When DD and I walked the back yard yesterday, we saw signs of spring everywhere.
The Star of Bethlehem is putting up it’s bright green leaves. We always called this “Easter grass” when I was young. The clumps green up long before the actual grass does and looks perfect for nestling Easter eggs.
The columbine wastes no time in spring. As soon as the weather begins to change, even a little bit, it starts to green and grow.
Bush Honeysuckle is an introduced species that is a pain to control. But it’s one of the first things to bud in spring. The green is welcome, if the shrub is not.
The daffodils are stretching up and will be blooming in a few days, I’m sure.
The moss on the Southern Oak is greening.
And the crocus are blooming!
With all the rain we are getting today and expecting tonight, there will be no working in the yard tomorrow.