prayers for Japan

While we are not able to get our minds around the enormity of what has happened in Japan, we can trust that our God is bigger than and Master of anything that happens in His creation. We are praying for the people of Japan and for those who are there to help. We were glad to hear that our denomination’s missionaries and their families are safe. They are mobilizing to help with the work that needs to be done. Please pray for the nation of Japan and all who reach out to help in their time of great need.


the first smell of spring

The first whiff of these daffodils gave me all kinds of springtime happiness.

daffodil blossom

DH put a bud vase of daffs on my desk. What a nice surprise on Monday morning!

first daffs of spring

daffodil blossom

β€œThe flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.” ~Gertrude S. Wister

I so agree, Gertrude. Thanking God for the gift of daffodils. ~~Rhonda

menu plan monday ~ march 7, 2011

The first daffodils opened Sunday morning. Welcome, Spring!

first daffodil blossoms 2011

So glad to see these first few blossoms…heralds of what is to come.

daffodil blossom

I tried to keep this week’s menu pretty easy. We have a lot of schooling to do and several activities planned.

Homemade Pizza

Chicken Stir Fry

Pork Chops
Baby Baked Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans
Green Salad

Baked Salmon
Penne Pasta with Light Cream Sauce
Green Peas

Hamburgers on Homemade Buns
Veggies / Ranch Dip

Pork and Veggie Stir Fry
Steamed Wontons

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday. Now, get out there and find some daffodils!

daffs are opening


book and binder storage

I’ve tried several ways to store the books and binders I use for homeschooling our daughter. I had them on the counter…no good. They were in the way, it looked cluttered…I had to shuffle them to find what I needed. I set them on the floor, against the drawers next to my desk area. But I had to lean over to get them…they fell over and got in the way…they found their way under the desk. I stored them in a plastic box and kept them on the floor nearby. But it didn’t hold everything I needed and the binders that I stored in a file drawer didn’t stay upright.

So I ordered this slanted shelf book cart.

book truck

Well, I didn’t order exactly that one. I ordered one that would fit under the counter so I could stow it away when we weren’t having school. But they sent this one. Too tall for under the counter, but it works great otherwise. It holds everything I need, plus a few extra things. I keep the things we use each week on the top shelf and the things I need less often on the bottom. Look closely and you’ll even find a “Christmas Decorating” binder…you never know when you might need to refer to one of those!

Items and supplies we aren’t currently using are stored in cabinets and drawers at the end of the room near DD’s desk.

It rolls easily away, so I can put it aside when I don’t need it. It keeps everything at my finger tips without hogging counter space. I’m glad I “sorta” ordered it.

~~Rhonda πŸ™‚

more time in the garden

Wednesday, DH and I were able to get out into the garden for a bit. It was a little cool, but sunny.

The light purple crocus are up, but the day was too cool for them to open, so they were just peeking out.

just peeking...

The daffodils are leaping sunward.

so ready for these to bloom

These are ‘Von Sion’ daffodils. The bulbs came from DH’s family farm.

'Von Sion' daffodils

This particular patch of trumpet daffodils are usually the first to open in our yard. They look like they are ready to pop!

daffs are about ready to pop

The achillea looks soft and tender here, but what a garden thug! We are still digging it out of the garden beds. It’s a great plant for places where it can spread at will…just not good for a garden bed where it overruns the neighbors.


The star magnolia almost looks like a pussy willow right now. The first few buds have burst their sepals, though, and soon they will open beautiful creamy white blossoms with a heavenly scent.

star magnolia

‘Jane,’ another magnolia, is a later blooming pink flowering shrub. It is usually late enough to miss the last frosts.

'Jane' Magnolia

Here it is in April of last year.

magnolia 'Jane'

We spent most of our time outdoors clearing flower bed debris. DH trimmed the butterfly bushes back to about 18″. They will grow back out to 8′ or so by the end of the growing season.

cutting back the butterfly bush

He also cleared a lot of the autumn aster stems. I think we took six wagon loads of these to the compost pile.

what's left of the autumn asters

It was a beautiful day. Blue skies, sunshine and a greening garden. It won’t be long before the neighbor’s beautiful white oaks are leafed out, but for now, we enjoy their silhouette against the early spring sky.

the neighbor's oaks

I hope you are finding signs of spring to enjoy in your own yard or garden. And head over to Glenda’s at Tootsie Time and check the links to see what’s happening in other gardens.

