menu plan monday ~ december 31, 2012

I’m late getting the menu up this week, but it’s been one thing or another, seems like. We had a great time with my family here on Saturday for our annual Christmas party, with 42 attending. We missed those who couldn’t attend.

The evening before and morning of the party, we had a beautiful snowfall. Made the yard look like the land of Narnia before Aslan defeated the White Witch.

Narnia snow

The littles were excited about their gift exchange.

family Christmas party

Getting ready for that party just about wore me out. I’m grateful for the help DH and my daughters gave to make it work! But I was pretty tired afterward. One reason I was slow in getting the menu up this week. But we’re all recovering! And here’s the menu…

Fridge Food ~ there were plenty of leftovers from the party to hold us over.

Turkey and Noodle Soup

Wednesday ~ celebrating DH’s birthday a little late
Crunchy Baked Pork Chops
Green Salad
Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Rolls
Creamy Mushroom Bake
Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower
Steamed Green Beans

Peach Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream

Cheesy Sausage and Potato Soup
Toasted Homemade Bread

Homemade Tortilla Chips
Avocado Sour Cream
Shredded Lettuce and Diced Tomatoes

Saturday ~ Library Dinner for Eight
Pear-Walnut Salad
Marinated Pork Tenderloin
Baby Baked Potatoes
Green Beans
Creamy Mushroom Bake
Cranberry Salad
Homemade Rolls

White Almond Sour Cream 2-layer cake with snowflake garnish
Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake with Christmas Mice garnish

Homemade Sauce
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad
Rosemary Bread

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ december 24, 2012

Only one more sleep till Christmas! It makes me excited and sad at the same time. I hate for this time of year to come to an end. We do have three more parties to host, though, so we’ll be celebrating for a while longer. My family is coming Saturday for our Christmas, we’re hosting a library dinner and Christmas house tour January 5, and we are planning to have friends over for an evening in there somewhere. Maybe January 2. We’ll see how that works out.

The twins are ready! And excited!! They are counting down the “sleeps till Christmas.”

Christmas twins

Everything is a great adventure for them this time of year. We are looking forward to having their family here for Christmas Day.

Christmas amaryllis

Here’s the menu for the week. I’m working on tomorrow’s menu today. Most will be ready or will just need reheated for our Christmas Day snacking and grazing. We gave up the big dinner a few years ago in favor of finger foods and it has made the day much more relaxed and easy-going which we enjoy a great deal.

Hearty Lentil Soup

Cheese and Spinach Strata for Breakfast

Finger Food for Christmas Day
Little Smokies in Bacon
Three Cheese Spread and Pita Chips
Sausage Cheese Balls
Spicy Meatballs in Cranberry Sauce (I’m trying this recipe for the meatballs and baking them instead of frying.)
Veggies with Ranch Dip
Cheese / Sausages / Crackers
Chex Mix
Peaches and Cream Pie
Christmas Cookies

Fridge Food

Homemade Pizza

Cheesy Potato and Sausage Soup

Family Christmas Party / We’re providing the meat and buns. Everyone else is bringing the rest.
Alton Brown’s Pot Roast for sandwiches
Spicy Shredded Pork for sandwiches
Homemade Buns
Cowboy Beans
Green Salad
Veggies and Dip
Cheese Spread and Crackers

Fridge Food

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.

May you have a very Merry and Joy-full Christmas!

