Tag Archives: daylilies

99 down, 276 to go

Currently, we have 375 daylilies in our database. As of yesterday, 99 of the cultivars have bloomed. Only 276 to go! Keeping up with FFOs (first flower out) right now is keeping us busy. Here are a few pictures from the garden this morning. This picture from the front of the house does not show […]

along the same lines…

…as my last post…here are more daylilies blossoms. ‘Orphan’s Picnic’ is a gorgeous pink double. With a large blossom, ‘Jolly White Giant’ is a real standout! It’s easy to see how ‘Pittsburgh Golden Triangle’ got its name…at least the “golden triangle” part! 🙂 ‘Bridal Moment’ is a soft peachy pink. ‘Serena Dance’ is anything but […]

i don’t think this is summertime…

The weather this weekend is gorgeous. Not regular July weather at all. I think the high today was all of 76*. What’s with that?? We would expect it to be much warmer. But I’m not complaining! It was a beautiful day and Saturday is supposed to have a high of around 70*. Wow. As we […]

wednesday’s walk in the garden

We had a great plant sale today. The weather was wonderful and we had enough customers to fund a very nice donation to the mission team at church. You may not be able to make it out in this picture, but we set up the table under the redbud by the front porch, where I […]

not enough time in the garden

Between piano lessons this morning, the mower not starting this afternoon, and softball this evening, I missed a lot of garden time today. How sad is that?? I did get some pictures this evening, just as the sun was going down. Thanks to my nice camera and the great lens DH gave me for my […]

happy anniversary to us!

Today DH and I celebrate 32 years of wedded bliss. 🙂 And, as we have the past five years, we celebrated by visiting a daylily farm! We went to Aussieker’s Daylily Farm near Richview, Illinois. Prior to our trip, I spent some time on their website making a list of daylilies to look for. Oh, […]

here and there, in the garden

Last evening, I took a few pictures as we documented “first flower out” on the daylilies. If you don’t know what that means…we keep a record of when the first flower appears on each daylily every year. That shows us this year, for instance, that the daylilies are blooming 5 to 7 days earlier than […]

just before it rained…again…

I managed to mow the front yard, in spite of the heat and the humidity. And now we’re getting a little thundershower. They pop up this time of day in the summer. Wet, but quick. And they cool the air a bit, so I’m not complaining. I *was* hoping to mow the back yard later, […]

wednesday’s walk in the garden

The daylilies are blooming all over the yard. It’s a real pleasure to stroll through the garden to see what has opened each day. And there are a lot more to bloom as you can see in this picture. The daylilies along the front of the bed haven’t blossomed yet. While daylilies and other blooms […]

wednesday in the garden

DH and I spent quite a bit of time in the garden yesterday. It was hot, but he likes to use the hot days as prep for his ride across Indiana in July. “Heat acclimation” he calls it. So I drove the tractor, pulling the wagon, and he shoveled mulch. We mulched quite a bit. […]