~~Rhonda πŸ™‚

menu plan monday ~ february 28, 2011

We are thankful we came through the storms last night without mishap. We were up till after 1:00 a.m., though, keeping tabs on the weather. We were ready to dash to the basement if need be, but, needed not. We were grateful our oldest daughter was home with us, and not at her apartment where she doesn’t have a basement refuge. Our middle daughter and our son and his wife live an hour plus north of us and they were without power, but no damage to themselves or their homes. Thanking God today for His gracious care.

I know some families in Kentucky did not come through the night with their homes and possessions intact. We are grateful there were no deaths, though. Thanking God for that. When I look around my home, I see so many things that mean a great deal to me, but none of it is worth anyone’s life.

Today I’m grateful for my “things” but am holding them lightly. I am most thankful for the memories they evoke, the feeling of home they give me, the sense of history and family I feel when I’m here. But that’s all with me, whether the possessions are or not.

These fragile bits of pottery and glass are from DH’s grandmother and my grandmother. I would hate to be without them. But they are just trappings for the now. They are expendable.

grandma memories

I love to cook and bake and make dinner for my family. I’m thankful we have our home and our family so we can enjoy sitting down to a meal together. But we could eat sandwiches from a disaster aid truck and be grateful in the moment, if we were still together.

dinner's on

I’m hoping you are aware of your blessings, as we are aware of ours. Count them, appreciate them, and thank God for them.

Here’s our menu for the week.

Homemade Pizza with Sausage and Portobello Mushrooms
I use the linked recipe (minus the egg) and make the pizza on a cookie sheet.

Penne Pasta with Chicken and Mushrooms
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Homemade Rolls

Chicken and Dumplings Soup
I’ll add chopped celery and carrots to the simmering chicken.

Pork Chops over Potatoes in the Crock Pot
Green Salad
Steamed Green Beans

Tacoritos made with Chicken
Tortilla Chips
Served with / Shredded Lettuce, Tomatoes, Shredded Cheese and Sour Cream

Fridge Food

Julie’s Fake Baked Ziti (with Italian Sausage added)
Garlic Bread
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


am i willing?

To open our school day, we have a Bible reading schedule we follow, a devotion at least once a week, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism to memorize. Via email each week, our pastor’s wife sends a copy of the next Sunday’s worship bulletin to those who have asked to receive it. Sometimes I peruse the appointed hymns and choose one to use as a basis for the devotion we use for school.

This week, I chose the hymn “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” to use for tomorrow. While researching the hymn, I found this little statement, which I liked so much that I printed it and put it in a frame, after modifying it from “Thou givest,” etc. It was simply titled “I am Willing.”

The women at church are preparing to study “Respectable Sins” by Jerry Bridges and I’ve been reading that. Today, I also read an interview with John McArthur where he talks about being a slave for Christ. Between the hymn, the book, and the interview…a lot to think about. And the statement above seems to resonate with what I’ve been reading.

If you like the statement, here it is to copy for yourself.

To receive what You give,
To lack what You withhold,
To relinquish what You take,
To surrender what You claim,
To suffer what You ordain,
To do what You command,
To wait until You say β€œGo.”


spring is greening

Sunday afternoon DH and I toured the yard, looking for bits and pieces of spring. Here is what we found.

Lots of daffodils coming up. The green spikes are so refreshing after months of brown and gray. And white. refreshing after so much brown and gray


crocus in the back yard

Lovely, green moss on the bricks in the veggie garden. Come hot summer weather, this will be gone. But for now, its cheerful bright green is a welcome spring color.

mossy bricks

And more daffodils.

daffodil buds

The maple trees are flowering.

maple tree flowers

The Southern Oak behind the house isn’t as far along. The oaks are slower to swell in the spring than the maples. Perhaps not as rash in their response to a few days of warm weather as the maples can be.

