Category Archives: menu

menu plan monday ~ september 16, 2013

The twins were here Saturday and they found a pumpkin in the garden. Pa let them pick it, of course. 🙂 They drew faces all over it. Snow White said she taught Rose Red how to make a face. “Oval, oval. Triangle. Line, line. Tooth, tooth.” That about covers it. When the twins aren’t here, […]

menu plan monday ~ september 9, 2013

This weekend, I had the help of our middle daughter and my sister in reorganizing the scrapbook room. It needed it badly. Things have piled up and the cabinets no longer store the things I need where I need them. So we took everything off the counters and everything out of the cabinets on the […]

menu plan monday ~ september 2, 2013

The garden is beginning to make the move to autumn. The Sunday bouquet was made of Jerusalem Artichoke, hydrangeas, and ‘Becky’ daisies. We had a nice weekend and enjoyed the extra day to relax. Our son and his family came for lunch today. DH grilled, I made peach/blueberry cobbler, and DH made peach ice cream. […]

menu plan monday ~ august 26, 2013

This past week, we welcomed our oldest daughter home from New York where she worked at a summer camp. It was great to see her again. Seemed she had been gone a long time. Her cat Cedar was very happy to see her again, too! When she went outside to run an errand, Cedar sat […]

menu plan monday ~ august 19, 2013

We’re enjoying the Spiced Peach Jam that we made on Saturday. My only caveat is that the link suggests turning the hot jam over and sealing the jars without a hot water bath. I don’t recommend that. We put the 8-oz jars into a hot water bath for 10 minutes. Safely sealed. Delicious jam. Especially […]

menu plan monday ~ august 12, 2013

With many thanks to a dear friend, we have canning in our future. He brought peaches with promises of more, if we want them. Yes! Peach jam, peach pie, peach cobbler, canned peaches…what’s not to want? Buttercup set up guard. I think she liked the smell of the fresh fruit. The house cats have been […]

menu plan monday ~ august 5, 2013

Sunday’s bouquet was made of purple cone flowers, phlox, and obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana). A study in pink. Surprise lilies are up, too, but I decided to leave them out. Time enough for them next week. Our daughters did some school supply shopping this week. Amy thought that was all for her. We made Rosemary […]

busy week…what’s left of the menu

Last weekend was long and busy. But the weather has been outstanding and we’ve had the windows open. That’s are real treat for July. So nice to hear the birds singing and the locust calling. It’s high summer, even if the temps are way below average. Snow White heard the loud bugs one evening at […]

menu plan monday ~ july 22, 2013

We had a lot of twin time this past week while their parents were out of town for the weekend. Lots of fun, as usual. They made colorful cookies with Pa. And Snow White helped knead the bread. They read lots of books during quiet time. They like to push the love seats together, but […]

menu plan monday ~ july 15, 2013

The past week seemed oddly timed. I couldn’t keep track of what day it was. The days seemed very long. DH was gone Friday and Saturday which didn’t help my time keeping. I guess I use his usual routine as a touch stone for my day. He went to Indiana to participate in RAIN, which […]