ready for a few more?

There are more daylilies than I can feel OK about posting. Don’t want to bore you! But aren’t these beautiful?

‘Chicago Flapper’

'Chicago Flapper'

‘Gentle Shepherd’

'Gentle Shepherd'

‘Refiner’s Fire’

'Refiner's Fire'

‘Daring Deception’

'Daring Deception'

‘Neal Berrey’

'Neal Berrey'

‘Spider Man’

'Spider Man'

‘Wild Mustang’

'Wild Mustang'

‘Atlanta Full House’

'Atlanta Full House'

‘Amy Michelle’

'Amy Michelle'

Enough, already? Or enough of a tease to make you want more? πŸ™‚ If you’re local, drive by. Come in and look around. The garden is beginning to show some great color!


a few pretty blossoms

I have taken a lot of daylily pictures the past few days and would like to share a few with you. DH and I check out the FFOs (First Flower Out) every day. Sometimes the FFO is not the best looking blossom, so I don’t post every one on its debut, but we’ll be getting better pictures as the daylily season unfolds. You can see a lot more daylilies from our garden on my flickr site.

‘Novelty Number’ has a beautiful blend of color.

Daylily 'Novelty Number'

‘Two Part Harmony’ was planted in our garden in 2009. It’s looking great this year.

Daylily 'Two Part Harmony'

‘In Springtime’ had never impressed me until we moved it from one bed to another. Now it’s showing better color and is growing on me.

Daylily 'In Springtime'

A pretty pink one, ‘Chorus Line’ has the green throat I like so much.

Daylily 'Chorus Line'

‘Pure and Simple’…orange in a lovely way.

Daylily 'Pure and Simple'

‘Tiger Track’…orange in an in-your-face sort of way. This one is stunning when viewed across the garden, and even more so close up.

'Tiger Track'

‘Monterrey Jack’ is one of my very favorites. The yellow is a beautiful shade.

'Monterrey Jack'

Daylilies come in so many colors, shades, sizes, forms and textures. Here’s a subtle one, but no less beautiful than those more intense.

'Courtly Love'

‘New Note’…another gorgeous color.

'New Note'

‘Fairy Tale Pink’…soft and lovely.

'Fairy Tale Pink'

There are a lot more blooming in the garden. I’ll share them soon. Remember, if you’re local, we do sell daylilies. All proceeds go to the mission fund of our church. If you see a plant on this blog or in my flickr stream that you like, make a note and give us a call.


menu plan monday ~ june 13, 2011

Seems the weather is going to be cooler this week than last, but perhaps wetter. We’re not adverse to a little rain, though. The garden would appreciate it.

The daylilies are providing a lot of color in the garden right now. This is the “common” daylily, otherwise known as a “ditch lily” around here. But if you look at it closely, there’s nothing common about it. How pretty is that?


The elderberries are blooming, too. So pretty, when you stop for a close-up look.

elderberry blossoms

We hope to have weather that permits us to work in the garden this week, as we have a group of Master Gardeners coming on the 22nd for a tour. This weekend, two of my sisters and my brother-in-law came to help weed beds and spruce things up a bit. They worked so hard! And we appreciate it SO much!! And we girls got matching garden hats. πŸ™‚ BTW, the trim on the house is being painted as I write. By next week, it should look fresh and new!

garden helpers

With a pretty busy week ahead, I plan to keep the menu simple.

Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry
Didn’t get to this yesterday, as planned, so we’ll have it this evening.

Chef Salad
Around here, “chef salad” means you throw anything you want into a big white bowl and pour your favorite dressing over it. Makes a meal.

Homemade Buns
Garden Salad

Baked Chicken
Garden Salad
Steamed Garden Beans

Homemade Pizza

Lunch ~ Taco Salad
Taco Seasoning for meat

Supper ~ Spicy Shredded Pork

Sunday ~ Father’s Day
Marinated Pork Tenderloin ~ DH’s favorite!
Garden Salad
Steamed Garden Beans
Corn on the Cob
Homemade Rolls

Apple Pie and Ice Cream
We usually don’t make a dessert, but since it’s Father’s Day…he deserves it. πŸ™‚

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ june 6, 2011

The weather has turned into summer quickly. It’s been hot and humid. The peonies and most of the irises are done blooming. The Asiatic lilies are blooming, though, and they are beautiful. We don’t have as many as I’d like, but here is one of my favorites. The daylilies are beginning to bloom and that’s always exciting so I will be posting pictures of those soon.


Spicy Shredded Pork Didn’t get to this one on Saturday, so am making it today.
Homemade Hamburger Buns

Fake Baked Ziti
Homemade Rolls
Garden Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Homemade Rolls

Homemade Hamburger Buns
Veggies / Ranch Dip


Fridge Food

Broccoli Beef Stir Fry

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


more hostas

In the lull between the iris / peony blooms and the daylily flood, we are thankful for the hostas that grace the garden. They add color, texture and beauty. A sense of peace after the fast moving spring flush. Over the past few years, the bed by the carport has become more shaded. Last year, we moved peonies out and moved more hostas into it. They didn’t seem to mind the move at all.