Christmas Open House


house concert 2012

At the house concert last week, Nathan George, Ross Sermons and Robert Bowlin treated us to an evening of wonderful music.

house concert 2012

Many guests shared with us how much this annual concert enriches their Christmas season each year.

house concert 2012

house concert  2012

We missed Mark Stoffel who has been a big part of the concert in previous years. Mark and his family were in Germany to be with family. Mark, we missed you!

house concert 2012

house concert 2012

So much lovely music! So much fun!

house concert 2012

We asked Nathan to save the date for us for next Christmas. Already looking forward to it!


helping Pa open his present

While our younger son and his wife were visiting from Seattle, we exchanged gifts with them. They shipped the wrapped presents ahead so we had them under the tree. We save boxes this time of year, and I used their shipping box to wrap a present for DH. Lo and behold, one of the gifts they sent ahead was missing and we decided it might be in the packing material that was in the box I had used. So DH got to open one of his gifts before Christmas Day! And the twins wanted to help, of course!

family Christmas

family Christmas

family Christmas

family Christmas

family Christmas

Rose Red immediately lost interest once the gift was revealed, but Snow White went outside with Pa to fill the bird feeder and hang it for the birds.

helping Pa open his present

And, yes, the missing CD was in the bottom of the box, wrapped and ready for gifting. 🙂


menu plan monday ~ december 17, 2012

We were happy to have our younger son and his wife home for a few days. They live in Seattle and that’s a long way away! While they were here, we had our family Christmas with them, including a big dinner and opening presents. My Dad and my sister Margaret came down for the afternoon, so Dad could watch the kids open presents. While he was here, we took a few pictures.

My dad and our kids and dear daughters-in-law

my dad and our kids

Dad and our grands

my Dad and my grand-children

And they all went next door to visit Great-Ma (DH’s Mom).

DH's mom and our kids and grands

This week, DH’s sister and her husband are coming for a few days to visit DH’s mom. We still have a few events to plan and I have a mountain of gifts to wrap. Also some crafting I want to do…just for fun. And we are planning to host a dinner for a group of eight who bought our “dinner and Christmas house tour” at the library auction last year. Due to my Mom’s passing away last December, they graciously allowed us to put it off until this Christmas. I’ve put the menu down on Wednesday, though our date isn’t tied down for sure. So you may see that menu again in another week or so.

Julie’s Baked Ziti
Homemade Rolls
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Chicken and Dumpling Soup

Pear-Walnut Salad
Marinated Pork Tenderloin
Baby Baked Potatoes
Green Beans with Mushroom Sauce
Cranberry Salad
Homemade Rolls

White Almond Sour Cream 2-layer cake with snowflake garnish
Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake with Christmas Mice garnish

Homemade Buns
Veggies and Beau Monde Dip

Fridge Food

Crock Pot Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Mushroom Sauce
Green Salad
Steamed Broccoli

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


open house 2012

I asked a young friend to take pictures at our annual Christmas Open House last week. She did a great job.

Guests sign in as they come through the front door.

Christmas Open House

The living room tree holds our family ornaments. It’s nine feet tall and sits on a two foot high box that DH made for the tree. This is one of five revolving trees we have

Christmas Open House

The living room nativity is one my mother gave me in 1983.

Christmas Open House

The Bible is about 150 years old. We open it to Luke 2 and display it next to the nativity.

Christmas Open House

Genny, my sister, chalked a roaring fire on the fireplace cover. This year it was a good thing we had a fake fire in the fireplace rather than a real one as it was the warmest weather we’ve ever had for an open house. We opened windows early in the day to get the house ready for all the company.

Christmas Open House

Everyone also enjoyed Genny’s other chalked masterpiece…an eight foot tall Christmas tree in the music room.

Christmas Open House

The music room also has the bubble light tree. This tree has old-fashioned ornaments, bubble lights {like my Grandma’s tree}, vintage postcards, and candles {never lit, in case you’re wondering}.

Christmas Open House

The tree in the dining room is the Snow Tree. We covered every branch with fluffy cotton batting. I made the snowball ornaments years ago.

Christmas Open House

Christmas Open House

The cookie table was set up in the dining room.

Christmas Open House

Christmas Open House

truffle tree

Christmas Open House

In the kitchen, the table held the cookies waiting to be plated.

Christmas Open House

And an army of Christmas Mice waited nearby…

Christmas Open House

The kitchen windows are decorated with a garland and my collection of snowflake ornaments.

