 miles to winter in the mountains of Mexico, then return in the spring. Watching them flutter around the flowers makes me wonder how they ever make it! A miracle of God’s creation.

Monarch butterfly

Most of the purple coneflowers have turned brown and are giving up their seeds to the little goldfinches. But some are still pinky-purple and orange. So pretty!

purple cone flowers

We have quite a few sassafras trees around the edge of the back yard. The leaves are always so pretty in the fall, turning yellow, red and orange. They are just beginning to show their color.


There are a few hosta blooms in the yard. ‘Green Fountain’ is blooming, as well as ‘Red October.’ Some hosta leaves are already brown and yellow. But there are still a lot of green leaves. And they look beautiful with the sunlight shining through them.


I’m amazed at how red these dogwood leaves are.



We’d like to be rid of bush honeysuckle, but the berries are very pretty in the fall.

bush honeysuckle berries

Another lovely Monarch on goldenrod. Goldenrod always signals fall to me.

Monarch butterfly

You can tour other autumn gardens at Tootsie’s place.

Another day and we’ll be in October! September flew by. We plan to put up another Christmas tree tomorrow. We’re going to try for the one in the guest room. I’ll let you know how that goes. 🙂


menu plan monday ~ september 26, 2011

Our church’s annual apple butter day was Saturday. They made 150 quarts of apple butter, which will be sold to raise money for the mission fund. Good work, everyone! DH brought some quarts home and it looks delicious! We’ll be including that in some of our meals this week. Goes great with fresh-from-the-oven bread!

making apple butter

Leftover Roast Beef on Homemade Buns
Veggies / Ranch Dip

Spaghetti / Homemade Sauce
Homemade Rolls
Garlic Bread

Chicken Tacos on Indian Fry Bread
Lettuce / Tomatoes / Salsa / Shredded Cheese / Sour Cream

Beef Stew in the Crock Pot

Crock Pot Rotisserie Style Chicken
Stir Fried Sugar Snap Peas and Cherry Tomatoes

Hearty Lentil Soup

Turkey in the Crock Pot
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Green Salad

I took this picture of Amy and Cedar today. I’m not sure what they were watching, but they seemed to be fascinated…maybe another kitty? It’s a beautiful day weather-wise. If I felt better, I’d be outside. But I’m enjoying it from the window…much like the kitties.

look, the great outdoors!

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