‘June Fever’ stands out with its beautiful color.

Hosta 'June Fever'

‘Waving Wuffles’ and ‘Clifford’s Forest Fire’

Hosta 'Clifford's Forest Fire'

‘June’ is nearby. This is my favorite hosta. I love the color and its vigor. ‘June’ just keeps going.

Hosta 'June'

And here’s a small hosta that I really like. It’s called ‘Lemon Lime.’ It would make a very pretty edger.

Hosta 'Lemon Lime'

‘Invincible’ has a very glossy green leaf. It makes a shady spot sparkle.

Hosta 'Invincible'

‘Golden Tiara’

Hosta 'Golden Tiara'

In the front yard, ‘Royal Standard’ and ‘Grand Tiara’ grow under the redbud tree by the front porch.

Hostas under the redbud by the front porch

‘Torchlight’ is under the same tree.

Hosta 'Torchlight'

We have some hostas that have been in the garden ten years or so. ‘Blue Angel’ may be one of those. I don’t remember when we added it.


‘Powder Blue’ was added to the garden a few years ago. This is going to be a gorgeous hosta when it reaches maturity. It’s a beautiful powdery blue color and is supposed to grow to a 60″ wide clump.

Hosta 'Powder Blue'

Another fairly new hosta in our garden is ‘Journey’s End.’ This, I believe, is it’s third summer. It is growing quickly. The hosta to the right is ‘Candy Hearts.’

Hosta 'Journey's End'

Hostas come in so many different colors, sizes, and textures. They are a beautiful addition to the garden and don’t require a lot of care other than mulching. Like most other plants, they do best with adequate moisture, especially during their first season in the garden, but once well established, they can take care of themselves.


menu plan monday ~ may 30, 2011

Today was Memorial Day in the United States. We didn’t participate in our usual tradition of attending the ceremony at a local cemetery where many of DH’s ancestors are buried. Instead, DH and two of our daughters joined our younger son and his wife to attend a special event at another cemetery. DH’s great-great-great-grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War and a plaque stating that fact was dedicated to his memory today.

Revolutionary War veteran

Our thanks goes out to all those who have stood through the years for the freedoms and safety of our country and her citizens.

We had planned to grill for supper, but the day quietly slipped by and we never quite got around to it. So we’re putting that on the menu for Wednesday. Here’s the week:

Fridge Food

Ham or Turkey Sandwiches
Veggies / Dip

Grilled Pork Steaks / BBQ Chicken
Oven Fried Potato Wedges
Garden Salad

Baked Chicken
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Green Beans
Garden Salad

Spicy Shredded Pork
I use the ingredients in the recipe, put them on top a roast in the crock pot and cook it on low all day. Delicious.
Homemade Buns
Garden Salad

Fridge Food

Ranch House Crock Pot Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes
Garden Salad
Steamed Cauliflower and Broccoli

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


happy hostas

I started to put this post together a week or so ago, but didn’t get it posted due to being busy with prep for the annual church family picnic. Then I was ill this week and spent four days in the recliner, elevating my leg. So, finally, here it is…the first of several hosta posts. Enjoy!

The hostas seem to be particularly happy this year, growing large and lush, for the most part. Here are a few pictures from around the yard.

The ‘Royal Standard’ by the front porch has been large for some time. Though it’s on the north side of the house, it is far enough from the main part of the house to get quite a bit of sunshine, especially in high summer. It does fine, year after year. Hostas take more sun than many people give them credit for. Moisture is a big issue, though. They need their water.

Hosta 'Royal Standard'

Another hosta with a sunny disposition is ‘Squash Casserole.’ It’s a vigorous hosta and multiplies quickly. Here it’s planted on the north side of a Japanese maple on the north side of the house. It gets a lot of afternoon sun.

Hosta 'Squash Casserole'

‘Daybreak’ fronted by ‘Candy Hearts’ sit in what had been a very shady corner. Half the redbud tree has been trimmed back or lost to ice, so the corner is no longer so shady. We’ll see how they do. ‘Daybreak’ is one of my favorite gold hostas. It keeps its color and makes the dark corner shine.

Hosta 'Daybreak' and 'Candy Hearts'

DH moved ‘Waving Wuffles’ which had been so close to the large ‘Samurai’ that it was overshadowed. It should be happier now, with more room to grow. The smaller hosta in the front is ‘Devon Green.’

hostas by the carport

This is ‘American Sweetheart’ which seems to like the spot it occupies under the mulberry tree.

Hosta 'American Sweetheart'

We’ve found ‘Wheaton Blue’ to be vigorous and quick to grow. It’s also under the mulberry tree.

