menu plan monday ~ february 27, 2012

On a daily basis, time is passing slowly. But the weeks seem to fly by quickly. How does that work?? Spring will be here soon, and, for that, I am grateful. The first daffodil opened on Sunday. It’s a wonderful promise of what’s to come.

first daffodil of the season

I’ve been working on Putz houses.

framing windows and door

They are still under construction.

fenced Putz bases

I am also enjoying watching the Decorah eagle cam. I watched them last year, too. It’s a fascinating close up of nature. The eagles have three eggs. It will be exciting to follow them as they hatch, then grow and fledge.

Decorah eagle cam

Here’s the menu for the week.

Crock Pot Rotisserie Style Chicken
Green Salad

Chicken Taco Chili
Baked Tortilla Chips

Grilled Pork Steaks
Grille Chicken Wings
Veggie Packets

Homemade Pizza

Skillet Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans
Green Salad

Fridge Food

Baked Ziti
Green Salad
Toasted Garlic Bread
Stir Fried Sugar Snap Peas

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


first daffodil of the spring

Makes me happy.

first daffodil of the season


a little bit of garden work

This afternoon, DH and I got out into the yard a bit. The crocus are blooming in the back yard. So pretty!




Each spring, DH burns the tall grasses in the yard. Get rid of the old growth…make way for the new growth.

burning the tall grasses

burning the tall grasses

DH planted a little lettuce, too. Can’t wait until it starts to sprout!

planting lettuce

The daffodils are growing taller and showing more blooms.

daffodil buds

This one is ready to pop open!

about to bloom

Every spring is the only spring, a perpetual astonishment. -Ellis Peters


menu plan monday ~ february 20, 2012

I’m getting a late start to posting the menu this week. We’re sharing a cold around here. DH had it, the girls had it, now I have it. Things are slow all the way around.

We had some fun last week, though. My friend Jane and her husband came over for the day. Jane and I made Putz houses.

my dear friend Jane and her Putz church

And the twins spent a couple of nights. Lots of fun then! I got a lovely present from one of them…

a wonderful present!

Here’s the menu for the rest of the week. We’ll see how it goes.

Fridge Food

Rice and Eggs

Chicken and Noodles

Homemade Pizza

Green Salad
Garlic Bread

Cheesy Potato and Sausage Soup

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Green Salad
Garlic Bread Sticks
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ february 13, 2012

Here’s a pretty plant that my mother passed on to me last year. She got her start of it from her uncle’s home. It’s an orange amaryllis, Hippeastrum striatum, I believe. Correction is appreciated, if anyone knows it is something else. It blooms in January/February, each year.

orange amaryllis from my mother

Down to business…here’s our menu for the week.

Homemade Buns
Stir Fried Cabbage and Garlic
Oven Fried Potato Wedges

Pork Chop and Potato Casserole
Green Salad
Crock Pot Apples
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Spicy Shredded Pork in the Crock Pot ~ I follow the pork recipe’s ingredient list, but I don’t blend them. I put the roast in the crock pot and throw everything in on top. I know it’s not the same as roasting it, so it’s different than the meat the original recipe would produce, but it’s still delicious! And easier.
Homemade Buns
Home-baked Tortilla Chips
Celery and Carrot Sticks

Mongolian Beef with Broccoli

Homemade Pizza

Dinner with extended family. I’m providing:
Spicy Shredded Pork
Alton Brown’s Pot Roast
Homemade Buns

Crock Pot Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


making putz houses

There is a lot of interest currently in Putz houses, or little glitter houses, that were once used to make village scenes under Christmas trees and on mantles. You can read more about them at Little Glitter Houses and Papa Ted’s Place, just to mention two sites. My Pinterest Putz House Tutorial board has more links.

I’ve been drawing patterns for Putz houses this week. Here are the assembled houses and churches, ready for painting and glittering. Can’t wait!

This is a fairly simple church with a nice bump out on the front.

Putz church

This church has a few more details than the others. It’s already on a base and has a fence. I used a hand punch to make the lattice fence.

Putz church

This is a very simple vintage-style Putz.

Putz house

Another simple one, with a bump out front door.

Putz house

This is the church, this is the steeple.
Open the doors and see all the people!

Putz church

I like the roof trim on this house. I made it with a hand punch.

Putz house

Very simple two-story Putz. The little roof in front of the house will be glued over the door after painting.

Putz house

I like the two chimneys on this house.

Putz house

It’s a bit hard to see in this picture, but the steeple tower sits back a bit from the front of the house.

Putz church

Next comes the fun of painting and glittering. I’ll be posting about that soon.

If you would like to see more of my Putz houses, as well as Christmas ornaments I have made from upcycled holiday cards, please visit my Etsy shop.

ChristmasNotebook at Etsy


menu plan monday ~ february 6, 2012

DD has a birthday today. Over the weekend, we took her and a friend out to dinner. She loves sushi, so we enjoyed that. Delicious!

birthday sushi

A busy week ahead. We’re still taking down Christmas. It doesn’t take as long to take down as it does to put up, but I haven’t been in the mood to do it. I’m grateful that our son and his wife came over Friday to help, and they cleared most of three rooms. That’s a lot, in case you haven’t been here at Christmas… The lights were a big hit with our granddaughter. She had fun just holding them. She thought they were “bootiful.” Later the twins pretended they were a campfire, though there was some disagreement about just where the campfire should be placed. Didn’t take too long to straighten that out. Then they got pillows and blankets and “slept” by the campfire for a while. Fun. 🙂

she loves the lights

Tonight is DD’s family birthday party. And DH’s sister and her husband will be here for a few days. So I’m planning to keep things as easy as I can menu-wise.

