DD was not feeling well today and stayed home from school. She found several projects that kept her quietly occupied. She read all the comic books in her sister’s room. She played on the computer for a while. And she designed a pirate costume for Buttercup.
She began by making a bandanna from red fabric. Then she designed a hat. We looked online and found a pattern for the basic shape on a page for kindergarten projects. I cut it out for her and she sewed the two pieces of felt together by hand. Then she cut the skull and crossbones from white fabric and used tacky glue to adhere it to the hat.
This is the world’s most compliant cat. Bar none.
A red vest and sword/belt were the final touches.
Buttercup is such a sweet cat. She adores DD and lets her do anything she wants with her. She’s dressed and packed and toted and hauled all over the house. She puts up with it all. And when DD is done, Buttercup takes a long nap.
~~Rhonda 🙂
How CUTE! I hope that she is feeling better now!
She went to school today. All better. Thanks for asking. 🙂 ~~Rhonda