menu plan monday ~ august 1, 2011

On Saturday, I made 36 jars of strawberry jelly. So yummy!

strawberry jam on homemade bread

This week, I hope to can peaches and make some peach jam, too. More about that in another post.

Here’s the menu for the week. I’m keeping it very simple as my online Christmas Notebook class begins this week. I have a lot of work to do for that. I’ll need the time to get things organized and up and running again.

Breakfast Strata with Spinach and Gruyère
Garlic Toast

Spinach / Chicken / Feta Pizza

Chicken and Dumplings (for DD)

Chef Salad

Hamburgers on Homemade Buns
Cole Slaw
Red Grapes

Fridge Food

Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


menu plan monday ~ july 25, 2011

I am always amazed by the beauty that can be found in the smallest details.

red on red

hosta bud entwined by a grape vine

Our menu isn’t too detailed, though. Hot weather, humidity, lots of work to do…all good reasons for keeping it as simple as possible.

Fridge Food

Turkey Sandwiches / Homemade Buns
Veggies / Ranch Dip

Grilled Pork Steaks
Veggie Foil Packets

Veggie Lasagna
Garlic Bread
Steamed Green Beans
Corn on the Cob

Pan Seared Tilapia
Coleslaw with Raisins and Walnuts

Fridge Food

Chicken in the Crock Pot
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


Sunday bouquet

Each Sunday morning, DH picks blooms from the garden and I make a bouquet to take to church. It is my thanks to God for the beauty He has created. This is today’s arrangement.

Sunday bouquet

It has purple coneflowers, phlox, daisies and ‘In Depth’ double yellow daylilies.

After the church service, we like to pass along the bouquet to someone who will enjoy it, but when it has daylilies in it, that’s less an option. The daylilies are one day bloomers, hence the name. Tomorrow, the bouquet won’t have its shot of lovely yellow. I’ll probably pull the other flowers out of the arrangement and put them in a vase for the kitchen table.

I hope your garden is giving you lovely blossoms. Pick a few for your table and enjoy!


summer garden

As the daylilies bloom and the daisies fill in and the purple coneflowers keep coming, there is a lot of color in the summer garden.


purple coneflowers and Queen Anne's Lace

‘Paprika’ [GN]

'Paprika' [GN]

Everyone comments on the Russian Sage. It makes a beautiful airy splash of bluey-purple in the flower bed.

Russian Sage in the daylily bed

Russian Sage

‘In Depth’

'In Depth'

The hydrangeas are ready to pick for drying.

the hydrangeas are ready to pick for dried bouquets

The tiger lilies are beautiful right now.

tiger lily

The small bulbils on the lily stem can be planted for more tiger lilies.

tiger lily

Hydrangea ‘Little Lamb’ is a later blooming variety than our bigleaf hydrangeas.

Hydrangea 'Little Lamb'

This hibiscus blossom is about 12″ across. I can see it from the kitchen sink, in its spot way across the lawn, down the slope of the backyard.



Each individual daylily blossom is beautiful in its own way.

‘Swelling Anthem’

'Swelling Anthem'

‘Wineberry Candy’

'Wineberry Candy'

‘Touched by Grace’

'Touched by Grace'



‘Wayne Johnson’

'Wayne Johnson'

‘Two to Tango’

'Two to Tango'

‘Kathy Lynn’

'Kathy Lynn'

‘Jolly White Giant’

'Jolly White Giant'



You can visit other summer gardens at Bloomin’ Tuesday.


menu plan monday ~ july 18, 2011

We’ve had a busy and tiring weekend. DH rode in RAIN (Ride Across INdiana), a cycling event, on Saturday. This was his tenth year to ride.

and they're off!

165 miles in one day

He finished in 11 hours and 45 minutes, counting stops. Actual ride time was 9:55. DD#2 and I provided support. Food, water, cool washcloths, more sunscreen, etc. A good day, but tiring!

Chef Salad

Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry

Cheesy Potato Sausage Soup otherwise known as Golden Nectar Soup

Pork Chops and Veggies in the Crock Pot
Pan Fried Cauliflower
Garden Salad

Veggie Lasagna
Garlic Bread
Garden Salad
Steamed Green Beans

Homemade Pizza with Mushrooms

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Homemade Rolls
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas

Here’s a new picture of Amy. She was glad to see us when we got home!


You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


a good year for the hostas

This year seemed to be an exceptionally good one for hostas. Perhaps because of all that rain we had in the spring. Most of our hostas are looking great. Lush and full. Of course, many are coming into maturity finally and look more filled out than they did for a few years after planting.

Some hostas are finicky. They need to be moved around until you find a place where they will flourish. Some don’t seem to care. Like ‘Royal Standards.’ They do well anywhere. We even have some in full sun (where they were under trees that are now gone) and they are thriving. A few leaves may be a bit tattered from the heat, but overall, they look fine!

‘Royal Standard,’ grown in full sun.

'Royal Standard'

‘Royal Standard’ grown in some shade has a darker color than the one above. This one (the hosta on the right) is planted under a redbud tree.

mulching the hostas

Some hostas grow quickly, some slowly. ‘Squash Casserole’ is one that grows quickly. It’s a bright yellow green and looks wonderful against something darker where the contrast makes it show up well.

‘Squash Casserole’

Hosta 'Squash Casserole'

‘Squash Casserole’ blossoms

Hosta 'Squash Casserole'

‘Gold Standard’ is similar to ‘Janet,’ though ‘Janet’ is a bit smaller in size.

