September 5, 2008 – 4:12 pm
It’s been two years since we adopted Buttercup, Zilli, and Zak. They are fun additions to the family. I came across these pictures today while looking for something else. Zilli and Buttercup still play together almost every morning, early, chasing each other around the house at break-neck speed. And here they are on the ladder […]
August 30, 2008 – 10:22 am
DD#2’s cat, Zilli, is a very relaxed kitty. She slept like that for about 20 minutes, but we disturbed her slumber with all the funny pics we were taking of her. 🙂 ~~Rhonda
August 18, 2008 – 9:38 am
DD enters fifth grade this year, with a new teacher she has yet to meet. She was eager but a bit apprehensive this morning. DH fixed the usual pancakes with mini chocolate chips. He’s quite the pancake artist. I should have taken a picture…he made a squid today. The book bag must have been packed, […]
August 11, 2008 – 11:10 pm
This morning I was taking pictures of a framed mirror for Macro Mondays, a group I am a member of on flickr. DD brought in the hand mirror from the bathroom and discovered how much fun it was to play with mirrors and the sunshine coming through the east window. By shining the light through […]
On July 25, DH celebrated 25 years of practicing medicine (family practice). His office gave him a surprise party, which really did surprise him. 🙂 The table was covered with pictures taken over the years of practice…not only the practice of medicine, but the practice of practical jokes, funny costumes, fun, and frivolity. Dennis commented, […]
A few weeks ago, DD spent about an hour playing with bubbles. She started out just blowing bubbles, having fun, watching them float away on the breeze. A few bubbles were caught by a web which held her attention for a while. The railing was wet with rain, so she experimented with sliding bubbles down […]
While DS29 and his family were here, we took a few pictures (well, OK, we took a LOT of pictures). I am especially glad we got these four generation pictures of both sides of the paternal family. Our older son, myself, my parents, and the twins. Our older son, my DH, DH’s mother, and the […]
We had to say goodbye to DS and his family today, including the babies. 🙁 Unless I can swing a trip to their house before then, we won’t see them until October. ~~Rhonda
Grandpa picked apricots for Great-grandma and decided to let Tab try one. Wanna try an apricot? Ewwwwww!! What did grandpa give me? ::cough, cough, gag!:: That was yucky! It’s a good thing Grandpa loves me.
Entertaining Grandpa after her bath… Great-grandma was very happy to meet great-grandbabies number eight and number nine. Not quite crawling yet. The softsquatch was made by their Aunt Julie. She made one for each and they *love* them! While DH and I helped pot plants for a mission sale, the girls helped by babysitting. They […]