Christmas Open House

The door that leads to the addition is painted with a holly wreath each Christmas. This door was the front door on the farm house DH’s grand-father built.

Christmas Open House

The tree in the downstairs bedroom is dubbed “the blue and silver tree.” It’s a toss-up between this one and the glass tree upstairs for “favorite.”

Christmas Open House

Behind the blue and silver tree, this Jim Shore blue nativity sits on the book case.

Christmas Open House

In the same room, you’ll find The Tale of Three Trees on the little dresser.

Christmas Open House

Upstairs in the scrapbook/crafting room, I have a tree that displays the ornaments from the ornament exchange we have each year on the Christmas Notebook group. I made the garlands over the windows last year.

Christmas Open House

This year, I decided the “I Spy” tree needed a little freshening. I added a few new items to it and then the tree was repainted silver.

Christmas Open House

Isn’t this paper doll cute? My daughter-in-law found Mr. and Mrs. Claus in North Carolina and gave then to me last year. We had them framed and they hang in the craft room.

Christmas Open House

Christmas Open House

Our youngest daughter wanted something different this year in the way of a Christmas tree. She used old Christmas cards to make a two-dimensional tree on the wall in her bedroom.

Christmas Open House

Our older daughter’s room was decorated with a book theme. Her door wreath turned out beautifully.

Christmas Open House

Her tree ornaments were all made of book pages. She punched stars and sewed them together to make the garland.

Christmas Open House

Our middle daughter’s tree is done with copper colored ornaments and beads. So pretty!

Christmas Open House

The ribbons on the glass tree look gold in this picture, but they are silver.

Christmas Open House

All the ornaments on this tree are made of glass.

Christmas Open House

With more than 160 guests, there were a few I didn’t get to say hello to. But I did enjoy talking to my second cousin and his wife and my Mom’s brother, my Uncle Tim, among others.

Christmas Open House

I hope your celebration of Christmas includes grateful thanks for all that Christ has done.



menu plan monday ~ december 10, 2012

I’ve been working on some mid century modern Putz houses for my daughter-in-law. I used three patterns from, and drew two patterns myself. They’ve been fun to work on.

mid century modern putz house

I need to finish what I can on the putz this morning, then get busy in the kitchen. Our son and his wife are coming for Christmas this evening and we’re having “Christmas dinner” tomorrow. Then gift exchange with them. My Dad is coming for that. Then we have the house concert on Thursday evening, so I have some kitchen prep to do for that.

Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Crock Pot Rotisserie Style Chicken
Steamed Broccoli

Wednesday ~ Christmas Dinner while our son and his wife are home for a few days.
Crock Pot Turkey
Glazed Ham
Mashed Potatoes with Mushroom Sauce
Jiffy Corn Casserole
Broccoli Casserole
Brussels Sprouts
Green Salad
Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake
Pumpkin Cake

Cheesy Potato Sausage Soup

Thursday Evening House Concert
Meatball Sliders I’ll make mine using crescent rolls in small muffin tins.
Bacon Wrapped Little Smokies
Sausage Balls
Three Cheese Spread with Crackers and Pita Chips
Antipasto Platter
Veggie Platter with Beau Monde Dip
Sweet Pickles
Cinnamon Pecans
Candy Jumble
Peanut Butter Truffles

Homemade Pizza

Fridge Food

No clue…deciding later.