Southern Oak

While we were out, DH did some bird watching for the Great Backyard Bird Count.

bird watching weekend

Happy followed us around for a little while, keeping an eye on DH, I suppose. She thinks he belongs to her.

Happy under the miscanthus

The iris and the surprise lilies are popping up. These are along the east side of the fenced garden. The surprise lilies in the fenced garden came from my paternal grandmother’s house.

spring green

Here are the same ones…this picture was taken the first week of August in 2008.

along the fence

And more daffodils.

spring, I love you!

An early spring? I hope so.

maple tree in bloom

Best of all?? The cheery yellow crocus blossoms. All of a sudden, after looking for them for days, there they were.

first crocus


menu plan monday ~ february 21, 2011

Can you believe we had temps of 70 yesterday? Here? In February? It was enough to coax a few crocus from the ground. So great to see!

first crocus

Spaghetti and Homemade Sauce
Homemade Rolls
Green Salad
Peas / Corn

Hearty Lentil Soup

Chicken Wraps (We use tortillas instead of pita bread.)
Celery and Carrot Sticks
Red Grapes

Shrimp and Edamame Stir Fry with Basil

Parmesan Chicken
Baby Baked Potatoes
Roasted Cauliflower
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Fridge Food

Pork Chops and Potatoes in the Crock Pot I am changing this recipe to add the diced potatoes and some of the other seasonings to the crock pot with the pork chops. I want it all done when it’s time for dinner, without the extra fuss of making mashed potatoes.
Green Salad
Green Beans
Crock Pot Apples
Homemade Bread

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


that potato and hamburger soup with the french onion dip in it that mom used to make

I looked all over the internet and did not find a recipe for this soup that my mom made during my childhood. So I’m putting it out there. We loved it as kids. And it’s easy to make. It never really had a name. We just called it “that potato and hamburger soup with the French onion dip in it.”

potato soup recipe

Potato Hamburger Soup with French Onion Dip

2 1/2 pounds potatoes, peeled and diced
1 pound ground beef
1 small yellow onion, diced (this is how my Mom made it…I use 1 T. dry onion flakes due to an allergy DH has to fresh onion)
1 tsp. dry basil
1 tsp. dry parsley
2 chopped garlic cloves or 1/4 tsp. garlic powder (or more to taste)
1/2 tsp. celery seed
freshly ground pepper to taste (Personally, I like a lot of pepper in this soup.)
1/4 c. flour / add enough milk to make one cup and whisk to remove all lumps
8 oz. French Onion Dip
salt to taste (Don’t add salt until you’ve tasted the finished soup, as the dip has a lot of salt in it.)

Boil the potatoes in water until soft. Drain. I pour the water off, just until I can’t pour more off without losing potatoes. I don’t drain all the water off. The water contains starch which helps thicken the soup.

Meanwhile, brown the ground beef and onion in a skillet. (Note: I doubled the recipe when I took these pictures…the soup was going to a church supper…filled a large crock pot when finished.)

potato soup recipe

After draining the potatoes, add the meat and onion to the pot.

Add enough milk to top the mixture by 1/2 – 1 inch.

Add the spices.

Add the flour/milk mixture and cook for ten minutes, stirring now and then, until soup has thickened. Add more milk if it’s too thick for your preference.

Turn off the heat.

Add the French onion dip to the soup and stir well. If you add it and then reheat the soup to a high temperature, the dip may curdle.

potato soup recipe

Taste and add salt if needed.

Except for the spices, which I just had to add, that’s the way I remember my mother making it. No embellishments.

Next time I make it, I will add freshly diced celery and carrots to the potatoes as they cook. And if I have fresh parsley, I’ll finely chop a small bunch of that and stir it into the finished soup.

I’m wondering how this would taste made with an envelope of Lipton onion soup mix and a container of sour cream instead of the French onion dip. Close enough to the original?

When I made the soup last night, it really brought back memories of the kitchen in our house on Oakland Avenue. Just smelling the aroma while the soup simmered took me back. I felt like I was in high school again. Yikes…
