Sunday bouquet

The peonies are in full bloom, a bit later this spring than usual.

Sunday bouquet

They smell heavenly. I hope you have peonies in your garden.


menu plan monday ~ may 20, 2013

The iris and peonies look beautiful right now. Here’s the bouquet from Sunday. Love this combination of colors and flowers.

Sunday bouquet

My menu is late, but I’m squeaking in. I do better during the entire week if I have a menu in place. Even if we shuffle it or change plans all together. At least we have a plan and I am prepared for those meals. Coupled with the cherry lime delta 9 gummies I take, it takes a lot of stress off my day.

Homemade Pizza

Fridge Food

Pork Chops
Baked Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Green Salad

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce and Meatballs
Homemade Rolls
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Friday ~ my birthday!
Grilled Pork Steaks and Chicken
Roasted Potatoes and Carrots
Creamy Mushroom Bake
Corn Casserole
Green Beans
Garden Salad

Fridge Food

Pork Roast
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans
Crock Pot Apples
Garden Salad

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


happy 80th, Dad!

This afternoon our family celebrated my Dad’s 80th birthday. It was fun to be together and to honor our Dad. The next-to-the-newest family member freely shared smiles with everyone.

Dad's birthday

The cake was half carrot cake and half chocolate cake. Carrot cake was Dad’s request.

Dad's birthday

Once they started putting candles on the cake, they decided to go all the way to 80.

Dad's birthday

Lighting all those candles was the next step.

Dad's birthday

Some of the great-grands were happy to help Great-grandpa blow out his candles.

Dad's birthday

Surprisingly, we didn’t set off the smoke detectors.

Dad's birthday

Cake was enjoyed by all.

Dad's birthday

We gave Dad a DNA kit for his birthday. One of those kits where you send in a swab and get back an analysis of your family heritage. We are hoping the results will be useful in our genealogy research. Dad was surprised and is looking forward to getting the results back.

Happy birthday, Dad! It was great to see you today. Thanks for all you do for our family!


happy birthday!

Yesterday was our younger son’s birthday and also my Dad’s 80th birthday.

happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you both! With love from me.

~~Rhonda / ~~Mom

irises and peonies and hostas, oh my!

I haven’t been able to get out much this spring, but managed to today. The irises and peonies are beautiful right now. And the hostas…well, some survived last summer’s drought and are looking great…some didn’t make it. We need to do an inventory to figure out how much and what we lost.

spring garden

I really love dark irises. This is a beautiful dark purple called ‘Edge of Night.’ We have another called ‘Before the Storm’ that is even darker, almost black.

Iris 'Edge of Night'

The iris ‘Brown Lasso’ has always been short in our garden. Until this year. It shot way up.

Iris 'Brown Lasso'

‘Alabaster Unicorn’ is unusual in that it has horned beards. They come to a point instead of being rounded and fluffy like other bearded irises.

Iris 'Alabaster Unicorn'

A pretty orange one is ‘Feminine Fire.’

Iris 'Feminine Fire'

This clump was particularly pretty today. It’s called ‘Congratulations.’

Iris 'Congratulations'

Along the front of the yard, peonies and irises mix. These beds will be full of daylily blooms soon.

front border

In the back yard, the peonies mix with pink columbine for a pretty show.

peonies and columbine

The hostas look lush right now. This one is ‘Journey’s End.’

Hosta 'Journey's End'

‘June’ is a popular hosta. Mid-sized to small, it has a beautiful pattern of blue-green and gold.

Hosta 'June'

‘Blue Cadet,’ with columbine, grows near the back door.

Hosta 'Blue Cadet'

‘Thunderbolt’ is a rugged hosta that should attain a clump size about twice what it is now.

Hosta 'Thunderbolt'

‘Squash Casserole,’ shown here under a Japanese maple, is one of my favorites. It is a vigorous grower in our garden and holds its pretty gold color all summer.

Hosta 'Squash Casserole'

The hosta ‘Fried Bananas’ is another nice gold one. Here it shares a redbud tree with a clump of Sweet William.

Hosta 'Fried Bananas'

If you’re local, drive through or stop by, and enjoy the irises and peonies. They will be done blooming and the garden will move on to daylily season before we know it.

front yard


a car for dd

Well, the time has come…our youngest daughter is taking driver’s ed and has her driver’s permit. She’s been practicing driving with her Dad and her sisters. How time flies…

We didn’t really plan to get a car for her right away, but a great deal came up and we took advantage of it. The car was owned by one person who must have just driven it around town for the past 19 years. It’s in great shape and has only 31,000 miles on it. It will be a great car for DD to use around town. All that shopping she’ll be doing for me, you know…

She was very surprised!

a "new" car

And she loves the color.

a "new" car

I am so not ready for her to be driving around town on her own! But that time will be on us before we know it.


menu plan monday ~ may 13, 2013

I hope you had a good Mother’s Day. We had fun here, with all our children home, with the exception of our younger son’s wife. She’ll be visiting the area at the end of the month. We enjoyed the long weekend with our son home from Seattle. My Dad joined us for dinner and the afternoon. He was entertained by the twins, who love their Great-Pa.

visiting with Great-Pa

DH’s mother will be 96 in a few months. She enjoyed having everyone come by to say hello and visit for a bit.