Hosta 'Wheaton Blue'

‘Clifford’s Forest Fire’ was moved to its current location two summers ago and seems happy.

Hosta 'Clifford's Forest Fire'

‘Spritzer’ is larger than it looks in this picture where it is surrounded by Honesty (money plant) seed pods.

Hosta 'Spritzer'

This particular hosta ‘Sagae’ had some trouble getting started. It grew smaller and smaller over several summers, but now has rebounded and is quite large.

Hosta 'Sagae'

Under a large redbud, the hosta ‘Frances Williams’ likes the dappled shade. Her leaves are easily burned by summer sun.

Hosta 'Frances Williams'

‘Guacamole’ and ‘Blue Angel’ (the dark blue/green one behind ‘Guacamole’) are growing larger every year.


The hosta ‘Liberty’ is a slow growing hosta, but worth the wait. It’s a beautiful plant.

Hosta 'Liberty'

DH spread mulch under these hostas under a redbud near the front porch. The larger hosta is ‘Royal Standard’ and the smaller one on the left is ‘Blue Cadet.’ ‘Blue Cadet’ makes a beautifully shaped rounded clump. Very tidy and neat.

mulching the hostas

Here are a few hostas in the front yard. Different shapes and sizes and colors…more than just “the green one” and “the green and white one.”

hostas in the front yard

I hope you enjoyed the hosta tour. We have many more hostas…I’ll take pictures and share those soon.


menu plan monday ~ may 23, 2011

We had a busy weekend, preparing for our church’s annual spring picnic at our house. We had more than 90 people here, which is the largest turnout for the picnic we’ve ever had. LOTS of fun!! This sweet picnic-er kept everyone entertained. πŸ™‚

sweet girl

The weather was forecast to be rainy on Saturday and Sunday, but we had beautiful weather on both days. The clouds were pretty last evening, too.

pretty clouds

Our internet was down from Sunday late through Tuesday evening, so I’m late posting the week’s menu.

Pizza Hut

Tuesday ~ Happy Birthday to me! DH planned and prepared dinner.
Crock Pot Turkey
Garden Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Steamed Asparagus
Birthday Cake and Ice Cream

happy birthday to me!

Chicken Stir Fry

Ham or Turkey Sandwiches
Veggies / Dip


Fridge Food

Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Garden Salad

Monday ~ Memorial Day
Grilled Pork Steaks and BBQ Chicken
Cole Slaw
Oven Fried Potato Wedges
Fruit Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


flowers…love ’em

So many flowers popping up in the garden. Something new every day. Like this pretty blue columbine.

blue columbine

The yellow flag, Iris pseudacorus, just opened this week.

Yellow Flag

Peony ‘Dancing Butterfly’

Peony 'Dancing Butterfly'

Peony ‘Nymph’

Peony 'Nymph'

The Goldmoss Stonecrop Sedum blossomed this week.

Goldmoss Stonecrop

And the pretty white geraniums did, too.


The lovely peony ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ opened this week, as well. A beautiful dark pink, it’s a bit later in blooming that most of our other peonies.

Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt'

Peony ‘Raspberry Sundae’ is much prettier than this photo shows. It is blushed a soft pink. Beautiful!

Peony 'Raspberry Sundae'

I love the “black” flowers. The iris ‘Dark Passion’ is a pretty one.

Iris 'Dark Passion'

Siberian iris ‘Caesar’s Brother’

Siberian iris 'Caesar's Brother'

The daisies in the fenced garden opened this week.


And the false indigo is blooming.

false indigo

There is a lot more blooming in the garden, but I’ll stop here. I’ve probably run too long already. Next post…hostas. They are looking beautiful this year. I wonder if it’s all that rain?? Β Check out more spring blossoms at Tootsie Time.

~~Rhonda πŸ™‚

menu plan monday ~ may 16, 2011

It’s a week of birthdays in our family. My Dad’s birthday is the eighteenth. As is my younger son’s and my SIL’s. My niece’s birthday was yesterday and my birthday is a week from tomorrow. My family was here yesterday afternoon and we celebrated Dad’s birthday with a cake.

Happy birthday, Dad!

My four sisters and two sisters-in-law were here from Friday night through Sunday afternoon for Sisters’ Weekend. We had a great time! Lots of fun, lots of talking, lots of cooking and eating, a little shopping and a little sleeping. By the time everyone left, I needed a looong nap!

Totally leftovers. I’m recuperating from a busy weekend!

Veggies / Dip

Broccoli Beef Stir-Fry

Baked Chicken
Steamed Broccoli / Cauliflower / Carrots
Garden Salad

Baked Tilapia
Oven Fried Potato Wedges
Garden Salad

Fridge Food

Sunday ~ Church Picnic at our House
Cheesy Potato Sausage Casserole in the Crock Pot
White Almond Cake

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
