Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

spring garden

The garden is bursting into yellow patches of daffodils along with other garden goodies. Today we got outside to get a close up look. ‘Tete-a-Tete’ is a miniature daffodil. It only grows six to eight inches tall. The blossoms are about an inch wide. Hosta ‘Invincible’ is always the first one up in our garden, […]

new decoupage ornaments

I worked on decoupaged ornaments today. I have a Ziploc bag full of Christmas cards that I think would be good for this method. Today, I pulled out three of them and made these ornaments. This is the front of the ornament I call “Let it Snow.” And the back… The Christmas card I used […]

menu plan monday ~ march 7, 2016

Today, my Dad is having shoulder replacement surgery. Please pray for effective surgery and a speedy recovery. I talked to him Sunday afternoon. He is looking forward to the surgery as a means of relief from the pain he has been suffering with. Here’s a picture of Dad giving the twins a ride in his […]

the new garden cart

While the twins were here yesterday, they helped Pa put together the garden cart he received at Christmas. It was quite a project! Rose Red (looking at the instruction manual): “Which of these is English and which is Spanish?” Pa: “Where do these holes go?” Snow White: “PA! Look at the instruction manual!!” Snow White: […]

decoupaged Christmas ornaments

This week I made two new decoupaged ornaments. These are made with pictures from Christmas cards. The first one is a city scene with a couple pulling a sled piled with gifts. This is the front… …and the back. The second one has dogs and cats on it. These pictures came from two different Christmas […]

menu plan monday ~ february 29, 2016

Last Wednesday we had three inches of snow and blowing wind. And Sunday, the Lenten Roses were blooming in the warm sunshine. DH dug a pot of daffodil bulbs and we watched them bloom on the kitchen counter. I continued work at the craft desk and added charms and dangles to finish a set of […]

menu plan monday ~ february 22, 2016

The twins came over for the weekend. It was a lot of fun to have them around. I sent them out with my camera to take pictures of signs of spring. Rose Red was very interested in all the camera buttons and settings. Snow white spent more time looking for interesting things to photograph. They […]

spring is in my backyard

DH found these in the back yard yesterday. I am so happy to see them! So refreshing to see the beautiful colors of crocus blooms. In the evening, Middle Daughter and I caught up on several episodes of Top Chef. A friend gave us ten pounds of pecans, so while I watched, I picked pecan […]

menu plan monday ~ february 15, 2016

We are seeing signs of spring, even if it’s only inside the house. Our late blooming Christmas cactus has a bud. And the hippeastrum is blooming. My mother called this clivia, but that isn’t the correct name. She took a start from this plant at her great-uncle’s house years ago. It is commonly called an […]

picture puzzle blocks 2

Wednesday afternoon, my friend Tricia came over and we worked on picture puzzle blocks together. I made a set four years ago. The tutorial is here: picture puzzle blocks This time, I made a set with pictures of the twins. The blocks still need another coat of Mod Podge and then a sealer. I’ll get […]