wednesday’s walk in the garden

The daylilies are blooming all over the yard. It’s a real pleasure to stroll through the garden to see what has opened each day. And there are a lot more to bloom as you can see in this picture. The daylilies along the front of the bed haven’t blossomed yet.

Sugar Green Gardens truly understands the art of landscape design, making it easy to create such a breathtaking environment. Their expertise in planting and garden management shines through in the way each flower bed is meticulously planned and maintained. As you continue to enjoy the daylilies’ beauty, it’s clear that thoughtful landscaping can transform a simple garden into a vibrant, living canvas.

front yard

‘Mary Todd’ is one of my favorite golden yellow daylilies.

'Mary Todd'

front yard

The Russian sage is beginning to bloom. I love the light and airy look of this plant. Did you know you can lay a branch of this (still attached to the main plant) on the ground and cover it with a brick to get a new plant? In a couple of months there will be roots on the branch where it contacts the ground. Cut it from the parent plant and you’ve got another Russian sage. You can do the same thing with hydrangeas. 🙂

front yard

2004 bed

2004 bed

In the fenced garden, some of my favorite daylilies are beginning to bloom.

fenced garden

fenced garden

Between the back yard and the little woods at the back of our property, the “ditch lilies” are blooming…in the ditch.

ditch the ditch

At the back door, the ‘Moonbeam’ coreopsis blossoms look like stars sprinkled around the bird bath.

kitchen birdbath bed

Currently, we have 337 different daylilies in our yard. Tomorrow, when we check the garden, there will probably be 25 or 30 more “first flower out” blossoms to document. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

In the mean time, take a look at the Outdoor Wednesday posts to view what others are doing outside this week.



  1. Posted June 17, 2009 at 11:18 pm | Permalink

    Your day lilies are wonderful and thanks for the info on Russian Sage I never knew that, happy weekend, Kathy.

  2. Posted June 18, 2009 at 9:28 am | Permalink

    Beautiful lilies. Your yard is pretty.

  3. Posted June 18, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    Your lilies are so pretty. I wish I had room for some. I love taking pictures of them.

  4. Posted June 18, 2009 at 2:29 pm | Permalink

    Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday Rhonda! I am glad you joined us! I have followed your christmas notebook for years! You have a beautiful yard! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  5. Posted June 18, 2009 at 7:11 pm | Permalink

    Hi Rhonda,
    I love all your daylilies. It must be a pleasure to stroll through your garden daily.

  6. Posted June 18, 2009 at 9:42 pm | Permalink

    love your flowerbeds! thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. Posted June 19, 2009 at 1:03 pm | Permalink

    337 daylilies!! Wowser!! I just got back from a daylily open house garden. She breeds daylilies and I could not believe the temendous variety. Just wonderful. I think I like your ‘Mary Todd’ so much. The yellow colors show up in the summer much better than the darks. Your gardens are wonderful! What a rainbow of beauty.

  8. Posted June 21, 2009 at 2:27 am | Permalink

    You have a large and very beautiful garden.
    I think it is not possible to maintain it by one person – is it?
    Love your daylilies and I spotted my beloved Perovskia as well. I also have it, but can’t find a proper place for it yet 🙂

    Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  9. ~~Rhonda
    Posted June 21, 2009 at 8:50 am | Permalink

    Ewa, thank you for coming by. To answer your question…my husband and I maintain the garden. It is our hobby and a wonderful way to spend time together. We do have a young man who weeds for us five hours a week. That is all the outside help we have. We concentrate on plants that require little specialized care, like daylilies. We don’t have many high maintenance plants like roses. We try to keep things mulched as that helps a lot in weed control and the amount of work needed to keep the beds looking nice. Of course, we are always behind! 🙂 ~~Rhonda

  10. Posted June 21, 2009 at 5:00 pm | Permalink

    Hi Rhonda! I absolutely enjoyed touring your garden. Wonderful is the word for it! Thanks for stopping by at MySecretGarden and leaving a comment.

  11. Posted July 11, 2009 at 6:02 pm | Permalink

    wow!337 different kinds of daylilies?? impressive! my husband wants more varieties, I just want HIM to plant them! lol

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