Hosta 'Gold Standard'

‘American Sweetheart’ with ‘Radiant Edger’ in front. We’ve found ‘American Sweetheart’ to be a very nice hosta. It has an upright habit, heavy substance and, for us, it has multiplied well. Some web sites list it as a “slow grower,” but we have’t found it so.

Hosta 'American Sweetheart'

‘Thunderbolt’ is another nice hosta with a pretty center.

Hosta 'Thunderbolt'

‘June’ may be my favorite hosta. The only improvement/change I’d make to it would be size. I’d love for it to be a larger plant at maturity. It’s still stunning though. This picture doesn’t do it justice.

Hosta 'June'

This ‘Sum and Substance’ is planted in a cool moist spot, under the old mulberry tree in our back yard. This year, it has sent up two “sports.” What is a sport? It’s a shoot of a plant that is different from the original. In this case, the solid lighter green leaves are the original plant and are what ‘Sum and Substance’ is supposed to look like. The ones with darker green patches are the sport. We will dig out the eyes that are throwing the sport and replant them elsewhere so we can watch them for a few years. Some sports aren’t stable, which means they will revert to the original. We’ll see.

'Sum and Substance' is sporting

I’ll quit here. Perhaps I’ll post more hostas in a week or so…depends on how the weather progresses. I don’t find the heat and humidity appealing in any way, so am staying inside as much as possible right now. :-}

You can visit more gardens at Bloomin’ Tuesday on Jean’s site. Check out the links at the bottom of her post.


my own bread recipe

This is a recipe I used to make a lot. It fell by the wayside for a few years, but we’ve resurrected it this year. It makes wonderful soft rolls, as well as buns that are great for sandwiches. It makes 48 rolls, or three loaves (we rarely make loaves anymore), or 24 rolls and 12 sandwich buns (which is the way we make it these days). The sandwich buns are great for hamburgers, sliced meat sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, etc. We like them for taking sandwiches on car trips. The bread holds together well, stays soft and moist and packs well.

hamburger buns

Rhonda’s Rolls

In the mixing bowl, mix together:

3 c. bread flour (all purpose flour works fine, too)
5 tsp. yeast

Add, and continue to mix:
3 c. milk, heated to 112-115 degrees (We use 1/2 buttermilk and half 2% milk. Buttermilk gives it a bit of a tang which is nice.)
3 eggs (I whisk them in the measuring cup I used for the milk…it’s still warm and takes a little chill off the eggs as I never remember to take them out of the fridge before I make bread, but you can just drop them into the mixing bowl.)
1/2 c. sugar (You can use less sugar if you like. If I decide I’ll make part of the recipe into a pizza crust, I’ll cut the sugar back to 1/4 c.)
2 T. unsulphered molasses
1/2 c. vegetable oil (I use 1/4 c. canola oil and 1/4 c. olive oil.)
2 tsp. salt
5-6 c. additional flour, added a cup at a time

After everything is incorporated, knead the dough for six minutes.

kneading with the mixer

Then, place the dough into a large oiled bowl, flip the dough to coat it with oil to keep it from drying out, cover with a dishcloth and allow to rise until doubled in size. About 45-60 minutes. Punch the dough down, shape into rolls, buns, or loaves and allow to rise again.

divide and conquer

Bake rolls and buns at 375* for 13 minutes. Loaves for 25-30 minutes. If you have an instant read thermometer, the loaf is done when the internal temperature is 195*.

I use a dough hook and do all the kneading in the mixer. When DH makes this recipe, he kneads the dough by hand.

You can add cheese, herbs, etc., to the dough near the end of kneading. This is a great addition for making flavored breads (rosemary is wonderful!) or hamburger buns (love cheese in these).


I hope you give the recipe a try. Let me know if you do. I’d love to have your feedback.


menu plan monday ~ july 11, 2011

A couple of garden pics…then the menu for the week.

'Ice Carnival'

The front yard has been quite colorful the past few weeks. Several more weeks and the majority of the daylilies will be done blooming. Enjoy it while you can!

summer flowers

‘Apple Tart’

'Apple Tart'

Taco Salad

Sesame Shrimp Stir Fry

Grilled Chicken
Veggie Packets

Spaghetti with Homemade Sauce
Garden Salad
Honey Glazed Pea Pods and Carrots

Ham or Turkey Sandwiches
Veggies / Ranch Dip
Red Grapes

Fridge Food

Chef Salad

I’ll close with an update on Amy. She is growing daily. She’s quite entertaining, playing with toys and chasing the laser pointer light all around the room. Makes us laugh!


You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.


the evening garden

Last evening, DH and I spent some time in garden, just as the sun was setting. Here are a few pictures.

purple cone flowers

summer beauty

‘Catherine Woodbury’

'Catherine Woodbury'

daylily beds

evening daylilies


‘Designer Yarn’

'Designer Yarn'

evening in the garden

We’re planning a plant sale this afternoon from 4:00 – 6:00. Stop by if you’re in the area.

You can visit other gardens on Tootsie’s blog.


menu plan monday ~ july 4, 2011

Better late than never, right? I had the menu made and ready to post on Monday, but forgot about it. That’s what a holiday weekend will do for you. Hope your Fourth was fun!

Grilled Chicken
Grilled Veggies in Foil Packets
Garden Salad
Corn on the Cob

Supper ~ Taco Salad

Homemade Pizza

Golden Nectar Soup (Request from DD#2, home for the day to celebrate her birthday!)
Peach-Raspberry Birthday Pie and ice cream

Veggie Lasagna
Garlic Bread
Steamed Sugar Snap Peas
Garden Salad

Fridge Food

Taco Salad

You’ll find more menu and recipe ideas at Menu Plan Monday.
