menu plan monday ~ august 5, 2013

Sunday’s bouquet was made of purple cone flowers, phlox, and obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana). A study in pink. Surprise lilies are up, too, but I decided to leave them out. Time enough for them next week.

Sunday bouquet

Our daughters did some school supply shopping this week. Amy thought that was all for her.

cat nap on new school supplies

We made Rosemary Crackers and Rosemary Bread…both yummy!

rosemary crackers

The week’s menu is as follows:

Fridge Food

Homemade Sauce
Garlic Bread
Sugar Snap Peas

Chicken and Noodles

Sub Sandwiches
Red Grapes

Homemade Pizza

Chicken Tetrazinni in the Crock Pot
Homemade Rolls
Garden Salad

Alton Brown’s Pot Roast
Crash Hot Potatoes
Green Beans with Mushroom Sauce
Corn on the Cob

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


busy week…what’s left of the menu

Last weekend was long and busy. But the weather has been outstanding and we’ve had the windows open. That’s are real treat for July. So nice to hear the birds singing and the locust calling. It’s high summer, even if the temps are way below average. Snow White heard the loud bugs one evening at dusk and said, “The bats are singing!” You never know what’s going to pop out of her mouth. I googled “singing bats” just for fun and found out that of all mammals, only humans are more vocal that bats. We just can’t hear them because the pitch is so high. So they really are out there singing and talking to each other. We are part of an amazing creation!

Having the grands over is always a good thing. Pa has time to read several stories at bedtime. A tradition he kept with our own children. Snow White is already reading at a fourth grade level. It’s pretty amazing to hear her reading cereal boxes, milk cartons and anything else that comes into view. She read “Peter Rabbit” to me the other night. After reading the word “mischief” she asked me what mischief meant. No problem reading it, though.

story time

I got sidetracked from menu making this week. I started, then realized it was time to start working on the Christmas Notebook class I lead each fall, with the first articles going out today, August 1. That will keep me busy for quite a while.

So far this week, we’ve had homemade pizza, Fridge Food, Chinese Take Out and Baked Ziti with homemade Rosemary Bread.

baked ziti and rosemary bread for supper

The rest of the week looks like this:

Sandwiches with leftovers: ham, turkey, roast beef…diner’s choice.

Grill Time…chicken wings and pork steaks
Grilled Veggies / potatoes, carrots, fennel with olive oil and rosemary
Garden Salad

Roast Chicken
Rice Pilaf
Garden Salad
Steamed Green Beans
Creamy Mushroom Bake

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday. I, on the other hand, am tired. Like Amy, I need a cozy bed and a long night’s sleep. Night, all!

nap time


menu plan monday ~ july 22, 2013

We had a lot of twin time this past week while their parents were out of town for the weekend. Lots of fun, as usual.

They made colorful cookies with Pa.

making colorful cookies with Pa

And Snow White helped knead the bread.

helping Pa make the bread

They read lots of books during quiet time. They like to push the love seats together, but end up on the same one, anyway.

quiet time

July 24 is Great-Ma’s 96th birthday, so the twins updated the “days until” chalkboard.

chalkboard update

They found new dresses in the kitchen and Rose Red was SO excited when she saw the polka dot one. She kept saying, “I like the polka dot one! Is it mine?? Is it mine??” Yup. Happy girl!

new dresses

Here’s the menu for this week. We have DH’s sister and her husband visiting for Great-Ma’s birthday, so I tried to plan for fairly easy meals during the middle of the week while they are here. Lunch on Wednesday will be cold cuts and cheese sandwiches on homemade bread. Easy, easy.

Homemade Pizza

BBQ Pork Steaks
Crash Hot Potatoes
Steamed Yellow Squash and Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Beef Roast in the Crock Pot
Homemade Buns
Red Grapes

Fridge Food

Homemade Buns
Corn on the Cob
Red Grapes

Mongolian Beef with Broccoli

Baked Ziti
Garden Salad
Green Beans and tiny new Potatoes from our son’s garden
Corn on the Cob

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ july 15, 2013

The past week seemed oddly timed. I couldn’t keep track of what day it was. The days seemed very long. DH was gone Friday and Saturday which didn’t help my time keeping. I guess I use his usual routine as a touch stone for my day. He went to Indiana to participate in RAIN, which is a 165 mile bicycle ride across the state of Indiana, from Terra Haute to Richmond, in one day. He placed 139th of 971 finishers (about 1400 starters). WTG, Honey!!

