Today is our oldest child’s 30th birthday. We’re so happy he and his family are visiting this week, and that we were able to celebrate his birthday with him.
Birthday cake was enjoyed by all. Along with peach pie and apple pie, and home made ice cream…mint chocolate, raspberry, and vanilla. It was quite a feast!
And some of us just like to have our picture taken.
DH likes to juggle and he entertained the grands this afternoon by juggling his brains…foam toy brains, that is.
In the garden, we are recovering from more than four inches of rain that fell yesterday. It always amazes me how well the flowers can withstand such an onslaught.
We need to add more lilies (Lilium) to the garden. They are beautiful and add wonderful color and fragrance. If you know the name of this one, let me know!
DH gathered lemon lilies (daylily), purple cone flowers, gooseneck loosestrife, and hosta flowers from the garden, and I made this bouquet for church this morning.
More pictures tomorrow! ~~Rhonda