November 1, 2009 – 3:19 pm
After almost two weeks of rain and clouds, the sun has finally made an appearance. Leaves blanket everything. The big oak behind the house is beautiful. This ginkgo tree was a Mother’s Day gift 10 or 12 years ago. In the woods, the elm leaves are bright yellow with spots of chocolate brown. The red […]
The daylilies are blooming all over the yard. It’s a real pleasure to stroll through the garden to see what has opened each day. And there are a lot more to bloom as you can see in this picture. The daylilies along the front of the bed haven’t blossomed yet. While daylilies and other blooms […]
It’s easy to take pictures of individual flowers and I love to do that. The detail is beautiful and it’s fun to take closeups for even more detail. But sometimes I like to see the whole picture. I love to visit other blogs, to see what other people are doing in their own gardens. For […]
This afternoon, DH and did a little yard work. That means DH shoveled a lot of mulch and I got to drive the mower, pulling the wagon. The redbud trees are at their peak of perfection right now. The Virginia bluebells look so pretty in the evening sunlight. This was taken from the back yard, […]
April 18, 2008 – 11:20 pm
It’s spring at our house. Really spring. Deep green, deep grass spring. Monday the ground was too wet from previous rains to mow, but I mowed the yard on Tuesday for the first mower outing of the season. DH has Wednesdays off and we spent a lot of time out in the yard that day, […]