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


ornament tutorial ~ bottle brush tree on a wooden spool

Two of the {many} things I brought home from my mother’s house after she passed away last Christmas were her button and spool collections. I love them both and have been using them in my crafting. With the spools and some small bottle brush trees, I made these ornaments.

tree and spool ornament

Supplies needed:

  • 2″ – 2 1/2″ bottle brush trees, bases removed
  • wooden spools
  • strips of text cut to fit the height of the thread area of the spool and long enough to go all the way around (use pages from old books, magazines, wrapping paper, or type your own phrase and print it)
  • ornament hooks for making hangers
  • wire cutters
  • scissors
  • star shaped beads for the top of the tree
  • miniature ornaments and beads to dangle under the spool
  • strings of small beads or tinsel pipe cleaner to wind around the tree as a garland
  • fine point tweezers
  • small beads to glue to tree as ornaments
  • glitter
  • white tacky glue or mod podge
  • silver glitter glue
  • paint brush for applying white glue and glitter glue
  • hot glue gun

tree and spool ornament

To decorate the spools, paint each spool with white glue, all the way around where the thread would be. Place the strip of paper over the glued area and wrap it around, adding glue if needed. When the strip of paper overlaps, tear the remainder off, then paint glue under the end of the paper and over the entire top of the strip of paper. Smooth out any bumps that may appear by rolling the handle of the paint brush over the paper.

tree and spool ornament

When the glue has dried, paint glitter glue over the entire spool, including the text. The glitter glue I used leaves a thin film of glitter over everything and doesn’t hide the text at all. Don’t use a thick coarse glitter that will cover the text and make it hard to read. If you don’t have glitter glue, just add some fine silver glitter to white glue and paint it on.

This is the glitter glue I used:

glitter glue

spool ornament

No, I didn’t squirt the glue right onto the counter. The glitter glue is actually in a plastic container, though that is hard to tell in this picture.

tree and spool ornament

Prepare the dangling ornament for the bottom of the spool by adding a bead to the string of a miniature ornament.

tree and spool ornament

When the glue is dry on the spool, thread the beaded miniature ornament through the spool from the bottom, checking to be sure the text is right side up. Glue the cord of the miniature ornament to the top of the spool, using the hot glue. Be sure you leave enough room for the little ornament to hang freely below the spool.

tree and spool ornament

To make the hanger for the top of the tree, use needle nose wire cutters to make a loop in one end of the ornament hook. Wind the wire tightly around itself so it will fit through the hole in the star bead. Be sure the star is right side up. Trim the tail of the wire to about 1/2″.

tree and spool ornament

tree and spool ornament

Glue the star to the top of the tree, sliding the tail of the wire down into the tree so it sits along the center wire of the tree. Glue the tail to the center of the tree.

tree and spool ornament

You can use strings of beads or tinsel pipe cleaners to decorate the tree as garlands. Either way, start by using the hot glue to glue the end at the bottom of the tree. Set it so it will slowly slant up and around the tree.

tree and spool ornament

When the glue at the end is hard, continue around the the until the top is reached, using dots of hot glue to hold it in place.

tree and spool ornament

When you get to the end, wrap the tinsel pipe cleaner just under the base of the star and trim it with the wire cutters so it is flush with the tree. If a sharp end sticks out, push it into the tree so it won’t catch on anything or scratch anyone.

tree and spool ornament

When finished, use tweezers to pick the hot glue “spider webs” off the tree.

tree and spool ornament

After the garland is done, use fine point tweezers to add small beads to the tree as ornaments. Believe me, the right tweezers make all the difference! I use “parade” bead necklaces and cut the beads apart for the larger ornaments. Don’t worry about the tiny “tail” of string. It’s easy to turn the bead to hide that. For smaller ornaments, I use colored and metallic beads.

beads for tree and spool ornaments

Fine point tweezers make this job easier than it would be otherwise.

fine point tweezers

tree and spool ornament

tree and spool ornament

When done, use the tweezers to groom the tree of hot glue “spider webs.” It will look much more professional and finished if you eliminate those glue threads.

Using hot glue, attach the finished tree to the top of the spool. The ornament can be done at this point, or you can spread it with glue and sprinkle on some glitter. Personally, I lean toward “can’t have too much glitter.”

