The morning has to start with coffee. We usually made three pots to get everyone perkin’.
Waiting for breakfast…
Each team member had assignments…sometimes it was cleaning the bathroom, sometimes it was washing out the coolers, sometimes it was getting water and lemonade ready to take to the site for the day.
Eggs, biscuits and gravy, and fruit…a good start to the day.
Egyptian Rat Killer…a way to pass the time while waiting to leave for the site.
They look clean and fresh…but this is just the beginning of the work day.
Hauling in the last load of drywall.
Whew! Glad that’s done!
The team worked hard to fit as much drywall as they could this morning. They had to leave a few small places unfinished but for the most part, they were able to finish Gloria’s house.
Dave and Christopher finished putting in the last of the insulation,
Talk about tight spaces!
Who needs to stand on a ladder to screw drywall to the ceiling when you have Caleb around?
The team signed a lintel in Gloria’s home. We are proud of the work they did there!
Stretch, Brooke!
Signed by everyone.
Not so fresh and clean AFTER work…but happy.
An anonymous note on a scrap of drywall…anyone recognize the handwriting?
Gloria is SO happy with the work done for her this week. She was a bit overwhelmed. We want her to know that we did this for her because the love of Christ compels us. Thank you for your prayers for Gloria, for her son Kermit, and for her home. May God bless them with many happy years there.
Gloria and her team (with Russell behind the camera). We get two thumbs up from Gloria!
Precious helping hands.
The team quit at noon today, so they could do an afternoon of site seeing. They traveled by trolley to the French Quarter.
Beignet…powdered sugar goodness…a traditional New Orleans treat.
Laurie’s brother Todd and his fiancee Terah brought a gift of crawfish to the team this evening. Terah is from New Orleans and she wanted to tell the team thank you for the work they have done for Gloria and the community.
The team ate 30 of the 37 pounds of crawfish…plus the sausage, potatoes and corn on the cob! What a feast!
Terah showed us how to open the crawfish and extract the goodies.
Crawfish fingers!
Some of the team members took some time to clean crawfish for Uncle Gary.
Mmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm!
Liz said she had two or three crawfish thirty years ago and that was enough for her. Adam had her kiss one, just for fun. 😀
Thank you for all the prayers you have offered on our behalf and for the work being done here. There is much left to do. Please continue to pray for New Orleans and the people living here.
Friday Devotions – John 15:8-17
OK, so it’s Friday. We have done some work, we have gotten our hands dirty Has it been fruitful? What would you say is the fruit?
Have you proven that you are disciples of Christ? How do we prove that?
Can we prove it in one day’s work, or two, or three? What do you think?
We have been serving all week, working hard, maybe serving other people that we don’t even know or haven’t even met, and we have also been serving each other. Who, on our team, has served you this week with the love of God? Take some time in prayer to praise God for that person and to pray for that person. Take some time in prayer and ask God to open doors of service for you in the coming week as we head home.
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