Category Archives: tutorials

tutorial / how to make an evergreen hedge for a putz house

Adding an evergreen hedge to a Putz house adds extra color and a change of pace from a fence cut from poster board. A hedge can be put around the yard, against a building or along a sidewalk. My personal preference is the evergreen that has some brown in it. Completely green is fine, too. […]

tutorial / make leafed trees using armatures, part 2

The first part of this tutorial can be found here: tutorial / make leafed model trees using armatures, part 1 Part 1 explained how I use wired tree armatures to make the trunk and branches for Putz house trees. I also make trees from the stems of flowers I use for embellishing Putz houses. That’s […]

thatching tutorial

I love these little Irish cottages. The thatched roof on the Putz shown here is my own creation and design. Every time I thatch a cottage, I learn something new and tweak the process to make it better than the last time. The first time I thatched an Irish cottage, I used rafia. I like […]

making picket fences for putz houses

After making this Putz house, I decided to write a tutorial about how to make the picket fence. It’s not hard. Just takes a little time. But after you have made a few, it becomes easier and quicker. Supplies needed: popsicle sticks X-acto / craft knife scallop scissors zigzag scissors straight scissors posterboard or coffee […]

making wreaths and garlands for putz houses

Sometimes, when making Putz houses, it can be hard to find items small enough for use as embellishments, such as wreaths, snowmen, etc. Now that I am making mini and tiny-mini sized Putz houses, I have started making my own wreaths to get the sizes I want. It’s easy, it’s cheap, and they can be […]

how to build a putz house / part 3 of 3 / adding a base and embellishments

This is Part 3 of three tutorials about how to construct a Putz house or “little glitter house” as they are sometimes called. This tutorial is meant as a guide to the way I construct a Putz house. Keep in mind that I have my own style and my own techniques, and the following directions […]

how to make a putz house / part 2 of 3 / assembling and painting the putz

This is Part 2 of three tutorials about how to construct a Putz house or “little glitter house” as they are sometimes called. This tutorial is meant as a guide to the way I construct a Putz house. Keep in mind that I have my own style and my own techniques, and the following directions […]

how to make a putz house / part 1 of 3 / from pattern to ready to assemble

This tutorial is meant as a guide to the way I construct a Putz house. Keep in mind that I have my own style and my own techniques, and the following directions will reflect that. Other Putzers have their own styles and techniques, so don’t take this as the only way to make a Putz. […]