bouquet of peonies

The Sunday bouquet was made up of peonies this week.

Sunday bouquet

Five different kinds, though it’s hard to tell from this picture. ‘Raspberry Sundae,’ ‘Sorbet,’ ‘Monsieur Jules Elie, ‘Honey Gold,’ and ‘Festiva Maxima.’ All with a very heady scent, too. DH picked them Saturday evening and the entire downstairs smelled like peonies on Sunday morning.


turtle time

Over the past few years, I have been taking pictures of the Eastern Box Turtles we have found in our yard. Last week, I found the first pair of the season. Unfortunately, one got away before I could take her picture, but I did get some pictures of the male.

The turtles were on the east side of the fenced garden.

carapace of the box turtle

The same turtle was found May 1, 2010, in the flowerbed under the Southern Red Oak in the back yard.

Eastern Box Turtles

And in September 8, 2009, east of the veggie garden.

Eastern box turtle

Box turtles can live up to 100 years in the wild, with shorter life spans in captivity due to the fact they have specific requirements which are hard to meet. Box turtles have a home range of less than 800 feet in diameter. If you find one in your yard, you may meet him or her again in the years to come. Males do sometimes range wider in search of mates. Several turtles can share the same area as they don’t mind living near other box turtles.

I have taken pictures of more than ten different box turtles in our yard since 2005. I’ve only seen a couple of them more than once. I’m hoping to find more repeats as time goes by.


menu plan monday ~ april 30, 2012

My brother-in-law came on Friday to spend Saturday riding with DH. They did 75 miles with an average speed of 18.2 mph. There’s DH in the orange jersey.


On Saturday, my Dad and my sister came for the afternoon and stayed for supper. Great-Pa was happy to be able to spend some time with the great-grands.

Great-Pa and Snow White had fun playing Angry Birds together.

Great-Pa and Snow White

And Rose Red had him cut butterflies and hearts from construction paper for her.

Great-Pa and Rose Red

All fun. The week ahead is predicted to be quite warm with some days in the upper 80s, so I am not using the oven after Monday’s meal. Here’s our menu for the week.

Baked Chicken
Garden Salad

Pepperoni Pizza Quesadillas or Chicken, Spinach, and Feta Pizza Quesadillas…your choice…

Grilled Chicken
Grilled Veggies in Foil

Crock Pot Brown Sugar Chicken
Steamed Carrots and Peas
Garden Salad

Chef Salad

Fridge Food

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Green Beans
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


girls in the garden

Last evening, our son and his family came by for plants. Before digging, DH played with the twins for a bit. He pulled out the old Big Wheel that used to be at his parents’ house for their grandchildren to play with. Our son actually played on it when he was a kidlet. The girls had a hard time pedaling, perhaps due in part to the fact the seat is long gone, so there is no back support. And partly due to trying to ride it through the grass. But they had fun.

the Big Wheel their Dad used to play with

the Big Wheel their Dad used to play with

the Big Wheel their Dad used to play with

There was time to play with the rocks in the driveway.

lots of rocks

walking the driveway

And time to help Pa plant a few daylilies he had divided while digging.

helping Pa in the garden

Any time Rose Red sees the shovel she asks, “Can I dig? Can I dig?”

helping Pa in the garden

helping Pa in the garden

All done.

helping Pa in the garden

Snow White helped package plants for the yard at the farm.

helping Pa in the garden

And Rose Red checked the mail. Just to be sure.

checking Ma's mail

While all that was going on, the girls’ parents pulled weeds. Yay! Thanks, again! We hauled two wagon loads, piled high, to the compost pile.


sour cream coffee cake

We like this easy to make coffee cake.

coffee cake

Sour Cream Coffee Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a bundt pan.

Mix thoroughly:

  • 1 package cake mix (I used a yellow cake mix.)
  • 1 package instant vanilla pudding
  • 1/2 c. vegetable oil
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 c. sour cream
  • 2 tsp. vanilla

    In a separate bowl, mix together:

  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. cocoa
  • 1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional)

    Sprinkle 1/3 of the sugar mixture into the bundt pan.

    Spread half the cake batter over the sugar.

    Sprinkle 1/3 of the sugar mixture over the batter.

    Spread remaining batter over the sugar mixture and sprinkle with remaining sugar mixture.

    Bake 50-55 minutes.

    Remove from oven. Wait five minutes, then invert onto serving platter.

    Allow to cool completely. Drizzle with powdered sugar glaze, if desired. Serve with fresh strawberries.

    coffee cake

    Powdered Sugar Glaze

    1 c. powdered sugar

    4-6 tsp. water or milk (more liquid makes a thinner glaze)

    Stir well with a fork until smooth. Drizzle over cake.

