Category Archives: garden 2009

iris season

With the first blooms of the early purple irises, I feel like iris season has officially opened. DH took these pictures this afternoon. The medium height, early purple irises came from DH’s family farm. Other than the dwarf irises, these are the first iris blooms in our yard each year. ‘Baby Blessed’ is a dwarf […]

bits from the yard

I’ve had to spend a few days with my leg up, due to some swelling, but this evening I managed to get outside for a little while. It was a beautiful day and I didn’t want to miss it. I checked the veggie garden. The radishes are getting bigger. I broadcast the lettuce seed and […]

pretty spring day

This afternoon, DH and did a little yard work. That means DH shoveled a lot of mulch and I got to drive the mower, pulling the wagon. The redbud trees are at their peak of perfection right now. The Virginia bluebells look so pretty in the evening sunlight. This was taken from the back yard, […]

saturday yard work

We spent a lot of time outside on Saturday. One of the big jobs was burning the brush pile. With 3.5 acres to groom, we can accumulate a lot of debris over a season. Some goes to the mulch pile, but branches go to the brush pile. I wish I’d taken a picture of it […]

cold and windy today, but yesterday smelled like spring

Yesterday, as I drove to school to pick up DD, the air smelled like spring. It’s on its way! We went out to do some yard work today, but, even though the thermometer said 50, the 16 mph wind said 40. Too chilly for me. We put down one load of mulch and picked up […]

the daffodils are testing the air

It’s early yet, and the daffodils will probably remain this height for weeks on end, but it is encouraging to see them sprouting from the cold ground. Spring is coming! ~~Rhonda 🙂