trying new recipes for fish and rice

I like trying new recipes and had several on the menu this week. They’ve all been good.

This evening we had Super-Crisp Oven Baked Fish and Parmesan Rice Pilaf. I had planned to try a different recipe for the fish, but when I took a look at it, it required frying the fish, then finishing it by baking it in the oven. I wanted a recipe that just baked the fish, so I looked for a different one. This one was very good and did have a nice crispy crust.

I made my own bread crumbs for the recipe. Easy to do with a food processor and so much cheaper than buying them from the store. Just process as many slices as you want in a food processor. Add a dribble of olive oil while processing. You can also add spices, salt/pepper, herbs, etc. Up to you. Spread the crumbs on a cookie sheet and toast in the oven at 350 for 10-15 minutes. Stir a few times while toasting. Done when crisp.

For this recipe, I used fresh snapper and fresh tilapia that our middle daughter brought home from the “big city.” There isn’t much option in our small town for getting any kind of fresh fish. Unless you’re a fisherman with access to someone’s pond.


Next time I make the baked fish, I will add a tablespoon of Dijon mustard to the egg mixture. And maybe some freshly granted lemon rind. Also, I didn’t have yogurt, so I substituted light mayo in the egg mixture.

The rice was also good. Our youngest daughter (loves rice) gave it a thumbs up. Here’s the way I tweaked the rice recipe.

Parmesan Rice

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cups rice
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. garlic powder
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 2 T. fresh, diced parsley (which I forgot to add)
  • 4 T. sliced almonds, lightly toasted
  • 1/4 c. freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the rice, the salt, and the garlic powder. Cook, stirring now and then, for three minutes. Add the chicken broth and the pepper.

Bring to a rolling boil. Cover and reduce heat to lowest setting. Cook for 20 minutes.

Add toasted almonds, parsley and Parmesan. Stir well and serve.

It would be good with peas and diced carrots in it.

The salad was good. Romaine, spinach, arugula and diced cucumber with freshly grated black pepper. Steamed asparagus rounded out the meal. We’ll be having this again.


menu plan monday ~ january 28, 2013

Yesterday DH made rye bread for the first time. It’s delicious! Really wonderful bread. It took a longer time to rise than our usual bread recipe, but it was worth the wait.

rye bread

Mushroom Stroganoff
Garden Salad

Crispy Oven-Fried Cod Fish
Steamed Asparagus
Fruit Salad

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Toasted Ham and Swiss Sandwiches on Rye Bread
Red Grapes
“Use a Spoon” Chopped Salad

Bean and Barley Soup
Rosemary Bread

Taco Salad

Veggie Lasagna
Grilled Garlic Bread
Steamed Green Beans
Green Salad

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


baking rosemary bread

Yesterday the day was chilly and grey. I spent the afternoon in the kitchen, making turkey soup and Rosemary Bread. Seemed a good way to spend a chilly afternoon. The bread is an old favorite, but the soup was a new recipe for me. Very good and we’ll be making it again.

rosemary bread

Rosemary bread is a delicious favorite that I’ve made many times and that my family always enjoys. I am prone to changing recipes quite a bit, but the only ingredients I’ve changed on this one is to use basil and oregano separately rather than using “Italian Seasoning” and I use fresh rosemary rather than dried. The bread is perfect and very easy to make.

This recipe is for one loaf, but is easily doubled for two.

  • 1 cup warm water [I use hot water from the faucet.]
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 tsp. dried oregano
  • 1/4 tsp. dried basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp. fresh rosemary, finely chopped
  • 2 1/2 cups bread flour

The bread can be mixed in a bowl by hand and kneaded by hand. I used my mixer.

Put the warm water in the bowl of a mixer fitted with a dough hook. Add the yeast and stir until it is dissolved. Add the other ingredients and stir on slow until the flour is incorporated. Knead the bread with the mixer for six minutes.