RAIN ride 2013

While DH was gone, I put up 35 jars of apricot jelly. The apricot crop was good this year, though the resident groundhog and the deer ate a lot of the fallen fruit.

making apricot jam

Now, here we are, with a new week. It started with the twins staying overnight. This morning, they got up bright and early, made pancakes with Pa before he headed off to work, then decided they wanted to play outside. They love the play set and spent their time there, making forays to the raspberry patch for snacks, and to the back door to touch base with Ma.

When they finally came in an hour and a half later, they were ready for a big drink of ice water. And then Snow White designed new head gear using two headbands.

new head gear

It’s always fun to have them over for a visit. We’re blessed their family lives nearby. The menu for the week is as follows:

Chicken and Noodles (DD is coming home to visit and requested this meal.)

Barbecue Shrimp
Rosemary Bread

Baked Dijon Salmon
Corn on the Cob
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Homemade Buns
Carrots and Celery Sticks
Red Grapes

Chicken Salad on homemade buns
Fresh fruit

Fridge Food

Grilled Pork Steaks
Baby Baked Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Garden Salad

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


Sunday bouquet

Taking a bouquet to church for Sunday worship has become a tradition. I always enjoy putting it together. DH picks the flowers, I arrange them.

I used ‘Kwanso’ daylilies, ‘Becky’ daisies, and purple coneflowers to make today’s bouquet.

Sunday bouquet

The cats are always intrigued by the fresh foliage on Sunday mornings. Amy couldn’t resist an inspection.

Sunday bouquet

Last week’s bouquet featured yellow daylilies, purple coneflowers, daisies and hydrangeas.

Sunday bouquet

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12:27 ESV


late may to early july

Here are some photos from the past few months.

May 24 ~ my birthday. David and his family were here and we enjoyed a great grilled meal. During the course of clearing the table before dessert, Snow White ran into a plate held by Rose Red and had her own little medical emergency. Pa grabbed the ice pack from the freezer and applied it with a kiss. Snow White thought the ice pack was great and kept it balanced on her head for some time.

booboo bump

All better in time for homemade strawberry ice cream.

homemade strawberry icecream

Father’s Day…blackberry cobbler and more homemade ice cream.

Father's Day

And lots of help from Rose Red and Snow White when Pa was ready to open his presents.

Father's Day

Snow White drew a picture of Pa for Father’s Day, complete with his blue shirt and his grey hair.

Father's Day

The lilies filled the fenced garden with a sweet fragrance for a few weeks, then bowed out, letting the daylilies take center stage.

lilies in the fenced garden

We had a spell of rain, rain, rain. Looking out the kitchen door…a high of 64 on July 2. Our normal high for that day is 89.

rainy and chilly

Nothing better on a cold rainy day than a long afternoon nap. Amy settled down on the rug and stayed there for hours.

Nothing better than a long afternoon nap on a cold and rainy day.

The rain has certainly made everything lush and green.

fenced garden

front yard garden

Fourth of July…parade, lunch with David’s family, and then a long afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Ready and waiting for the annual Fourth of July parade.

Fourth of July Parade

DH does a little pre-parade entertainment with his juggling skills.

Fourth of July Parade

Candy sack in hand, Rose Red waves her flag and waits for someone to throw candy to her.

Fourth of July Parade

This doe and her fawn are living in our back yard. We see her several times a day. The fawn is a rarer sighting.

doe, a deer, a female deer...

The daylilies are at their peak. If you’re local, come by and check them out.

front yard garden

I’ll post daylily closeups later. Have lots of those!


menu plan monday ~ july 8, 2013

Summer is here and the daylilies are in full swing.

front yard garden

It’s great to go through the garden and smell the wonderful fragrance. Did you know daylily flowers are edible? The petals taste like sweet lettuce. You may see us nibbling on the flowers as you drive by. Sprinkled among the daylilies are the ‘Becky’ daisies. This is a great plant, with sturdy stems that never droop or fall over.

daisy 'Becky'

This daylily is ‘Ed Brown.’ So pretty, with its ruffled edge and yellow-green throat.

H. 'Ed Brown'

We had a plant sale this afternoon and raised some money for the mission fund at church. These little guys napped on the porch by my table while their parents shopped the yard for daylilies. Aren’t they sweet?

plant sale buddies

I’m getting a head start on the menu for a change. Here’s what we’re planning for next week.

