Monthly Archives: April 2013

the twins

Since I’ve been missing in action lately, I thought I’d prime the blog posting pump with a few pictures of the twins. They do add a lot of fun and joy to our lives! Rose Red is a bit taller than Snow White, as you can see. This is just after haircuts. The last time […]

menu plan monday ~ april 29, 2013

The lilacs are blooming. This bouquet has lilacs from starts from my mother’s, from my mother-in-law’s and from my maternal grandmother’s gardens. The fragrance is wonderful. This week, we celebrated our oldest daughter’s birthday, DH had two visitations to attend, I went north to visit with my Dad and sister, then she and her husband […]

menu plan monday ~ april 8, 2013

Spring seems way late this year. And I am way tired of waiting for it. But it is finally really, truly here. This picture of the helleborewas taken April 3, this year. I checked my flickr site and, last year, the same plant at the same stage of bloom was taken March 12. Daffodils that […]

Easter weekend

I’d better get this post in before Easter is too far behind us. I wanted to post some pictures of the different activities we enjoyed with the twins over the Easter weekend. It’s so much fun to have them nearby. On Good Friday, the twins came for the day. Their two older aunties took them […]

deviled eggs

Like many other families, I’m sure, we made deviled eggs with the leftover Easter eggs this week. When I make deviled eggs, I don’t use a recipe. I just throw ingredients together. But I tried to keep track of what I did this evening, so I could share a recipe. This recipe is for 12 […]

menu plan monday ~ april 1, 2013

I know…it’s really April 2. But I was babysitting the twins yesterday and then got caught up in some genealogy research for my sister’s husband’s side of the family, which made me forget it was Menu Plan Monday. My sister doesn’t have internet access, so I’m having fun working though the generations for her. They […]