corners of our garden

It’s easy to take pictures of individual flowers and I love to do that. The detail is beautiful and it’s fun to take closeups for even more detail. But sometimes I like to see the whole picture. I love to visit other blogs, to see what other people are doing in their own gardens. For me, it’s even more fun when I get to see the whole flower bed, not just the individual flowers, as awesome as they can be. To that end, here are a few pictures from different corners of our garden.

A long bed stretches across the front of the yard, near the sidewalk. This picture actually shows both beds…the one along the sidewalk in the background and the long bed in the lawn. It is just on the brink of an explosion of color. The daisies, daylilies, and coreopsis are going to look spectacular in a few days.

front bed

Walking back toward the house from the front yard takes us past quite a few beds. Right now, they are sporting lots of orange and melon yellows…the ditch lilies (Hemerocallis fulva) and the Stellas…bright and cheerful, a foretaste of what’s to come.

front yard

I don’t think the front birdbath bed can hold one more plant. Unless it’s a weed, of course. There always seems to be room for one more weed.

front birdbath bed

Our front yard used to be all grass. A big, blank, boring expanse of grass. Now it’s a maze of flower beds. One by one, they added up!

east yard

Volunteer hollyhocks come up here and there. These are along the east edge of the yard.


We’ve planted a lot of redbud trees in the yard. The small trees make pools of shade in the yard, adding interest and structure without blocking all the sun. They make great spots for hostas.

east front yard

We’ve also placed quite a few benches throughout the yard. Perfect spots to stop and enjoy different corners of the garden.

west front yard

under the mulberry tree

hosta bed

Our garden is always open to visitors. Come over, claim a bench, and enjoy. 🙂 And then, stroll over to Share a Garden Sunday and visit the gardens there. Enjoy!

share a garden Sunday



  1. Posted June 14, 2009 at 10:55 pm | Permalink

    Beautiful!!! Where do you live? Some where with more rain than me! I greatly enjoyed touring your garden.

  2. Posted June 14, 2009 at 11:23 pm | Permalink

    Your garden is spectacular! How many years have you been working on it? We have been at our place for 8 years and there were 3 trees there when we started. Love all the special places and rest stops, you have mastered the whimsical!

  3. ~~Rhonda
    Posted June 14, 2009 at 11:51 pm | Permalink

    Deborah, we’re in s. IL. Lots of rain this spring! DD should have had two weeks of softball already, but all games have been canceled due to rain / wet ball field. Does make the garden lush!

    Karen Deborah, we’ve been working on the garden since 1994. Thanks for stopping by!


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