Mother's Day

visiting Great-Ma

And there were lots of bubbles after lunch.

bubbles on the porch

Here’s the menu for this week. We’ll see my dad again next weekend when he celebrates his 80th birthday.

Fridge Food…lots of Mother’s Day leftovers

Chef Salad with ham, chicken, and bacon

Tacos / lettuce from the garden, tomatoes, cucumber, beef, cheese, sour cream, salsa

Pork Chops (We bought half a pig from my niece and her husband…lots of pork on the menu for a while.)
Grilled Potatoes and Carrots with Rosemary
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry

Homemade Pizza

Grilled Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Green Beans
Garden Salad

Birthday Cake and Ice Cream to celebrate my Dad’s 80th birthday. Happy birthday, Dad!

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


the twins

Since I’ve been missing in action lately, I thought I’d prime the blog posting pump with a few pictures of the twins. They do add a lot of fun and joy to our lives!

Rose Red is a bit taller than Snow White, as you can see. This is just after haircuts. The last time she had a haircut, Rose Red looked in the mirror and said, “It looks like someone else’s hair.”

tall twin, short twin

Gotta love their little helping hands…and feet…They were helping Pa make the bed. When they got done, they snuggled in under the covers with pillows propping them up and read books for a while. The bed was as messy after, as it had been before!

helping Pa make the bed

Pa loves to take them on bicycle rides when they are here. Their Christmas bikes went to their house. These were given to us by a friend and we so appreciate them! Thank you, Dacia!

cycling with Pa

Rose Red twirled into the kitchen and proclaimed, “I came fancy today!” Indeed! A full length gown, a big red hat, blue shoes and red and white striped socks…pretty fancy!

"I came fancy today!"

Snow White drew a picture of herself having a dream. In her dream, she was floating in the ocean, dreaming about hot oatmeal. I asked her if her daddy made hot oatmeal for her breakfast. She said, “No! I don’t like it!” Okaaaay….

coloring pictures for Ma

Our own little girl isn’t so little any more. Here she is with her dad, ready to attend prom with some friends.


I have to remember that the twins will grow up that fast, too. ::sigh::


menu plan monday ~ april 29, 2013

The lilacs are blooming. This bouquet has lilacs from starts from my mother’s, from my mother-in-law’s and from my maternal grandmother’s gardens. The fragrance is wonderful.


This week, we celebrated our oldest daughter’s birthday, DH had two visitations to attend, I went north to visit with my Dad and sister, then she and her husband were here on Saturday while DH and my sister’s husband took part in a nearby bike ride. It was a cold wet day and the bike ride was not as much fun as it would have been with better weather, but they did enjoy the ride. Sunday our older son and our granddaughters were here for Sunday dinner. Always fun to have them over. We missed our daughter-in-law who had to work that day, but we hope to see her soon.

I have not felt the best the past few weeks and missed a couple of Menu Plan Monday posts. But I’m getting better and the menu for the week is as follows.

Fridge Food / lots of leftovers from yesterday…

Roast Beef in the Crock Pot
Homemade Buns
Garden Salad

Chicken Divan
Green Salad
Rosemary Bread

Mongolian Beef with Broccoli

Ham and Beans

Homemade Pizza

Spaghetti and Meatballs
Quick Spaghetti Sauce
Homemade Rolls
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ april 8, 2013

Spring seems way late this year. And I am way tired of waiting for it. But it is finally really, truly here. This picture of the helleborewas taken April 3, this year. I checked my flickr site and, last year, the same plant at the same stage of bloom was taken March 12.

beautiful hellebores

Daffodils that were blooming enough to make a bouquet on March 19, last year, are just now blooming.


After checking other bloom times, I can see that spring is about three weeks later than last year. But it is finally here. I hope you are enjoying open windows, warm breezes, lawn mower noises, and the lovely flowers of spring.

I am, again, a day late in posting our week’s menu. Better late than never. I am glad for the accountability of posting my link to the Menu Plan Monday site. I can’t imagine heading into the week without planning our meals ahead of time. It saves time, money and stress.

Mongolian Beef with Sugar Snap Peas and Carrots

Chicken Tetrazzini in the Crock Pot
Lima Beans / Corn
Green Salad

Chef Salad
Red Grapes

Hearty Lentil Soup

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Steamed Green Beans
Rosemary Bread
Garden Salad

Homemade Pizza

Buffalo Chicken Pie
Sautéed Zucchini Recipe
Green Salad

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
