First, I have to say…I AM SO GLAD TO HAVE MY LAPTOP BACK!!! Many thanks to DH for putting in the new keyboard which seems to have fixed all the problems. Now I can resume blog posting with ease.
Here are a few pictures from the garden. We go out after DH gets home work and, at that time of day, parts of the garden are in evening shade, so some pictures are not as nice as I’d prefer. But you can get a taste of what is out there. Lots going on this time of year.
The spirea is starting to fade, but just a few days ago, it was in its full glory.

I used some of the spirea in a bouquet with rhododendron for church two weeks ago.

We have a nice patch of white lilies. There are red ones blooming, too, but I don’t have a picture of them. We also have some pink ones that will be out sometime during the next week.

The hostas are looking good. This one is ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd.’

This is a large hosta called ‘Komodo Dragon.’ The plant is still young. At maturity, it will be much larger. It came from Hallson Gardens, as many of our hostas do. I like ordering from them. They ship beautiful plants, wrapped with care and the customer service is outstanding. They sell a variety of plants, not just hostas.

This large hosta is ‘Journey’s End.’

There is a bit of astilbe in one hosta bed. I’d love to have more of this.

We have a few Japanese iris. It would be nice to have more of those, too. They bloom later than the bearded iris and extend the iris season by quite a bit.

Everything looks so lush and green and full this time of year. DH discovered that a black snake lives in this bed. There is also a ground hornets nest at the north end. The snake we will leave be, but the hornets have to go.

The front porch in the evening light.

Hydrangeas at the front steps.

Follow this path around the west end of the addition and you can visit the back yard.

Lacecap hydrangea. Aren’t they a beautiful color?

This lacecap hydrangea is in the middle of the driveway circle. DH has a perpetual job in the garden…weeding.

The bush has blossoms that are almost a periwinkle blue.

I hope you enjoyed this brief tour. We are just beginning the daylily season. There will pictures of those soon.