You can leave the dough in the mixing bowl, dribble a couple of teaspoons of oil around the sides, then use a dough scraper to turn the dough until it is covered with oil. Cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place to rise.

rosemary bread

When doubled in size, remove from the mixing bowl, form into a round or loaf shape and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Allow to rise until doubled. As you can see here, I doubled the recipe and made two free form loaves.

rosemary bread

Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven until browned, about 25-30 minutes. My family cannot resist cutting into bread as soon as it comes from the oven. That results in a squashed slice, but it is OH, SO good right out of the oven, so I forgive them and have a slice myself.

rosemary bread

If you have an instant read thermometer (which is a way handy thing to have, I must say!), you can insert it into the loaf to determine whether or not it is finished baking. Bread is done when the center reaches a temperature of about 190 degrees. Breads enriched with eggs, milk, and/or butter are done at about 200 degrees.

It’s hard to keep my family from cutting right into this loaf as soon as it comes from the oven, but it’s better to let it rest for ten minutes or so before slicing.

Hot soup and warm crusty bread…nothing better on a chilly day!

turkey soup and rosemary bread

I hope you’ll give it a try. Very easy to make! Your family will be glad you did!


menu plan monday ~ january 21, 2013

I had a good time this past weekend at my Dad’s house, for a Sisters’ Weekend gathering. I, my four sisters and two sisters-in-law try to get together for a weekend once a year. For Christmas, everyone pitched in to give my Dad a Civil War wallpaper border for his collection room, with the promise that we’d put it up for him in January.

family Christmas party

It was a great Sisters’ Weekend project.

installing Dad's wallpaper border

Though we didn’t shun the help of my tall brother-in-law John.

installing Dad's wallpaper border

Here’s the menu for a week of cold weather. The pork chops for Monday were very good. We’ll be making them again.

Pork Chops for the Slow Cooker
Steamed Broccoli

Turkey Soup
Rosemary Bread

Lentils and Pork ~ I use a smoked pork shank to make this. Delicious!
Veggies and Ranch Dip

Crock Pot Chicken Cordon Bleu
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Soft Tacos
Avocado Sour Cream

Homemade Pizza

BBQ Chicken in the oven
Macaroni and Cheese
Brussels Sprouts
Oven Baked Potato Wedges

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ january 14, 2013

We hosted our last holiday party this past weekend. I made the Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake that has been a hit in the past.

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake

Now it’s time to think about putting Christmas away. It’s a big job, but one that we need to do. I just hate to see it come down.

Christmas Open House

Here’s the menu for the week.

Fried Oysters
Oven Baked Potato Wedges
Green Peas

Homemade Pizza

Hamburger Buns
Celery and Carrot Sticks / Ranch Dip

Mongolian Beef with Broccoli

Ham or Turkey Sandwiches
Veggies / Ranch Dip

Fridge Food

Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


this week in pictures / january 6~11

Sunday / 6:30 p.m. / day of rest

DH and Happy "watching" TV

Monday / 5:00 p.m. / lovely amaryllis


Monday / 7:30 p.m. / fresh oysters!

fresh gulf oysters...

Wednesday / 11:45 a.m. / glittery triangle house

fun in Ma's craft room

Wednesday / 11:45 a.m. / the alphabet song

she wrote the entire alphabet

Thursday / 1:50 p.m. / drizzly

rainy day

Thursday / 5:00 p.m. / Foggy / It’s unusual to have fog that late in the day.

foggy evening

Friday / 11 a.m. / prepping to make gingerbread trifles

granny smiths

Friday / 6:45 p.m. / The countdown is on.

26 days until...

Friday / 9:45 p.m. / Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake

Wondering what next week will hold…


dinner and a house tour

The local library hosts an annual dinner and auction to raise money for the library. We like to donate dinner for eight with a Christmas house tour to the auction. Seven guests were able to attend this year.

library dinner guests

The menu included

The White Almond Cake is a dessert I have made once before.

snowflake cake

To make the snowflakes, I googled “snowflake clip art” and printed ones I liked onto a sheet of paper, using Print Shop. I melted almond bark (candy coating) and piped it onto waxed paper that was placed over the printed sheets.