Tortilla Chips
Avocado Sour Cream

Tortellini with Mushrooms
Green Salad

Crock Pot Brown Sugar Chicken
Steamed Green Beans
Garden Salad

Homemade Buns

Fridge Food

Homemade Pizza

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
Rosemary Bread
Garden Salad

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.

menu plan monday ~ june 17, 2013

I’m at a disadvantage this week, computer-wise. Mine crashed. Boohoo! So I am using an old one we have while waiting for the repair service to fix mine. I don’t have access to some of the things I need, so bear with me. It’s been a frustrating few days. Hopefully, it will be fixed on Thursday. Another complaint…the audio doesn’t work on this computer, so I can’t watch Netflix while doing my work. Just sayin’…

Anyhoo. The daylilies are beginning to bloom. Last year’s bloom was several weeks early. This year seems to be running a little late. I’ve done a few averages of FFO (first flower out) dates and 2010 seems to be our most “normal?” / “average?” year. We’re running about 7-10 days behind the 2010 dates.

‘South Seas’

H. 'South Seas'

‘Carpenter Shavings’

H. 'Carpenter Shavings'

‘Siloam Plum Tree’

H. 'Siloam Plum Tree'

‘Window Dressing’

H. 'Window Dressing'

The menu for the week is as follows:

Father’s Day Leftovers

Chicken and Rice

Homemade Buns
Red Grapes

Beef and Broccoli

Homemade Pizza

Fridge Food

Roast Pork
Mashed Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
Green Salad

You can find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.

menu plan monday ~ june 10, 2013

This morning we enjoyed a visit from a group of ladies from a St. Louis garden club. DH’s cousin is a member and she brought them along for a garden tour. Sadly, the daylilies are running late this year, so there wasn’t a lot to show them in the way of bloom. But they enjoyed the hostas and walking the yard. I had a chance to visit with them when they came in for a respite from the heat and some iced tea and lemonade. We forgot to get a picture of the group in the garden. We hope they will come back next year when the daylilies are blooming, and maybe we can get a picture then! They were very gracious and we really enjoyed their visit.

The girls came by for a little visit this afternoon. Always fun!

Company's here!

Here’s the menu for the week. It’s going up a little late, but I’ve been either too busy or too tired to take time to post it.

Fridge Food

Take Out

Homemade Pizza

Braised Pork Chops
Baby Baked Potatoes
Garden Salad
Stir Fried Sugar Snap Peas

Baked Ravioli
Garlic Bread
Garden Salad

Chicken Salad Sandwiches on Homemade Buns
Carrot and Celery Sticks
Fruit Salad

Sunday ~ Father’s Day
Grilled Pork Steaks
Grilled Marinated Chicken
Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Carrots, and Fennel with Rosemary
Green Beans with Mushroom Sauce
Garden Salad
Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream
Blackberry Cobbler

You can find more recipes and menu ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ june 3, 2013

After a lot of rain last week (5″ in 48 hours, plus more during the week), we are having a nicer week this time around. Temps are lower, A/C is off, windows are open. All good!

Last Wednesday, the grands were over. They helped Pa make brownies. Always fun! He happened to flip a bit of dough onto Rose Red’s show, much to her consternation. But they all agreed the brownies were delicious.

making brownies with Pa

When Pa asked if they wanted sharp cheddar cheese for a snack, Rose Red asked if the corners were sharp. Thankfully, not.

eating sharp cheddar cheese with Pa

Today, I made blueberry muffins…more like blueberry cupcakes. They’ll be a nice snack later in the evening or with a cup of coffee for breakfast.

blueberry cupcakes

I used the recipe from Sweet Pea’s Kitchen blog. Made mine with light sour cream instead of yogurt, baked them at 350 for 23 minutes. I skipped the sugar syrup step and poured the lemon glaze on while the muffins were still warm.

Here’s the menu for this week. Salmon and shrimp early on, as DD brought it home from the city when she came by over the weekend. Need to use it first.

Baked Salmon with honey-mustard glaze
Garden Salad
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Spicy/Herbal BBQ Shrimp
Homemade Rolls
Garden Salad
Stir-Fry Zucchini

Grilled Pork Chops and Marinated Chicken
Garden Salad
Roasted Veggies

Tortilla Chips
Green Salad
Creamed Corn Cornbread

Spaghetti and Homemade Sauce
Steamed Edamame
Garlic Bread
Corn on the Cob

Homemade Pizza

Sunday ~ Church Picnic at our house / Eveyone brings dishes to share.
Sausage/Potato Crock Pot Scroll down the page for the crock pot directions.
Homemade Rolls
Cookie Sheet Peach Pie
Steamed Green Beans

You will find more menus and ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
