Category Archives: menu

menu plan monday ~ february 29, 2016

Last Wednesday we had three inches of snow and blowing wind. And Sunday, the Lenten Roses were blooming in the warm sunshine. DH dug a pot of daffodil bulbs and we watched them bloom on the kitchen counter. I continued work at the craft desk and added charms and dangles to finish a set of […]

menu plan monday ~ february 22, 2016

The twins came over for the weekend. It was a lot of fun to have them around. I sent them out with my camera to take pictures of signs of spring. Rose Red was very interested in all the camera buttons and settings. Snow white spent more time looking for interesting things to photograph. They […]

menu plan monday ~ february 15, 2016

We are seeing signs of spring, even if it’s only inside the house. Our late blooming Christmas cactus has a bud. And the hippeastrum is blooming. My mother called this clivia, but that isn’t the correct name. She took a start from this plant at her great-uncle’s house years ago. It is commonly called an […]

menu plan monday ~ february 8, 2016

Today is cold and windy. Overcast and snowing now and then. I’m thankful for our warm home. A good day for Winston to catnap in a comfy spot. I finished the menu for the week. I had it laid out yesterday but didn’t get around to finishing the post. Here it is. The Slow Cooker […]

roasted ranch potatoes

I tried a new-for-me recipe this week. I based my version on this recipe that I found online. Roasted Ranch Potatoes with Bacon and Cheese I have to use dry onion (and not a lot of it) in dishes I make because my husband is allergic to onion. The dry onion flakes don’t seem to […]

menu plan monday ~ february 1, 2016

The grands were here last weekend. Their parents came to take down the last of the Christmas decorations (yeah!!). Things look a bit bare now, but it is nice to have it all stored away for next year. I worked on more soldered ornaments this past week. These are fun to make. You can find […]

menu plan monday ~ january 25, 2016

When it’s very cold (and for me that’s anything under 25°), I feel like time crawls along. Not sure why. But there it is. So the past week or so has been dragging. I’ve looked at the forecast and the weather looks better going forward. Even some 50s on the horizon. I like the sound […]

menu plan monday ~ january 18, 2016

Every year, about this time, I find these on the kitchen table. While the grands were here this weekend, they made good use of the basil seeds. Rose Red had made a planter from an egg carton and craft supplies. Pa helped her plant it with basil. Snow White planted her seeds in a flower […]

menu plan monday ~ november 30, 2015

This is a very busy week for us. We will host our annual Christmas Open House this coming Sunday. There is a long list of things to finish before Sunday gets here. Today, I did some baking and made some truffles. I have five or six items that can’t be made until Thursday or Friday, […]

menu plan monday ~ november 23, 2015

Only four days until Thanksgiving! We will have a busy week, with Thanksgiving and more Christmas Open House prep. There are three or four trees left to put up. Three easy ones and one big one. Otherwise, it’s tweaking and fluffing and cleaning. My sister and I will go room to room today and make […]