I’ve been perusing some photos from the 1970’s this week. Oh, my. The years have flown by. In some ways, it seems like yesterday. I’m still that person, deep down inside. In other ways, it seems like an eternity ago. The end of that part of my life when I was carefree and had nothing more to worry about than paying the rent. Noone but myself to take care of. Though, let’s be honest…I was still under the care of my parents. If I found myself in a jam, Dad was always there to bail me out. Thankfully, he is still here and would still bail me out if I needed it. Thanks, Dad, for all the times over my lifetime you’ve been there for me and mine.

If you know much about me at all, you know I love everything about the celebration of Christmas. This has always been the case. The first year I was in college, I used Christmas wrapping paper to cover the ceiling of my dorm room (I wonder how many thumbtacks that took!) and I painted a nativity scene on the window.
In the summer of 1975, I worked in a factory by day and played with my college friends by night. I lived in an apartment over an office supply store, with my friends Marsha and Wilma. We had two bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, bath, and a small kitchen. I can’t remember what the rent was, but not much by the time we split it between three people.
As students began to trickle back to campus that fall for the next school year, my roommates and I hosted a “Farewell to Summer” party. Theme? Christmas. Of course.
We invited all our friends who had been around that summer and a few of those who had made it back to campus already.

Wilma, Bob H, Marsha

Don W, Chuck

Paul, Chuck, Don B, me
We decorated a small Christmas tree and sang Christmas carols. I think Marsha brought the little Christmas tree from her folks’ house for the party.

Chuck, Richard, Paul
This was the first time we met Richard. He had brought his girlfriend Lois back to college after the summer. I’m sure he never thought he’d be celebrating Christmas in August that year.

My sister, Margaret, sent Christmas cards for everyone.

Paul, Chuck, Don
We played some Christmas pencil games. This one was “Name that Christmas Carol,” with picture clues. Corny, huh? But we had a great time!

Bob, Richard, Lois, Don, Ed
Stockings were hung on a curtain rod with care.

Lois, me
Everyone got a present from Santa Claus. We tried to fit each gift to each person. Something to remind them of the summer fun we’d had. Bob H played the part of Santa. I believe he borrowed the suit from a professor.

Santa (Bob H), me

Kevin, Paul doing their shark smiles for the camera.
Kevin received a set of four glasses. (Sadly, Kevin passed away in 2010.)
Paul received a sugar bear. He is that sweet. Was then, still is.

Marsha, Deb, Bob B, Richard, Lois, Ed
Bob received a blue plastic mug with Disney characters on it.
Bob and Debbie married, as did Lois and Richard. Both couples are still married today.
We served eggnog and Christmas goodies.

Richard, me, Chuck, Bob B, Paul

Richard, Bob H, Ed

My dear friend, Marsha, and my kitty Obie.
Marsha Jane and I went to high school together, but were not in the same circle of friends there. Imagine my surprise when we found each other at the same college! We ended up being roommates and we’re still BFFs. We talk to each other via texting, Facebook, etc., almost every day. We also write letters back and forth. Her letters are the best! They can be eight pages or more of all kinds of news and tidbits. She and Paul (now married 38 years) come to visit as often as they can. Jane and I craft together, laugh together, and love one another dearly.
Looking at the photos brings back so many memories from the past. Dear friends and good times!