Monthly Archives: March 2024

has spring found you?

We have been enjoying daffodils and other spring flowers for a month or so. Today DH picked a sprig of lilac for me. A tiny bouquet that smells so good! We’ve lived in our new home for 2 1/2 years. The yard has a long way to go before we can enjoy the number of […]

craft storage / picket fence supplies

One of my favorite storage systems are small, three-drawer, plastic containers. They work well to contain supplies that are needed only for one particular project.  These drawers are stored in the island in the middle of the craft room. I can turn in my desk chair, grab a drawer, and turn back to my desk […]

tutorial / making picket fences for Putz houses / 2024

I have written a few posts about making fences for Putz houses, but as time goes by, experience lends a hand. This post contains instructions for my latest method. I find this method easy and fairly quick, considering it involves many small pieces. I can make a five-inch section of fencing in about twenty minutes. […]

tutorial / putz house construction…on the inside

I have cut this pattern from poster board, affixed the window panes, and am ready to construct it. This is pattern 090319. I always add a base to each putz house pattern I draw. The base is attached to the main body of the house. The walls are glued to the flaps on the base […]

i’m baaaa…aaack…i think.

It has been three years since I have posted to this blog. At that time, I had thought about changing to a different format. I had some help from one of my kids (all my “kids” are grown and gone from home), but I had a lot of trouble trying to change over. So, I […]