    I’ve made this coffee cake with a chocolate cake mix and chocolate instant pudding mix. I added 1 c. mini chocolate chips to the batter. The kids really like this one!

    It could also be made with a lemon cake mix and instant lemon pudding, or other flavor combinations. Your choice!


  • back in the garden again

    I’ve had to stay in the recliner with my legs up for a few days. At least the weather was cool and wet, so I didn’t feel too bad about missing the garden. Tuesday was warm and sunny. I managed to get out for a while and took some pictures.

    The redbud trees are loaded with seed pods. See those brown areas?

    redbud tree loaded with seed pods

    Some of the redbud trees have green seed pods and some have red ones. I don’t know what makes the difference. The seed pods are edible. I tasted one today. Almost a tangy lemony flavor. Like sorrel. Not bitter like they were last week when I tried one. I think they’re ready to harvest. We’re going to try them in a stir-fry. FYI, the blossoms are also edible. Great in a salad.

    redbud seed pods

    This picture was taken in 2008. It shows the green seed pods.

    redbud seed pods

    All those seeds…that means more trees to dig out of the flower beds next year. But the bloom color in the spring is well worth the trees we pull out. We also like redbud trees because they make great dappled shade for hostas. I took this picture this evening in the last of the sunlight, but for the greater part of the day, the hostas are shaded by the redbud tree.

    hosta bed and zebra grass

    All but one of our redbuds are native trees with green leaves. The other tree is a ‘Forest Pansy’ redbud that has pretty maroon colored leaves.

    Redbud 'Forest Pansy'

    Leaving some stems from last year’s garden provided a place for a little spider to spin her web. The color in the background is the ‘Forest Pansy’ redbud leaves shining in the sun.

    spider web

    The peonies are blooming all over the yard. We have at least eighteen different cultivars with multiple plants of many of them. This one is ‘Dancing Butterfly.’ It’s a beautiful shade of rosy red. I managed to catch a bee making rounds of the peony blossoms.

    Peony 'Dancing Butterfly'

    The iris ‘Kevin’s Theme’ looked great today. That’s false indigo behind it (Baptisia australis).

    Iris 'Kevin's Theme'

    And the columbine is really pretty right now. This is a great flower. Reseeds itself, but not aggressively. A perennial, so it comes back the next year. Easy to transplant. Can take some dappled shade or sun. Just a happy spring flower.


    blue columbine


    It works well with the hostas.

    under the Southern pin oak

    The Star of Bethlehem is still blooming around the yard.

    Star of Bethlehem

    And the Honesty plant looks good, too. It’s beginning to make its green coins. I plan to cut some of the Honesty back so it sends out fresh flowers. It’ll have a rebloom in a few weeks.

    Honesty (money plant)

    Just as I was ready to go back inside, I noticed the birds under the bird feeder. DH keeps it filled each morning, but it had run dry. So the birds were checking for fallen seeds on the ground. Here a cardinal, a mourning dove, and a house sparrow search for a snack.

    cardinal and mourning dove

    Mrs. Cardinal was there, too.

    female cardinal

    I’m looking forward to more garden time on Wednesday. This is my favorite time of year. Not too hot and new things to see each day. I hope you’re able to get outside to enjoy a garden! If not, you can stroll through other gardens at Jean’s Bloomin’ Tuesday.


    menu plan monday ~ april 23, 2012

    We have several people in the house not feeling well. And a birthday to celebrate Monday evening. Lots of yard work to do this week. Who knows what else will come up. At least the menu is ready!

    Carry Out for a birthday dinner request
    Cherry Cheesecake birthday cake by request

    Chicken and Dumplings
    Green Salad

    Pork Chops in the Crock Pot
    Green Salad

    Chicken and Spinach Quesadillas
    Garden Salad

    Chicken Taco Chili
    Home Baked Tortilla Chips

    Fridge Food

    Julie’s Ziti
    Cheesy Garlic Bread
    Corn on the Cob
    Garden Salad

    You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


    garden corners

    Here are some pictures from the garden this past week. I haven’t been out the past few days as it has been chilly and wet. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get out tomorrow or Tuesday. We shall see. If it turns sunny and warm, this would be a nice spot to enjoy the garden. That’s the lilac ‘Miss Kim’ in the background.

    front yard

    These Johnny-Jump-Ups really did jump up where least expected. We didn’t plant them, but there must have been a few seeds that managed to find their way to the garden. After a few years, the spot is now loaded. A sweet little flower. My paternal grandmother had these in her yard. And it seems there was a spot in the pasture where they covered a slope every spring. Anyone else remember that?


    Hosta ‘Frances Williams’ with ‘Royal Standard’ in the background. ‘Frances Williams’ can be persnickety about getting sun. Too much at all and the leaves burn and brown. But she seems to like it here under the redbud tree where she gets late evening light.