This is a variation of the ornament, using strings of very small beads as a garland on the tree and also as a trim on the spool.

bottle brush tree ornament

bottle brush tree ornament

I plan to make more of these ornaments. They were fun to put together.

bottle brush tree ornament

Update July 26, 2016 / Click this link for another post on making these ornaments. A few helpful tips. spool ornaments

Similar spool ornaments I have made can be found in my Etsy shop. ChristmasNotebook


menu plan ….. thursday ~ december 6, 2012

It has taken me a few days to regroup after the open house. I have spent the time in my crafting room making ornaments and watching movies. Love me some Netflix!

tree and spool ornament

I also enjoyed the beautiful sunset on Tuesday evening. Did anyone else see it?

gorgeous sunset last

In the meantime, it’s been “all hands fend for themselves.” Now I’m posting the menu for the rest of the week and getting back to business. Our younger son and his wife are coming from Seattle for a Christmas visit next week and I have meals to plan and gifts to ready for that. And next Thursday is our annual house concert, so there will be plenty of appetizers to make, as well.

Not sure what we ate…probably cookies!

I had a turkey sandwich…

The girls took matters into their own hands, and bought pizza for everyone…

Cheeseburger Soup
Celery and Carrot Sticks

BBQ Chicken in the oven
BBQ Pork Steaks in the oven
Oven Fried Potato Wedges
Green Salad
Steamed Broccoli

Homemade Pizza

Homemade Sauce
Homemade Rolls
Green Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


open house report

We had a wonderful Christmas Open House yesterday! It went by in a blur of friends, laughter and happy faces. We had about 170 guests. Many tell us the open house begins their Christmas season each year. Several weeks ago, I asked a young friend who is a great photographer to take a LOT of pictures for me during the party. She came early to get pictures of the decorations, then stayed for most of the open house, taking more pics. I’ll have those at the end of the week, after she edits them, and will post some party pics then. Meanwhile, I’ll post here some of the pictures my family took with their phones. Aren’t those phone cameras handy dandy!?

The weather was phenomenal. This may have been the only open house when we had to actually open the windows because the weather was so warm! When guests arrived, though, they were greeted by a roaring fire in the living room. A fake fire, that is. Genny chalked logs and flames on the fireplace cover. Worked perfectly! Here’s a picture of it, taken during pre-party prep. DH is taking a break from the decorating.

fake fire

My usual schedule for the day before the party is to decorate the sugar cookies first thing. It takes five or six hours to finish them. After that, I work on the last chocolate work that needs to be done…dipping, dunking and drizzling. Last year, I finished at 1:00 a.m. Not good. This year, I was done at 8:30 p.m. Much better!

decorating the cookies

This is the kitchen table the night before the party. Boxes and boxes of cookies and candies. And my notebook on the table, with the cookie list. Check, check, check…

cookies...ready and waiting

The cookie table…

cookie table

cookie table

Christmas cookies

BTW, my dear friend Laurie made (on Friday and Saturday) the snowflake curtains behind the cookie table. And she made a tree skirt for the silver and blue tree, valances for DD’s bedroom, added length to a bed skirt, and made curtains to hang in the corner desk areas of the scrapbook counter to hide all the boxes I stored under there. She was amazing! Thank you, Laurie!!!

craft room

Laurie did me another favor this season. She and her hubby have just finished a year long renovation of the entire first floor of their log cabin. Beautiful! And during that transition, she has had opportunity to bless others with furniture she no longer needs. She gave me a beautiful display cabinet that now showcases my Putz houses. I hope to have a picture of that to share with you soon. The Putz looked beautiful in it. Another big thanks to Laurie!!

puts house

My dear daughter-in-law found great Mr. and Mrs. Santa paper doll sheets at a thrift store. They were still wrapped in the original plastic. DD found frames for them and they are now hanging on the cabinets in the scrapbook room. So cute!

Mr. and Mrs. Claus paper dolls

Today, we’re taking it easy, resting, watching movies, nibbling cookies…not much going on. I may take a nap!

Christmas goodies

Our thanks to all our guests for taking the time to share this special time of the year with us. God bless you, every one!
