Tag Archives: Putz tutorial

tutorial / autumn trees using lichen

This tutorial shows how I use preserved, dyed reindeer lichen to make autumn trees for Putz houses. Lichen is not a moss. Moss is a plant. Lichen is not a plant, but a combination of fungi and algae. Just FYI. 🙂 To make an autumn tree, you will need the following supplies. I don’t receive […]

tutorial / making picket fences for Putz houses / 2024

I have written a few posts about making fences for Putz houses, but as time goes by, experience lends a hand. This post contains instructions for my latest method. I find this method easy and fairly quick, considering it involves many small pieces. I can make a five-inch section of fencing in about twenty minutes. […]

putz house sidewalks

There are many ways to make sidewalks for Putz houses. I’ll post some of my favorites here. I use foam-filled nail files as sanding sticks. When they are too worn and smooth to sand any longer, I use them to make steps and sidewalks. A single largish piece can be used to make a landing […]

tutorial: heart-punched fence

The fence shown below was made with a heart-shaped, hand-held punch. This tutorial will make two 1/2″-tall fence sections. If taller fences are wanted, only one side of the poster board strip should be punched, then the strip can be cut to the height desired. Supplies needed to make the fence: 10″-12″ long piece of […]

drawing a roof for a putz house bumpout or porch

If you have questions about this process, please ask. I will edit the tutorial to reflect points that clarify the instructions. Following is a picture of the simple pattern I drew to illustrate the process. On the pattern, dotted lines are fold lines and solid lines are cut lines. Brown = The depth of the […]

making picket fences for putz houses

After making this Putz house, I decided to write a tutorial about how to make the picket fence. It’s not hard. Just takes a little time. But after you have made a few, it becomes easier and quicker. Supplies needed: popsicle sticks X-acto / craft knife scallop scissors zigzag scissors straight scissors posterboard or coffee […]

making wreaths and garlands for putz houses

Sometimes, when making Putz houses, it can be hard to find items small enough for use as embellishments, such as wreaths, snowmen, etc. Now that I am making mini and tiny-mini sized Putz houses, I have started making my own wreaths to get the sizes I want. It’s easy, it’s cheap, and they can be […]

how to build a putz house / part 3 of 3 / adding a base and embellishments

This is Part 3 of three tutorials about how to construct a Putz house or “little glitter house” as they are sometimes called. This tutorial is meant as a guide to the way I construct a Putz house. Keep in mind that I have my own style and my own techniques, and the following directions […]

how to make a putz house / part 2 of 3 / assembling and painting the putz

This is Part 2 of three tutorials about how to construct a Putz house or “little glitter house” as they are sometimes called. This tutorial is meant as a guide to the way I construct a Putz house. Keep in mind that I have my own style and my own techniques, and the following directions […]

how to make a putz house / part 1 of 3 / from pattern to ready to assemble

This tutorial is meant as a guide to the way I construct a Putz house. Keep in mind that I have my own style and my own techniques, and the following directions will reflect that. Other Putzers have their own styles and techniques, so don’t take this as the only way to make a Putz. […]