the grands came by

What a beautiful fall day we had this Friday. After several days of rain and cold winds, we enjoyed a perfect autumn day. The windows were open, the breeze was rustling through the big oak tree, and the sunlight poured from a blue blue sky and danced off the red-crowned dogwood at the kitchen door.

I was happy to see the twins come by with their mom this afternoon. They came over to cheer me up as I’m still feeling sad about losing my kitty Zak. We had a good time visiting. The first thing they did was construct a pirate ship using cardboard boxes and tubes, duct tape and paper. They used two boxes so there was room for them both. I wish I had taken a picture of the finished product with the girls in it. Lots of “Argh!” and “Hoist the mainsail!”


My daughter-in-law, bless her, volunteered to straighten the pantry for me. We have a large pantry, by the way. A big job. While she did that, the twins and I dipped marshmallows in candy coating to make “candy corn” marshmallows. Then they moved on to making marshmallow ghosts. A couple of candy coating dots made eyes. Before the coating dried, they stuck heart-shaped cookie decorations on the dots, declaring, “the ghosts are in love!” After the eyes and the candy coating mouth dried, they spread candy coating hair over the tops.


The girls also dipped big marshmallows in orange to make pumpkins. They put green heart-shaped sprinkles on top for leaves.


The smaller marshmallow below is a regular sized one. The “candy corn” ones turned out very cute. The girls left this one for Pa. And the large marshmallow was one they started for their sister and then the orange candy coating was put away before it got dipped, so they left that one here. Didn’t want an unfinished one! Hopefully, they shared one of the candies they took home with Sissy.


All in all, a fun afternoon. I’m so glad they came.

Genny came down this evening. We will be decorating the blue and silver Christmas tree tomorrow. Pictures when we’re done!


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