Yesterday, my Dad, my sister and my brother-in-law came for the afternoon. They live about two hours due north of us. DH and my BIL went on a 22 mile bicycle ride. My Dad, my sister and I had a nice afternoon just visiting, catching up on news, and enjoying each other’s company. I’m so glad they were able to come!
After they left, DH got out the golf cart and we toured the garden. The temperature was 69* and the sky was a beautiful blue with puffy white clouds drifting to the east. The first daffodils opened yesterday. I sent two of the blossoms home with my sister for them to enjoy until their own daffodils bloom. I could have sent more if I’d been around the garden before she left! We found quite a few blooming here and there. We did pick a sweet little bouquet that DH put in the craft room for me to enjoy, and we discovered quite a few other things beginning to bloom.

The Star Magnolia had opened several buds.

The crocus began blooming on February 11.

The Surprise Lily leaves are popping up, dark green and lush. The leaves will die back along with the daffodils and then, in the first week or so of August, long stems will burst from the ground and make a beautiful show of pinky purple blooms.

The magnolia ‘Jane’ is covered with blossoms beginning to show their beautiful pink color.

A lot of daffodil patches are covered with buds. They will open soon, if our warm weather continues.

The little 6″ ‘Tete-a-Tete’ daffodils are blooming all around the yard.

Here’s the view from the bottom of the little hill behind our house. I always thank God for this huge old Southern Red Oak that graces the back yard. It’s beautiful all year round.

It was wonderful to see so many signs of spring in the yard. Our weather has been much warmer than our average February high of 44*. Spring is here much earlier than usual. Hopefully we won’t get a deep freeze before winter is finally gone for good. I hope you have some flowers. Either in the garden or on the table. Either way, they’re heart warming!