Another week has flown by. I managed to finish a couple of Irish cottage Putz to list to my Etsy shop.

The second cottage included some shamrocks.

Wednesday morning started with the sunrise shining on my Santa and Mrs. Santa paper doll cutouts that hang on the side of the cabinet in the craft room.

Later that day, I cut out two Putz churches.

After window panes were added, I glued the pieces together, to the point where they were ready for painting.

DH and I drove to the nearest sushi establishment (25 miles away) later that day and bought sushi for Valentine’s Day. While outside we got a picture that proves spring is coming. The daffodils are up about four inches. We’ve had tulips and daffs blooming by now in previous years, but it is still early. We’ll wait.

My Valentine tulips brightened my Valentine’s Day.

As did Clark and Winston. Brothers and good buddies, they love to be where their people are.

In the craft room. On Thursday afternoon, a friend came over for a crafting session. She worked on making cards, while I cut more Putz house patterns.

There are three starlings that sit on the same branch outside the craft room window every day. I call them the three amigos…or should that be the “tree” amigos? I’ve been watching them for five or six weeks. Can birds have buddies? Favorite friends to hang out with?

Saturday brought sunshine. The shadow from the pins on the windowsill caught my eye. I love this magnetic pin holder, by the way.

The pencils caught my eye, too. So colorful!

DH sent me a picture from the garden that made me happy. Can’t argue with that!

And indoors, the forsythia is still blooming cheerfully. If you have access to a forsythia bush, pick a few branches and bring them in for a spring preview.

This week, I am finishing the two Putz churches that I cut out this past week. The mini one is done and I’ll finish the larger one today. Stay tuned for a post with pictures of those. They are done with an Easter theme, which is fresh and springtime-y. I hope you are seeing signs of spring in your world!