almond bark snowflakes

The snowflakes are fragile, breaking easily, so I made six cookie sheets full of snowflakes in different sizes and used four of those sheets to decorate the cake.

almond bark snowflakes

almond bark snowflakes

The cake was layered with plum jam that I made last summer. While our guests enjoyed their desserts in the dining room, we enjoyed ours in the kitchen.

enjoying the white almond cake

It was a fun evening and one we enjoyed hosting. Many thanks to our wonderful guests for their generous donation to the library fund. We look forward to hosting another library dinner next Christmas!


menu plan monday ~ january 7, 2013

Last week, we celebrated DH’s birthday. I baked peach pie, his favorite, and the twins helped him blow out his candle.

help with the candle

We also hosted a dinner for eight and a Christmas house tour last week. That will be another post. This week we have one more party, then will draw this Christmas season to a close. Here’s the menu for the week.

Fried Fresh Gulf Oysters…who needs anything else?

fresh gulf oysters...

Fresh Fried Catfish
Baby Baked Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans

Homemade Buns
Veggies / Ranch Dip

Simply Great Chicken
Steamed Veggies
Green Salad

Friday ~ invited friends over for appetizers and desserts
Spicy Meatballs with Cranberry Sauce
Bacon Cheese Spread with Bagel Chips
Caprese Salad Skewers
Creamy Mushroom Bake
Stuffed Baguette
Marinated Shrimp

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake
Ginger Cake Trifles with Caramelized Apples, Cranberries & Whipped Cream

Fridge Food

Chicken Cordon Bleu Pasta
Garlic Bread
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


snow ice cream treat

Last weekend, we had the beautiful fluffy snowfall. The girls had a great time playing in the yard.

snow fun

And had fun eating lots of snow, too…

fun in the snow

There was enough snow on the ground to allow us to make snow ice cream. While the girls warmed up with some hot chocolate, I mixed the ice cream.

Snow Ice Cream

  • Collect a large bowl of clean snow.
  • Whip 1 c. of whipping cream to soft peaks. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla and 1/4 c. of powder sugar. Mix well.
  • Fold snow into the whipped cream until it has the texture you like. (Serves about 6.)

making snow ice cream

Taste testing…

sampling the snow ice ceam

Thumbs up from the twins.

thumbs up on the snow ice cream!

That was a busy Saturday, but not too busy to make some snow ice cream. The stuff memories are made of.


Christmas eve and Christmas day

Christmas Eve

Like many families, we have a tradition of opening a gift of Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve. We also open one more gift. Not sure how that tradition got started, but it’s one we have.

Christmas jams

Christmas jams

Christmas jams

There always seems to be a kitty available for playing with bows and ribbons.

intrigued by a bit of ribbon

Then it was time to watch A Muppet Christmas Carol. Another family tradition for Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve

After the movie, I made a spinach and cheese strata for Christmas morning. Fresh spinach and Gruyère cheese! Sooo good!

Spinach gruyere strata

Christmas Day was long but fun. DH was, of course, the first one up. He got a lot done before anyone else stirred. After a breakfast of warm strata, we spent the morning getting ready for our older son and his family to come for Christmas.

spinach and Gruyere strata

Fuzzy blanket, cup of coffee and toffee bar crunch biscotti…almost ready for opening presents! BTW, how do you like our spray painted folding chairs? Red ones and green ones. 🙂

fuzzy blanket, coffee and biscotti...ready for opening presents

After everyone settled in, DH read the account of the first Christmas from Luke 2:1-20.

reading about the first Christmas

Ready to open stockings!

cozy Christmas morning


Christmas morning

Christmas morning

Christmas morning

The twins’ favorite gifts were their bicycles.

new bicycle

practicing braking

Other faves…

this will go right up on her wall

Pa’s new light-weight ladder…

they love Pa's new light-weight ladder

We took a break from the gifting and had our dinner…finger foods and appetizers. Yummy and easy!

finger food for dinner


admiring the tree


This day is one of celebration. Of family and of love, of giving and receiving, but most of all, of Christ.


May your New Year be full of Christ’s great gift of love.