The birthday girls wants:
Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Green Salad
Minecraft Cake (lemon flavored)
Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream

Alton Brown’s Pot Roast for sandwiches
Homemade Hamburger Buns
Coleslaw with Peanuts and Raisins
Veggies and Ranch Dip

Wild Rice and Chicken Soup
Homemade Rosemary Crackers

Mongolian Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry

Homemade Buns
Stir Fried Cabbage and Garlic

Homemade Pizza with Mushrooms

Baked Chicken
Herb Roasted Fingerling Potatoes and Carrots
Steamed Asparagus
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


7 days of shooting

Over the holiday season, I neglected the two flickr groups I enjoy the most. One is Macro Monday, to which one or two macro photos are submitted each Monday according to the week’s theme. The other group is 7 Days of Shooting. There is an overarching weekly theme and, also, daily themes that have to fall under the weekly theme.

I enjoy both groups a great deal. They help me stretch as a photographer and make me look for the details in every day items. Many of my 7 Days of Shooting photos turn out to be macros because I enjoy shooting the close ups so much. There is beauty in the mundane and a lot of detail that is missed unless we make time to look for it.

Last week, the week’s theme was “empty.” I managed to submit photos five days out of the seven.

Empty / Minimal Sunday
After seeing some of the other submissions and doing some research on minimal photography, I learned this particular photo isn’t as minimal as it could have been. Minimal photography is as much about the space surrounding the object as it is about the object being shot.

green pitcher

Empty / Macro Monday
This is a flower frog.

flower frog

Empty / Go For Bokeh Tuesday
“Bokeh” means the unfocused areas in a photograph.

empty bell jar

Empty / Thoroughly Abstract Thursday
This is from an art glass vase.

art glass

Empty / Shoot Anything Saturday
This is actually my favorite from the week. I like the color and the detail.

empty shells

The current theme is “the letter P.” I missed submitting on Tuesday, but plan to finish the rest of the challenges. I’ll post those next week.

If you enjoy photography, I encourage you to challenge yourself with a theme or a list of ideas. Click this LINK for a list we used in homeschooling for art class. This LINK takes you to a list of weekly themes for some inspiration. Google photography challenge list for more lists and ideas.


menu plan monday ~ january 30, 2012

We were highly entertained Sunday afternoon watching the twins wrap “presents.” They spent over an hour cutting gift wrap, pulling tape, wrestling with the packaging…so much fun! Pa got a bow, Ma got a box of cereal, Auntie got a box of tea and Sissy got a bowl of chalk.

just a little more tape...

Serious business!

cutting wrapping serious...

They (and we!) had a great time!

they spent an hour wrapping things

We’re taking a day off school to catch up on some housekeeping needs in the scrapbook room and in DD’s room. Call it “home ec.” We’ll make the school work up later this week. In keeping with the home ec theme, here’s our menu for the week.

Beef and Green Veggies Stir Fry

Baked Potato Soup

Grilled Hamburgers
Grilled Veggie Foil Packets
Green Salad

Salmon Bake with Pecan Crunch Coating
Herb Roasted Fingerling Potatoes
Steamed Asparagus
Green Salad

Chicken Taco Chili
Homemade Baked Tortilla Chips

Fridge Food

Roast Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Stir Fried Sugar Snap Peas with Cherry Tomatoes / Scroll down the link page for the recipe.
Green Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


chicken taco chili

This Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili was a new recipe for me. See the link for the original recipe. I did change some things, so I’ll show those changes below.

Chicken Taco Chili

I had planned to make the chili in the crock pot as the original recipe does, but didn’t have all the ingredients in time to do that. I made it in a soup pot on the stove.

Chicken Taco Chili

To a large soup pot, add:

3 pounds of chicken breast, boneless and skinless (about four large breasts)
water to just cover the chicken in the pot
1 T. dry onion
2 tsp. celery seed
1/2 tsp. salt

Bring to a simmer and, once it begins to gently simmer, give it about 25 minutes.
Remove the chicken from the broth and let it rest for ten minutes or so before dicing or shredding. Return the chicken to the broth. Add:

1 16-oz. can black beans (do not drain)
1 16-oz. can kidney beans (do not drain)
29-oz. can tomato sauce (original recipe called for only 8-oz.)
29 oz. can crushed tomatoes
2 cups frozen corn
1 T. cumin
1 T. homemade taco seasoning (See recipe below.)
1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley

Bring to a simmer and serve.

The original recipe also added:
1 packet taco seasoning (I used the homemade mix.)
1 T. chili powder (Left this out, as chili powder is too spicy for one family member.)
1/4 c. chopped cilantro. (I substituted parsley as I do NOT like the taste of cilantro.)

This is very good and a nice warm soup for a cold evening. It would be great served with cornbread, tortilla chips and celery sticks. Top with shredded cheese and sour cream, if you like. Could be served over rice, as well. It was even better the second day.

I doubled this taco seasoning recipe and used a tablespoon of it in the soup. I stored the rest in a glass spice jar. No more taco seasoning packets for us. Another small step in reducing excess packaging.

Taco Seasoning Mix

1 tablespoon chili powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Since making the seasoning, I’ve used it in Slow Cooker Cilantro Lime Chicken and to season homemade baked tortilla chips. Very good!
