Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

springtime putz houses

I have been working on some springtime Putz houses. Here are a few that I have finished already. The pink cottage. Looks like a fairy house, doesn’t it? It has a bunny greeting card on the bottom of the base. The houses are embellished with my first attempt at using polymer clay. I made the […]


Spring is my favorite season. Here are a few pictures from our yard. The first set is from a few weeks ago. The bloodroot was blooming alongside the grape hyacinth. The Lenten Rose was beautiful. Daffodils were blooming all over the garden. Poet’s daffodils are some of our end-of-the-season daffs. Snow White kept coming in […]

menu plan~ march 14, 2017

We are tolerating winter’s brief show and looking forward to later in the week when spring is expected to return. Twice the past week, we had a light dusting of snow that melted away in the afternoon. I hope that is the last of winter for us till the end of the year. The menu […]

Irish cottage Putz house

In a week, it will be St. Patrick’s Day. I have finished the two Putz houses I started to celebrate this March holiday. They are made from the same pattern and look quite similar. But there are a few differences. The first one has a white “yard” and a stone colored fence. The second one […]

menu plan ~ march 9, 2017

We had plenty of fridge food (leftovers) to use for the first part of the week, so I put off menu planning till today. The grands are coming over Friday evening to spend the weekend. Just in case we really do get some snow on Saturday. If we do, they will enjoy playing in it. […]

weekend garden

On Saturday, DH and I took a turn around the yard. There is a lot of spring out there! Lots of daffodils. DH picked a big bouquet of the larger daffodils for church on Sunday and he also picked a small bouquet of the tiny Tete-a-Tete daffodils. Little patches of spring moss are popping up. […]

menu plan tuesday ~ february 28, 2017

I haven’t posted a weekly menu plan for a long time. Today, I’m thinking about what to make for the next few days or so. I am thinking about items that can be made ahead and then frozen or that can keep in the fridge for a few meals. Crock pot meals are good because […]

a visit from family and a visit to the garden

Yesterday, my Dad, my sister and my brother-in-law came for the afternoon. They live about two hours due north of us. DH and my BIL went on a 22 mile bicycle ride. My Dad, my sister and I had a nice afternoon just visiting, catching up on news, and enjoying each other’s company. I’m so […]

back in the saddle again…

After two weeks of being sick, I am finely feeling well enough to do some real work in the craft room. I spent three afternoons up there at the end of last week, but didn’t have the umph to make any good progress, though I did cut out three simple Putz houses, so I worked […]

happy valentine’s day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my dear husband. He wears many hats and I appreciate and love each one. This past week or so, he has covered the “in sickness and in health” part of our vows above and beyond. But he makes me happy in many other ways all year round. He’s my grill master. […]