    Hosta 'Frances Williams'

    The honesty plant (otherwise known as “money plant”) is making its “coins.” If the plants are cut back to just under the flowers before the coins get too mature, they will send out new shoots and bloom again in a month or so.


    The hosta ‘Flower Power’ is a large upright hosta. It will have fragrant white flowers in early summer.

    Hosta 'Flower Power'

    Iris ‘Fjord’ has a pretty blue cast to the blossoms.

    Iris 'Fjord'

    ‘Illini Warrior’ is a single peony in a beautiful shade of dark red. I like the single blossomed peonies. The flowers, with one layer of petals, are light enough to stand up to even heavy rains. Anyone with the larger bomb type peony blossoms knows what happens when it rains…floppy flowers.

    Peony 'Illiani Warrior'

    Here’s a picture taken in 2010, of peonies after rain. Singles won’t do this.

    pink peonies

    Another single…’Lavender Lady.’ This is a plant sold in the past by Wal-Mart. It is not a registered peony as far as I can find out. But it does have a pretty single pink bloom.

    Peony 'Lavender Lady'

    Hosta ‘Big Mama.’ This is one we’ve waited on for several years. Hosta growers are fond of saying, “First year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps.” Well, this one has been on a “sleep” hold for a few years, but this year it looks great. Maybe it has decided to leap.

    Hosta 'Big Mama'

    Hosta ‘Torchlight’ This is a great hosta. Fast growing. It made a large clump quickly.

    Hosta 'Torchlight'

    And it has a secret…red petioles. So pretty! Here’s a picture of DH moving it in 2010.

    Hosta 'Torchlight' showing off its red petioles

    Iris ‘Red at Night’

    Iris 'Red at Night'

    Unknown irises…these were in the yard when we bought the house in 1994.

    west front yard

    Hosta ‘Guacamole’ with ‘Sagae’ in the background. ‘Guacamole’ is another nice hosta. Large, grows well and has pretty guacamole green leaves with a darker green margin. It was named “Hosta of the Year” in 2002.

    Hosta 'Guacamole'

    Another unnamed iris. This one is from my Aunt Jane’s yard. Perhaps the most fragrant iris we have in our garden. You can smell it’s lovely scent from across the yard.

    spring iris

    Iris ‘Kevin’s Theme’

    Iris 'Kevin's Theme'

    Iris ‘Northwest Progress’


    Iris ‘Mary Frances’

    Iris 'Mary Frances'

    Hosta ‘Invincible’ is a very pretty hosta with shiny solid green leaves. It is one of the first ones up in our garden.

    Hosta 'Invincible'

    Hosta rectifolia ‘Nakai’ is one of my favorites. I like the shape and length of the leaf, as well as the creamy border.

    Hosta rectifolia 'Nakai'

    Another lovely single blossom peony…’Dancing Butterfly.’

    Peony 'Dancing Butterfly'

    We’ll finish with the columbine. It’s a long lasting spring flower. Very pretty with hostas.


    I hope you enjoyed the garden this week. If you’re local, come by and see the irises and peonies in person. Take note of what you like and we’ll dig some for you at the next plant sale.

    You can check out more gardens at Tootsie’s place.


    little adventures

    The girls are always a bundle of fun. They were here a couple of days ago and we had all kinds of adventures. Even though Rose Red says, “I don’t like adventures.”

    They helped Pa drive the tractor…

    helping Pa drive the tractor

    And let Ma give them rides…

    time for a ride

    Played on the “park” as the girls call it…

    the "park" at Pa's house

    Snow White will climb to the top of the slide and come all the way down. “Ta-daaa!”


    Rose Red prefers to climb half way up from the bottom and then slide down…

    electric hair

    We scratched a few itches…

    itchy back

    And watched a few flies…

    watching a little fly

    Played a duet using the timer and the piano…


    Helped unwrap “presents” from the boxes I brought back from my parents’ house.

    unwrapping "presents"

    They liked the salt cellars. Perfect for eating little M&M bits. Which we did.

    little treasure

    All in all, a fun day filled with fun adventures.


    menu plan monday ~ april 16, 2012

    Home-Baked Tortilla Chips


    Fridge Food

    Spinach and Bacon Quiche ~ with ham instead of bacon
    Garden Salad

    Homemade Pizza

    oh, yum

    Grilled Chicken Wings
    Grilled Pork Steaks
    Oven Fried Potato Wedges
    Cole Slaw with Walnuts and Craisins
    Corn on the Cob

    roasted potatoes

    Fridge Food

    Baked Chicken
    Herb Roasted Fingerling Potatoes and Carrots
    Garden Salad with Homemade Croutons

    You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
