Author Archives: ~~Rhonda

Living in a small town, I share my life with my husband Russell (married in 1977), five children (one still at home), and six cats (one indoors, the others outside).

I teach an online class called “The Christmas Notebook” which is about all things holiday prep. The many facets of celebrating Christmas comprises one of my favorite hobbies. Other favorite things include gardening, reading, cooking, and scrapbooking.

new spool ornaments

I finished a few more spool ornaments. I plan to take proper pictures and post the ornaments to Etsy today. How do you feel about snow like the red one has? Yes, please? Or, no, I like them better without? The bead stars I used on my previous spool ornaments were blue like on the […]

menu plan monday ~ july 25, 2016

Just for fun, I thought I’d show you my spool jars since I mentioned them in this post – spool ornaments. All this stuff came from my mom’s stash. I am happy to have it and to use it to carry on her creative efforts. I got my artsy genes from her. Thanks, Mom! After […]

spool ornaments

I noticed on Pinterest that my spool ornaments, and the tutorial for the same, get a lot of pins. Since they are popular, I decided to make some for my Etsy shop ChristmasNotebook. BTW, here’s the link to the tutorial: ornament tutorial: bottle brush tree on a wooden spool If you make any, I’d love […]

putz houses and making tiny tinsel trees

I have finished the second set of Putz houses for this week. The first one is a two-tier house in blue and green, which is my favorite color combination for these little houses. For this house, I made silver “trees” from 3/4″ wide, wired, silver tinsel roping. I cut the wired tinsel to the length […]

two finished putz houses

I have enjoyed getting back to crafting after a week or so of sorting, organizing and rearranging my craft room. The first house I finished is a small yellow one. It’s a simple design that reminds me a lot of vintage glitter houses. I used some vintage mercury glass beads to decorate the front yard. […]

why i haven’t been crafting this week…

I have had a lot of issues with my legs, especially my left leg, over the past few years. One of the things it has kept me from doing is climbing the stairs to the second floor where my wonderful craft room is. The ceilings in our house are twelve feet high and that makes […]

menu plan monday ~ july 18, 2016

I’ve spent several days working on rearranging my craft room. Still have a ways to go, but have a good incentive to get things done. My dear friend Marsha and her husband Paul are coming to visit on Wednesday. MJ and I will spend the day crafting. Our husbands will spend the day catering to […]

menu plan monday ~ july 11, 2016

This week I am working in my craft room upstairs to organize and rearrange it. I want it to be laid out better for working on items for my Etsy shop. Major overhaul needed. So I won’t be crafting this week. And I won’t be doing much cooking. If I took a picture of the […]

a busy day turned into a lazy day

Hello, friends! I hope you are having a good weekend. Today turned out to be warm and humid, but it was beautiful this morning. We had planned to have a dinner party this evening, but the guest of honor is ill and had to postpone. We are praying he and his family recover and are […]

menu plan monday…i mean tuesday!…~ july 5, 2016

I am trying to remember that today is Tuesday. Does it feel like a Monday to anyone else? It’s going to throw me off schedule all week! We had a great Fourth. DH took Snow White, Rose Red, Middle Daughter and her friend Vivian to the parade. It was the 150th anniversary of this particular […]