I started to put this post together a week or so ago, but didn’t get it posted due to being busy with prep for the annual church family picnic. Then I was ill this week and spent four days in the recliner, elevating my leg. So, finally, here it is…the first of several hosta posts. Enjoy!
The hostas seem to be particularly happy this year, growing large and lush, for the most part. Here are a few pictures from around the yard.
The ‘Royal Standard’ by the front porch has been large for some time. Though it’s on the north side of the house, it is far enough from the main part of the house to get quite a bit of sunshine, especially in high summer. It does fine, year after year. Hostas take more sun than many people give them credit for. Moisture is a big issue, though. They need their water.

Another hosta with a sunny disposition is ‘Squash Casserole.’ It’s a vigorous hosta and multiplies quickly. Here it’s planted on the north side of a Japanese maple on the north side of the house. It gets a lot of afternoon sun.

‘Daybreak’ fronted by ‘Candy Hearts’ sit in what had been a very shady corner. Half the redbud tree has been trimmed back or lost to ice, so the corner is no longer so shady. We’ll see how they do. ‘Daybreak’ is one of my favorite gold hostas. It keeps its color and makes the dark corner shine.

DH moved ‘Waving Wuffles’ which had been so close to the large ‘Samurai’ that it was overshadowed. It should be happier now, with more room to grow. The smaller hosta in the front is ‘Devon Green.’

This is ‘American Sweetheart’ which seems to like the spot it occupies under the mulberry tree.

We’ve found ‘Wheaton Blue’ to be vigorous and quick to grow. It’s also under the mulberry tree.

‘Clifford’s Forest Fire’ was moved to its current location two summers ago and seems happy.

‘Spritzer’ is larger than it looks in this picture where it is surrounded by Honesty (money plant) seed pods.

This particular hosta ‘Sagae’ had some trouble getting started. It grew smaller and smaller over several summers, but now has rebounded and is quite large.

Under a large redbud, the hosta ‘Frances Williams’ likes the dappled shade. Her leaves are easily burned by summer sun.

‘Guacamole’ and ‘Blue Angel’ (the dark blue/green one behind ‘Guacamole’) are growing larger every year.

The hosta ‘Liberty’ is a slow growing hosta, but worth the wait. It’s a beautiful plant.

DH spread mulch under these hostas under a redbud near the front porch. The larger hosta is ‘Royal Standard’ and the smaller one on the left is ‘Blue Cadet.’ ‘Blue Cadet’ makes a beautifully shaped rounded clump. Very tidy and neat.

Here are a few hostas in the front yard. Different shapes and sizes and colors…more than just “the green one” and “the green and white one.”

I hope you enjoyed the hosta tour. We have many more hostas…I’ll take pictures and share those soon.