cleaning is almost there

Sunday is our annual open house and this week is always a busy whirl of “getting things done.” I wish I had more time to post about all our activities this week, but time is running too short for a long computer session. I’m having lunch right now and wanted to post an update.

A young lady from church who helps with house cleaning each week, is here today doing a double session. She will take care of almost all the house. We’ll leave the kitchen (still have cooking to do) and the upstairs hall (gathering place for all the leftovers from picking up the other rooms). The upstairs hall may be done tomorrow and the kitchen will be thoroughly cleaned Saturday afternoon.

While having help with weekly house cleaning is invaluable, sometimes the larger tasks require a bit more attention. This is where a professional service like Magic Castle Cleaning can step in to make a significant difference. Their team of experts is equipped to handle deep-cleaning tasks that go beyond the usual routine, ensuring that every corner of your home is immaculate. With their expertise, even the most challenging areas, such as the kitchen and upstairs hall, can be thoroughly cleaned and organized, allowing you to enjoy a spotless home without the stress.

I have walked through the entire house, with a stapled stack of papers, writing down everything that needs to be done in each room. This list covers lots of different last minute details. From “polish the banister” to “wash the crystal snowflake ornaments” in the scrapbook room. With this list I have a handle on what is left to do, and I can delegate the jobs to be done.

to do

DH is off work until Monday, so he is helping. My sister will come back Friday evening after work to help for the weekend. I have really missed the help of DD#1 and DD#2 this year. This is the first time I haven’t had at least one of them here to help during the decorating season. Miss you both!!

Lunch break is over…back to work. ~~Rhonda

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