back in the garden again

I’ve had to stay in the recliner with my legs up for a few days. At least the weather was cool and wet, so I didn’t feel too bad about missing the garden. Tuesday was warm and sunny. I managed to get out for a while and took some pictures.

The redbud trees are loaded with seed pods. See those brown areas?

redbud tree loaded with seed pods

Some of the redbud trees have green seed pods and some have red ones. I don’t know what makes the difference. The seed pods are edible. I tasted one today. Almost a tangy lemony flavor. Like sorrel. Not bitter like they were last week when I tried one. I think they’re ready to harvest. We’re going to try them in a stir-fry. FYI, the blossoms are also edible. Great in a salad.

redbud seed pods

This picture was taken in 2008. It shows the green seed pods.

redbud seed pods

All those seeds…that means more trees to dig out of the flower beds next year. But the bloom color in the spring is well worth the trees we pull out. We also like redbud trees because they make great dappled shade for hostas. I took this picture this evening in the last of the sunlight, but for the greater part of the day, the hostas are shaded by the redbud tree.

hosta bed and zebra grass

All but one of our redbuds are native trees with green leaves. The other tree is a ‘Forest Pansy’ redbud that has pretty maroon colored leaves.

Redbud 'Forest Pansy'

Leaving some stems from last year’s garden provided a place for a little spider to spin her web. The color in the background is the ‘Forest Pansy’ redbud leaves shining in the sun.

spider web

The peonies are blooming all over the yard. We have at least eighteen different cultivars with multiple plants of many of them. This one is ‘Dancing Butterfly.’ It’s a beautiful shade of rosy red. I managed to catch a bee making rounds of the peony blossoms.

Peony 'Dancing Butterfly'

The iris ‘Kevin’s Theme’ looked great today. That’s false indigo behind it (Baptisia australis).

Iris 'Kevin's Theme'

And the columbine is really pretty right now. This is a great flower. Reseeds itself, but not aggressively. A perennial, so it comes back the next year. Easy to transplant. Can take some dappled shade or sun. Just a happy spring flower.


blue columbine


It works well with the hostas.

under the Southern pin oak

The Star of Bethlehem is still blooming around the yard.

Star of Bethlehem

And the Honesty plant looks good, too. It’s beginning to make its green coins. I plan to cut some of the Honesty back so it sends out fresh flowers. It’ll have a rebloom in a few weeks.

Honesty (money plant)

Just as I was ready to go back inside, I noticed the birds under the bird feeder. DH keeps it filled each morning, but it had run dry. So the birds were checking for fallen seeds on the ground. Here a cardinal, a mourning dove, and a house sparrow search for a snack.

cardinal and mourning dove

Mrs. Cardinal was there, too.

female cardinal

I’m looking forward to more garden time on Wednesday. This is my favorite time of year. Not too hot and new things to see each day. I hope you’re able to get outside to enjoy a garden! If not, you can stroll through other gardens at Jean’s Bloomin’ Tuesday.



  1. Posted April 25, 2012 at 7:58 pm | Permalink

    Amazing photos of your garden. Sure a lot bloomin’ and lots of lovely color.Jean

  2. Mary
    Posted April 26, 2012 at 9:44 am | Permalink

    Thanks for the walk through your gardens. I never knew that about red bud trees. I like the one with the maroon leaves. Red Bud HS colors are maroon and white 🙂

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